I am new here despite been on a fertility journey for nearly 5 years. I have low AMH and the most eggs we have ever had is 3 per egg collection. We have done x4 egg collection and had a fresh transfer and now had a frozen transfer with a 3bb blastocyst. This was our only blastocyst from 3 egg collections back to back before transferring. Prior to transfer I had 3 months of Prostap for Adenomyosis to try and improve success. We had ivf with icsi as OH has reduced sperm count due to varicocele.
I have had pain in my groins and legs which has disppeared since yesterday. On Sunday I had back ache felt dizzy and at one point nauseas. Monday I had runny discharge early on and what I thought was spitting on wiping but now I’m questioning myself. My legs aches all day mostly to the groin and thighs but today no symptoms and boobs have not been sore at all.
Has our only chance failed 😞
I’ve done everything I’ve been advised (including eating a whole avocado a day and I hate avocado!)
I can’t ever see an end to this. Any advice at all?