IVF Blastocyst grading information - Fertility Network UK

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IVF Blastocyst grading information

Starfire45 profile image
23 Replies

I have just gone through am IVF embryo transfer, my first IVF at aged 41 after few years of unexplained infertility with no obvious issue on either side. I got 20 eggs retrieved, 12 mature and 8 fertilized and 2 made it to day 5. My day 5 blastocysts were graded 4AC and 4BC and I was told they were good but after doing a lot of online reading I am now not sure because of the C? I had both put back in.

Does anyone know if this is good? I had none left to freeze so bit anxious. I am well aware of the impact of my age.

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Starfire45 profile image
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23 Replies
Millbanks profile image

Hi lovely, try not to fixate too much on the grading. If the embryologist thinks they are good enough to put back then they have a chance. I’ve seen people on here have top grade 5AA embryos fail and 3BC work, so all you can do now is wait. Best of luck xx

Starfire45 profile image
Starfire45 in reply to Millbanks

Thank you. Just found out today my treatment failed and totally heartbroken. I’m 41 without kids and not keen on donor eggs or adoption for lots of reasons so this is likely end of the road for us.

Millbanks profile image
Millbanks in reply to Starfire45

I'm so sorry to hear that my lovely. This was your first right? There are lots of things that you can do to help improve your chances and increase the quality of your eggs, if you would try another cycle. There are also lots of test that you can try to help too - but I totally understand if it seems like too much of a rabbit hole to go down. There are a lot of variables in IVF and you have to get all your ducks in a row, so to speak. Although having said that, it is a bit of a numbers game too. Do you have a follow up with your consultant? Maybe you can talk through options and possibilities. Just because you are 41 doesn't mean it has to be the end of the road. Sending you lots of love today xx

Starfire45 profile image
Starfire45 in reply to Millbanks

Hi, we tried naturally for 2.5 years and yes first ivf. I honestly did everything I could to get good quality, diet, accupuncture, loads supplements, Chinese herbs, exercise, everything. Feel so rung out by it all. I’ve phoned number to get counselling and help from my gp. :(

Millbanks profile image
Millbanks in reply to Starfire45

That's a very good idea. It is exhausting. I would definitely follow up with your consultant too xx

Belangalo profile image

Please do not worry about the grading 😊 As one lady said - it's more of a beauty contest than anything else. The really important stuff is the chromosomal information inside the embie which isn't visible through a microscope.

I had 3 fully expanded AA embies transferred and they resulted in 1 chemical and 2 BFN. The most likely reason for this failure was chromosomal abnormalities in the embryos. So grading really doesn't guarantee anything. Please relax and focus on taking care of yourself 😊 IVF is a brutal journey without worrying about things like grading. You got this! Good luck and best wishes for sticky beans! 🤞🤞🤞

Running79 profile image


I’m 41 nearly 42.

Take no notice of the grading, it is based on the embryologists opinion

I’ve had what was described as top quality embryos 5BB’s, 3BB’s etc the ones put back failed and a couple of others were PGTA tested and were chromosomally abnormal

We did two rounds with my eggs before we went to known donor egg

I’ve learnt and work on the basis, if your embryo is viable it will implant if it isn’t it won’t

IvfStruggler profile image

The rating 4 is good because it means it is an expanded blastocyst. Some clinics use a C to indicate poor quality but obviously not your clinic. I have been at two clinics in two different countries and for both of them C was average. Because within this rating system an A is then to mean excellent and a B is good then taken together 4AC and 4BC are good embryos with excellent chances. Clinics that use C to indicate poor quality tend to rate more embryos with an A. It’s just a different system. But I also agree with the other comments; ultimately it just says something about how the blastocysts looks. But either way- yours look good! Good luck xxx

IvfStruggler profile image
IvfStruggler in reply to IvfStruggler

Just to add- I did the same kind of research and had the same worries so I checked with my clinic. Xxx

Starfire45 profile image
Starfire45 in reply to IvfStruggler

Hi my treatment has failed and this could be end of the road for us. I’m 41 and that was best shot I could give it. We are not wanting to do donor/adoption etc and not sure if another round is worth it when odds so low at my age and the expense. Very sad today.

IvfStruggler profile image
IvfStruggler in reply to Starfire45

I'm so sorry to hear this. IVF is such a horrible thing- I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I can imagine you are incredibly sad and unsure about what you want to (and financially can) do next. We have had to use a sperm donor as my partner has absolutely none himself. After being initially hesitant this decision has always been the easy part of IVF with absolutely no doubts at all. But I completely understand this isn't for everyone. After several failed rounds I have been thinking about a life without children and I've been finding organisations such as Gateway women really helpful. I wish you all the best. Please take care of yourself xx

My beautiful daughter was a bc embryo Good luck x

thetallgirl profile image

Try not to focus on grading (hard I know!). I’m currently 18 weeks pregnant after transferring 2 C grade embryos. One stuck around 😀. My clinic don’t do the usual ‘4BC’ style grading they just give one letter. We had 17 eggs collected, 16 mature, 13 fertilised but only 2 made it to blastocyst at a grade they were willing to transfer. We did get some D, E and F blasts too. If the clinic have transferred, then they have a good chance of implanting. Wishing you lots of luck for the TWW!

Sweatsour profile image

They are good grading . Don't worry about it too much. I am holding in my arms super healthy beautify baby girl from 4BC embrio:)

Starfire45 profile image
Starfire45 in reply to Sweatsour

Hi my treatment has failed. No plan B at the moment just heartbroken.

Eesa1 profile image

Hi hun I'm 44 and I had just 1 reach to 4bc .I did get pregnant and had miscarriage at 5 weeks.so you have double up chance.goodluck hun and rest up.sending you prayers.

Missorla profile image

If you look at literature on google there are a lot of disheartening info.... "poor", "discard", etc. I've been many women in other forums having BFN!!! I am currently 31 weeks with a BC, so it is definitely very possible. Wishing you lots of luck in your journey. X

Sea_tan profile image
Sea_tan in reply to Missorla

Thanks, Missorla!

Crabonks profile image

Hi there! I was 42 when I had my first IVF with ICSI. I had 30 removed, 18 mature, 4 fertilized and 2 made it to PGS testing - they were 5BB and 5BC. Only one was good enough for transfer and she's currently wriggling in my belly at 24 weeks tomorrow - she was the 5BC! I was surprised at this as I thought the one that took would be the 5BB but nope - that one was chromosomal abnormal. Good lck!!

Starfire45 profile image
Starfire45 in reply to Crabonks

Hi my treatment failed. I really thought I had a shot as they got 20 eggs, 2 made it to day 5. No plan B at the moment, just really sad.

Crabonks profile image
Crabonks in reply to Starfire45

Oh no, I'm sorry to hear this! Did you get either of them PGS tested? xx

Savs profile image

Try not to focus on the grading I’ve had higher grades that didn’t take and lower that did. If they are good enough to transfer they are good enough to survive in to healthy babies. Good luck x

leo1980 profile image

Hi, I am so so sorry your cycle failed. IVF is pretty much a numbers game… the longer you go the more likely you are to find your chromosomally normal egg.- that is what you are looking for. Don’t worry about grading. I have had top quality hatching blastocysts fail to implant… on my last round we tested my 5 day embryos. The two good looking ones were abnormal but the two inferior looking ones were normal…. We only decided to test on the day of transfer. Up until I got in the room I wanted the nice looking ones transferred and the not so good looking ones discarded… but the clever embryologist was like hang on.. why transfer at all today - let’s learn something about you- considering 4 failed rounds and we are none the wiser as to why..You are still producing good egg numbers so you still have a shot…

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