Frustrating : Is it just me or does... - Fertility Network UK

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Anonymous29 profile image
44 Replies

Is it just me or does everyone seem pregnant at the moment? 🤦🏻‍♀️😫 genuinely happy for them but it's just everywhere I look right now

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Anonymous29 profile image
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44 Replies
Partimerunner profile image

I know how you feel. We’ve just made the decision to have IVF and getting our heads round it and one of my good friends today told me she’s pregnant. Happy for her but finding it all very tough

Anonymous29 profile image
Anonymous29 in reply to Partimerunner

I feel like an awful person for thinking the way I am but I feel like everywhere I turn there is a pregnant woman 😂 my sister in law, my colleague, my friends daughter... every celebrity I follow on Instagram. It is so tough! Bless you, wish you all the luck for IVF. I'm in the process of losing weight so that we're eligible. Is this the first treatment route you are going down? We haven't been offered anything prior to IVF

Partimerunner profile image
Partimerunner in reply to Anonymous29

I know, before we started trying ourselves it wasn’t ever this tough to hear or see other people’s pregnancy news. I need a coping mechanism or two for it I think. Went out for a walk this evening after hearing the news which helped a bit. It’s our first round of IVF and the clinic recommended that following the tests. We are unexplained...Wishing you luck with your prep for IVF and if you find any coping mechanisms for other people’s pregnancy news please let me know! Even this chat is a help as it can feel quite isolating 😊

Anonymous29 profile image
Anonymous29 in reply to Partimerunner

Yeah I definitely think chatting about it and realising we're not the only ones that feel this way! I had reflexology last night which I'm hoping helps with the stress but we'll see 😂I have PCOS apparently but to be honest I'm not convinced. I think it's also unexplained infertility because the hospital were like 'we think it could be PCOS but it might not be' 🤦🏻‍♀️ and I don't have a lot of the symptoms, being overweight is probably my only symptom!

Partimerunner profile image
Partimerunner in reply to Anonymous29

Enjoy the reflexology! I’m looking into that myself too 😀

Anonymous29 profile image
Anonymous29 in reply to Partimerunner

It was the most relaxing thing I've ever experienced! I can't obviously comment on whether it works yet but I'm booked in for every 3 weeks because even if it doesn't help fertility, it's so relaxing and a bit of me time! Good luck with everything ❤

Partimerunner profile image
Partimerunner in reply to Anonymous29

You too and we can remember this conversation if anyone else announces a pregnancy to remind us we’re not alone. Very best of luck xx

RhinoCat profile image

Yep! Even princes b is pregnant 🤪 tune it out 😜

Anonymous29 profile image
Anonymous29 in reply to RhinoCat

Haha it's so hard though! 😂

RhinoCat profile image
RhinoCat in reply to Anonymous29

Yep it is 😔 but getting Cariss doesn’t help with the ivf down days. Some of these people must want it as much as us , right? Lucky them 🤪.... it’s not easy some

Days! Maybe tomo won’t seem

So bad 😘

Anonymous29 profile image
Anonymous29 in reply to RhinoCat

Ahh it doesn't but I find talking about it helps... because pretending not to be heartbroken every time someone announces a pregnant doesn't help my own mental health. So happy for anyone who is lucky enough for it to happen, just sad for myself and partner.

muststayhopeful profile image
muststayhopeful in reply to Anonymous29

Completely agree. I came off Facebook and only follow celebs/interesting accounts online. Then unfollow pregnant celebs. It’s super tough. I have a separate Instagram account where I follow infertility accounts and it’s a great escapism. Prioritise yourself. It’s hard enough! Xx

Anonymous29 profile image
Anonymous29 in reply to muststayhopeful

Yeah that's a good idea! If only life was straightforward. The last few weeks I've started to put myself first. Just with little things like getting my nails done, reflexology. Feel like a little treat goes a long way right now xx

Candlewax3 profile image

It’s everywhere!! I go home have a cry to my husband who is the most positive man on the planet & tells me we will get there 🌈 & then I can face another day xx

Anonymous29 profile image
Anonymous29 in reply to Candlewax3

Ahh I'm pleased you have someone so supportive, I'm lucky to have that too ❤

XOXO13 profile image

Ohhh it’s EVERYWHERE!!! So many influencers/celebrities as well as acquaintances are pregnant - I’ve had to switch my personal social media off too because I just see scan pictures too often and scan pictures are a big trigger for me. We put ourselves through so much, so it naturally hurts our hearts when it happens for others and not for ourselves. I keep telling myself that it will be me and my husbands time soon 🍀🌈 xxx

Anonymous29 profile image
Anonymous29 in reply to XOXO13

We just have to try and stay positive but it's sooo hard. I think this week alone I've had 10 pregnancy announcements 🤦🏻‍♀️😂

Daffodils140 profile image

Completely know what you mean, people at work, family members, agghhh!

Anonymous29 profile image
Anonymous29 in reply to Daffodils140

Soooo frustrating! I'm sure we'll have our time one day!

Sunshine809 profile image

It's not just you! I'm hating life at the moment - everywhere I turn there seems to be another pregnancy announcement or new baby story! It's so hard 😔 I'm struggling to be genuinely happy for some of them now - think I've moved to fake happy! 😄

Anonymous29 profile image
Anonymous29 in reply to Sunshine809

Awwww I'm 100% fake happy 😂 but hopefully it's us one day!

Mhairiuk profile image

Yes! Our first ivf failed on Tuesday and since then I found out 3 of my friends/family are pregnant. I want to be so happy for them but it's so hard x

Anonymous29 profile image
Anonymous29 in reply to Mhairiuk

Ahhh I'm so sorry 😞 it's absolutely heartbreaking and so difficult to process x

Pineapple14 profile image

I have really felt it this week too you are not alone. So many announcements from friends and celebrities. I feel drained this week with it all to be honest but saw this little quote pop up which I thought was nice and just what I needed to see at the right time ❤️ We will get there

Images are hidden by default on this community.

Anonymous29 profile image
Anonymous29 in reply to Pineapple14

Ah that is a lovely quote! Just got to try and find coping mechanisms I suppose, and hold out until it's our time

Londongirl84 profile image

I know! I feel like this too!! 😞😞😞

lnf17 profile image

I was literally just crying to my other half about this the other day. It’s not even people I know, but every time I read the news or watch people on YouTube they’re announcing.I use youtube as my escape & it feels like that’s not safe anymore.

I feel bad bcos you don’t know the journey these people have been on but in the other hand I just want 2 scream, why not us!!

❤️ xx

Anonymous29 profile image
Anonymous29 in reply to lnf17

That's what always makes me feel bad because I have absolutely no clue what journey these people have been on, but it's just so exhausting pretending to be ok! Xx

lnf17 profile image
lnf17 in reply to Anonymous29

I’m totally with u. I get so drained by having to put my “happy face” on. Sometimes I just want to feel sorry 4 myself & cry..... & I do lol.Trying to keep positive is soooo hard but somehow we find the strength 2 keep going! It will b our time one day! 💪🏻🍀xx

Crazy_girl profile image

My husband always says things are always there, it’s just that we are zooming into things that is relevant to our lives at that point. I kind of agree with this but it’s too difficult to accept it as well. It made me wonder why I see pregnant people around more than usual and why I see more kids around me. The way I dealt with would remain in my head for a couple of days and eventually it would die down and I would get on as normal till I would be reminded of it by a new situation and again same cycle would repeat!

Each person is different and takes time to deal with things differently.

The best thing you are doing is by venting it here and it will make you feel lighter.

Anonymous29 profile image
Anonymous29 in reply to Crazy_girl

Yeah I definitely believe it's better to vent than bottle it all up. It's difficult but I am sure we'll all have positive news one day

Crazy_girl profile image
Crazy_girl in reply to Anonymous29


RoseLodge32 profile image

Oh my gosh I know exactly how you feel!! Just in the last few weeks there have been 6(!!) pregnancy announcements amongst people I know. It's such a weir feeling as like you say, you are happy for them but it's also a stark reminder of your own situation (as if you need reminding!). I stay off socials for this exact reason but the last few weeks it's been impossible to avoid!

Anonymous29 profile image
Anonymous29 in reply to RoseLodge32

It is heartbreaking seeing it constantly but yeah I think I may do the same and come off social media.

RoseLodge32 profile image
RoseLodge32 in reply to Anonymous29

It’s definitely helped me as I now only hear about the pregnancy’s of the people in my life vs someone who went to school with a friend of a friend of a friend! Sending my love, it’s hard but I’m sure we will get there xx

Anonymous29 profile image
Anonymous29 in reply to RoseLodge32

Yeah I'm definitely going to give that a try. I've also just started reflexology which I'm hoping at least helps with the stress xx

Diana1207 profile image

Omg yes to this! We haven’t told anyone we’re doing IVF so makes it so much worse I think as nobody realises they need to be sensitive?! In the last 6 months, 4 of my close friends have had babies, 1 is due next week, 2 of my cousins, 3 colleagues, my dog walker, sister in law (!) and a partridge in a pear tree!!! Honestly, everyone, and I’m not exaggerating- apart from the partridge ! It’s tough eh to keep a smile on your face while taking meds every night, dealing with side effects and going for extremely undignified appointments every week (never had my vagina had so much attention!😂). This forum is amazing though to rant and read and know you’re not on your own with it so thanks to everyone on here. Keep the faith ladies 🤞🏼

Anonymous29 profile image
Anonymous29 in reply to Diana1207

Yeah that's probably one of my issues too as not everyone is aware we have fertility issues... but still 😂 we've just got to find our own ways to stay strong

I’ve recently realised that it’s ok to feel like we do. It is part and parcel of the invisible grief of infertility. The way I got my head around it is that if a friend has lost a family member, she doesn’t want me to also lose a family member, she just wishes she has hers with her. Don’t know if that helps but it stopped me feeling guilty when I had the negative emotions associated with seeing pregnant people xx

Anonymous29 profile image
Anonymous29 in reply to strawberriesandcream

That's actually a really clever way to think about it, thank you for that! Wish you all the best xx

I can relate to how you feel, it's incredibly hard to see pregnancy announcements everywhere. I think accepting that you feel that way and that's okay while having a good cry helps. I used to work in a restaurant and it felt like everyone had a baby or was pregnant. I used to make myself count the people who didn't have children or weren't pregnant and helped me deal with that voice in my head sometimes. X

Anonymous29 profile image
Anonymous29 in reply to Whatarollercoster

Yeah I think that's probably the biggest struggle... accepting that it's ok to feel the way we are feeling. I think my biggest problem is that I'm not open about my struggles with everyone, and the people that do know just see me laughing and smiling all the time so have no clue my heart is breaking daily. Suppose there's only me that can voice how I feel.

Bless you! I can imagine that being a really hard industry to work in, there's just no break from it xx

tiffanyc14218 profile image

I'm not from the UK. Im from the US, but doing IVF ive joined every group possible to learn. Coming from myself, 37yrs old....ive done everything in the book including 11 failed IUIS, a surgery in the middle of that to remove foreign found scar tissue. A yr&a half of clomid/femara cycles, hell even a stim cycle that was donated to me! But ive been @this so long, I wasn't able to go to loved ones baby showers any longer yrs ago, bc it hurt so bad. 1st IVF transfer worked, barely. My 1st hcg beta was 57. Here I am 23wks+, pregnant with a girl, &been thru everything. I hope u find yourselves here, just PLEASE know ur not alone. It wasn't supposed2 take this to get me pregnant, nor yrs&yrs&yrs&yrs. But here we r! ❤to all!

Anonymous29 profile image
Anonymous29 in reply to tiffanyc14218

I think it's just such a hard journey and when I hear what someone has been through, I genuinely smile because I'm so happy for them! So much congratulations for you!!I think I get mostly frustrated when people have no clue how lucky they are to be pregnant. My own sister inlaw whinges because of the date her baby is due (it's the same date as her first child) and I know she's well in her rights to whinge about it, it just upsets me cos I'd give anything to be in that situation!

I genuinely wish you and your little girl all the luck in the world xxx

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