Bleeding with clots 5 weeks pregnant ... - Fertility Network UK

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Bleeding with clots 5 weeks pregnant after FET

Peppa24 profile image
20 Replies

Hi everyone,

I recently found out that I am pregnant from our frozen transfer. I am 5 and a half weeks now. 2 nights ago I woke up at 3am with some cramps and went to the toilet to see bright red blood and two clots. I went back to bed assuming I had miscarried. I didn’t even take my morning pessary. I spoke to the clinic and they said it can happen in frozen transfers and to keep taking my medication until I have a scan on Tuesday. I had a day of light brown spotting following the initial bleed but none today. I had a positive hpt this morning but I know it can take a while for the hcg to leave. I’ve had 2 mc before so expecting the worst. Just wondered if anyone has had similar?

Thanks 😊

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Peppa24 profile image
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20 Replies
Mwright85 profile image

If you look at my last post, I was 5 weeks and 5 days and had that happen. It's called SCH. Sub Chorionic Hematoma. It is common. Brown clots or discharge is good(it's old blood). If you have any more bright red bleeding then I'd say just go to your doctor and ask for an ultrasound. Mine let me.come in early cause I was freakin out. Baby is doing great and we actually heard the heartbeat...saying prayers for you but yes, keep on meds and REST. And remember if you are laying down for awhile, once you stand up you may have that gush of blood just because it has been pooling up inside you body so gravity once your up will have it all come out quick. Take it easy, no lifting over 10lbs, no vacuuming, anything that may contract your uterus, stay away from. ♡♡♡ saying a prayer for you and keep us updated!

Peppa24 profile image
Peppa24 in reply to Mwright85

Thanks for your reply ❤️ Congratulations on hearing the heartbeat, so wonderful. I shall try to keep positive and hope for the best for my scan!

Isababe21 profile image

Try to stay positive, the same happened to me at about almost 6 weeks. I had no cramps just a gush of red blood and clots for about half an hour and then I continue to have brown spotting. I had scan at 7 weeks 2 days and baby was measuring on track and heard heartbeat. I’m 15 weeks today and had my 12 weeks scan as well with baby measuring on track. I had 3 previous miscarriages so it was hard for me to believe I would have a positive outcome but thankfully I did. I’ll pray for you and keep taking the medications I didn’t stopped and I was on progesterone, estradiol and heparin. Also I’m 45 with my 3rd transfer.

AnnieMac123 profile image

Identical thing happened me at 6weeks...phoned local hospital and they took me straight in for scan. I was convinced I had lost the baby and cried my eyes out for the entire visit.. Nurse even broke covid rules to hug me... Doctor examined me and noticed a few clots as well.. She took a swab to rule out any infection. But she saw the heartbeat and explained that was a positive sign and that they were going to keep an eye on me with a follow up scan the next week at the early pregnancy unit. The bleeding stopped completely after few hours, followed by day of brown discharge (old blood). Hospital signed me off work for a week saying rest was very important and to avoid anything too manual, & get as much sleep as possible. At my follow up last friday, the doctor commented on a pool of blood behind baby, which I assumed was caused by left over blood from my bleed, she said very little about this so I assumed all was normal and it wasn't anything to worry about. She was happy with baby messurement and said when heart beat is seen it's almost 95% things will be ok.

3days after returning to work, my gp phoned when she received the hospital report and gave out yards about me being at work, she said I should have been off sick for at least 3weeks, she said this pooling of blood was a blood clot and could be dangerous if am not resting. I felt so bad for having gone back to work, no one had mentioned the word clot so it just made it seem so serious.... I booked a private scan yesterday, the consultant said my gp sounded very old school n that there was no need for me to rest for full 3weeks, he explained its normal to see blood next to baby after a bleed... Comparing it to banging your thumb, you expecting to see burised blood under ur skin for few weeks after hitting it.... He confirmed this was quite normal in early pregnancy and more common in ivf babies-the majority of time it's noting to worry about, again he was happy to see heartbeat and messauring as expected. He put my mind at ease big time. He also mentioned being on Clexane injection can also be a cause for this, but advised I was to remain on them.

I have had no pregnancy symptoms what so ever and had myself completely convinced it was going to be bad news yesterday. I didn't sleep for 2whole nights worrying what yesterdays scan was gonna bring. I prob did more damage to myself in those 2days worrying than the bleed did. It's impossible to tell you not to worry - if you are still bleeding contact ur local hospital they most likely will take you in for scan without u waiting until tue.... Especially with your history.... Rest up well over weekend... All is not lost just yet. Wishing you all the best.

Twiglet2 profile image

I had bleeding with a SCH too from 5-10 weeks (currently 37 weeks now) the clots were different from my early miscarriage (no tissue) but there was a LOT of bleeding on at least 2 occasions and the clots could be big. The clinic did an HCG test about 5.5weeks and as the levels were high the they did a 6 week scan (they normally wait until 8 weeks for their scans) and saw the SCH but also the baby and by 7 weeks the heartbeat too and monitored me for a few weeks. I would definitely call the clinic as they will be able to tell from your bloods and soon scan what might be happening. Wishing hard for the best for you 🤗🤞🏽Xx

Peppa24 profile image

Thanks for all your positive replies. Really praying all is ok. My clinic won’t give me any bloods they’ve just said to keep doing hpt which doesn’t tell me anything! I have had a bit more more brown spotting today and my hips and legs are really aching. Don’t know what that means! Can’t stop thinking about it, I hate being in limbo. I have a heart shaped uterus and I remember one nurse saying she’s ago I might have bleeding during pregnancy. It’s just scared me as everyone says red blood is bad especially with clots! I’m on progesterone injections as well this time so that may have something to do with it. Just trying to find some hope! Good luck with all your pregnancies ❤️🤞

Peppa24 profile image

I’m having a bit more red bleeding now 😭 Not as heavy as the first time and no clots yet. Mild cramps too. So so worried now. Did any of you have red bleeding more than once or twice?

Mazzath1 profile image

It's a good idea to take a pregancy test. To put your mind at ease. That's what my clinic advised me when I was bleeding. Clear blue one with the weeks. Xxx

Peppa24 profile image
Peppa24 in reply to Mazzath1

I’ve been taking them everyday and still had a strong positive this morning. Not sure it would be a negative yet though. I just have to wait until Tuesday for my scan but I’m worried sick xxx

Mazzath1 profile image
Mazzath1 in reply to Peppa24

I bleed all through my pregnancy. Even was taken into hospital twice by ambulance. Due to heavy bleeding..I now have twins aged 9 months. Try not to worry. Some women do bleed. But I remember how scary it Is. Xxx

Peppa24 profile image

Quick update- Had my scan this morning and was so surprised to see a heartbeat! I have a heart shaped uterus so they think the bleeding may be from the side that’s not got the baby. Still nervous as we have a long way to go, but today is a good day! Thanks for all your support ❤️

Alwaysbelieving profile image

Great news! So happy for you 😃 xx

Olivia80 profile image

This is a really positive post to read and am really pleased you have a heartbeat.

I’m currently flopped on the sofa after having 3 days of period type pains, bleeding yesterday and brown/black clots today. I should be 6 weeks 1 day today and am assuming the worst.

I can’t get a scan at fertility clinic or EPU until Thursday so am continuing medication (FET) until I know otherwise.

Can’t help but feel numb

Peppa24 profile image
Peppa24 in reply to Olivia80

Oh it’s so awful isn’t it! I had period pains with both of my bleeds and clots. Has the bleeding stopped? I asked the nurse about clots today and she didn’t seem too worried. Definitely keep taking the medication. I stopped after my first bleed and luckily the clinic called me about something else and told me to continue with it. My clinic said bleeding is very very common with frozen transfers. Just rest loads! Really praying that it is ok for you ❤️

Olivia80 profile image
Olivia80 in reply to Peppa24

Period pains started Thursday/Friday

Brown clots (from self investigation 🤢) Friday-Sunday (getting worse as days went on), then proper bleed yesterday for about 6 hours.

Black/brown clots / discharge today and a little red discharge this afternoon (sorry for the graphic detail)

Peppa24 profile image
Peppa24 in reply to Olivia80

It’s so hard to know, just rest loads if you can. I have everything crossed for your scan on Thursday xxx

Olivia80 profile image
Olivia80 in reply to Peppa24

Thank you 🤞🏽

Rkaur111 profile image

Hello ladies I’m currently 5 weeks and 3 days post FET my first cycle. Yesterday I had a heavy red bleed passing clots and cramping. I’ve expected the worst. I rang the clinic who told me not to worry and that it’s too early to do anything . The bleeding stopped after sn hour but was heavy red and large clots. 1 was wondering if anyone has experianced the same thing? Xxx

iti_727 profile image
iti_727 in reply to Rkaur111

M going through the same. now waiting for first ultrasound after 5 days. what’s your status now?

Peppa24 profile image
Peppa24 in reply to iti_727

Hey. Just an update from me if it helps. I had so much bleeding, pain and clots for nearly four months of my pregnancy. Had a scan every week privately. I couldn’t enjoy it at all. Everything turned out ok but nobody could tell me why I bled so much. Try not to lose hope. It’s the worst thing in the world and I’m sending so much love and positivity to you. Try and rest xx

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