Bleeding with clots at 5 weeks and 2 ... - Fertility Network UK

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Bleeding with clots at 5 weeks and 2 days

Daughterofaking profile image
41 Replies

Hi lovely ladies,

I want to know if anyone has experienced this and went ahead to have a heart beat during scan and baby turns out to be okay. I started bleeding yesterday morning and filled two pads and even passed a big clot. Went to my clinic and they said they cant say now and took a blood test to know how my HCG level is. I'm still going for my 6 weeks scan on Tuesday. I actually transfered two embies. I'm so worried and unhappy as i m not sure I'm still pregnant. Please is there anyone that has experienced bleeding with clots and went ahead to have a successful pregnancy? Thanks for your replies. xx

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Daughterofaking profile image
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41 Replies
FertileMind profile image

Morning! I haven't been in this position but I have heard that sometimes the twin won't make it and often the bleeding/clots will be the one that sadly wasn't strong enough. Stay positive - visualise your baby growing strong, the food passing through the umbilical cord and nourishing your baby - send beautiful thoughts. Praying for your scan on Tuesday that you are pregnant and all is good with your baby. Please let us know how you get on. xx

Daughterofaking profile image
Daughterofaking in reply to FertileMind

Thanks so much fertilemind for your reassuring reply. Trying to be positive though its hard. Will definitely update. xx

Mazzath1 profile image

Hi i had bleeding all through my pregnancy. I even hemorged 3 times. So scary. But I have now gave birth to my beautiful twins 2 weeks ago xxx

Daughterofaking profile image
Daughterofaking in reply to Mazzath1

Wow! What a great news. This has given me energy. Congratulations on having your beautiful twins after a scary experience. God be praised. Please dont mind me asking if you had any clots during bleeding?

Mazzath1 profile image
Mazzath1 in reply to Daughterofaking

Thank you. I did have clots. Honestly its so scary. Know how you feel. Literally bleed all through my pregancy. Clots pink blood red blood brown. So scary. But there here and healthy. They never could tell me why I was bleeding all the time. Xxx

Daughterofaking profile image
Daughterofaking in reply to Mazzath1

Thanks for your response. This has given me hope. My clot was one big one. Its very scary really. Will update when I get my result. Take care of yourself and lovely twins xx

Mazzath1 profile image
Mazzath1 in reply to Daughterofaking

Aww thank you. I used to always go to a& e before 12 weeks. They used to scan

Cinderella5 profile image

Im so sorry that you are going through this. I went through something similar along with another on here.....I sadly didnt have good news but she did and has now had her baby and she has far worse bleeding and passing clots than I did so there is definitely hope out there. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!xx

Daughterofaking profile image
Daughterofaking in reply to Cinderella5

Thanks for your encouraging words cinderella5. Trying to be positive but not easy. xx

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to Daughterofaking

I completely understand, its always good to hear stories of hope although I appreciate it does very little to reassure you!xx

12356 profile image

yes, I did my first Ivf in 2018 and bled for 4 days and my Son will be 2 years next month, sending you some hope and ❤❤❤❤❤

Daughterofaking profile image

Thanks for your encouraging reply. x

Yes I did. Filled a pad very quickly and had cramps and clots. I had a successful pregnancy and they didn’t really know the reason. Good luck xx

Daughterofaking profile image

Congratulations. I can't wait to get the result so I know. Thanks is is reassuringly. xx

Daughterofaking profile image
Daughterofaking in reply to Daughterofaking

Sorry I mean your reply is reassuring. xx

Daughterofaking profile image

Bleeding with clots update.

My clinic called me back this evening and said my beta is still very high, its 28,000 and they said the result is looking good. So will still update after my next week scan. Though still worried at what the scan will say. Thank you all for your encouraging reply. Will update after the scan. xx

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to Daughterofaking

Great news! I'm so pleased to see your update.🤞🏻xxx

Daughterofaking profile image

Thanks Cinderella5, I'm so happy. Fingers crossed till Tuesday scan. xx

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to Daughterofaking

All the very best....I'm rooting for you!!🙌🏻🥰xx

Running79 profile image

Wow. I’m due to test Sunday after a fresh embryo transfer on the 2nd July. Yesterday I started passing a bit of brown discharge - I’ve looked on forums and thought I’m not going to start worrying.

I’m working night shifts at the moment and been to the loo a couple of times and now had pinky/red blood when I wipe - I’m not quite freaking out but feeling a little bit helpless as there is no-one I can call at 4am 🤦‍♀️.

I’m just hoping everything is okay - I’ve had a BFP before but that ended in MC before the first scan, but I didn’t have any brown discharge or blood on that occasion

Daughterofaking profile image
Daughterofaking in reply to Running79

So far its not heavy bleeding at that point some people as I have read had that and still went ahead to have BFP as that looks like implantation bleeding. Fingers cross for you that all is well and you will get the result you seek. For me I'm still having abit of spotting and still waiting for y scan on Tuesday. I pray everything works well for us. Baby dust to us all. xx

Running79 profile image
Running79 in reply to Daughterofaking

Yes it’s very frustrating- I emailed the clinic - they just said brown discharge is normal, try not to worry keep taking the meds, if anything changes let us know - I thought well I did put that it was pinky as well Which I’m hoping they’ve read it properly 🤦‍♀️, the actual red blood came after I sent the email but was literally a couple of wipes worth and went away, so who knows, I suppose I’ll find out tomorrow x

Daughterofaking profile image
Daughterofaking in reply to Running79

Alright, good that you have communicated to them, its a good thing that its not heavy bleeding. So you should be fine, try and calm down and be hopeful, I believe all will be well. Keep us updated. xx

Running79 profile image

Tested this afternoon when I got up, had more blood, and no surprise it’s a negative 😢

Daughterofaking profile image
Daughterofaking in reply to Running79

I'm sorry Running79, this is sad. Just be strong and since there is lice there is hope, its not easy I know. You will definitely get a beautiful news in the future when you try again. If this doesnt work another will. Take care and be kind to yourself. Sending hugs. x

Stacia profile image

I had three episodes of heavy bleeding with clots that looked like tissue and I was convinced I had miscarried but I hadn't. No one could explain the source and cause of the bleeding. I'm now 31 weeks pregnant with a girl

Daughterofaking profile image
Daughterofaking in reply to Stacia

Wow! Happy to hear this good news. Congratulations and thanks for yoir response. I'm sure you must be so scared at the time. I pray mine turns out like yours too. Dont mind me asking, Pls how many weeks were you when you bled? xx

Stacia profile image
Stacia in reply to Daughterofaking

I bled at 6 weeks at 12 weeks and at 16 weeks and they were all heavy bleeds

Daughterofaking profile image
Daughterofaking in reply to Stacia

Thanks for your reply. x

Bunnywoo profile image

I'm sorry you're going through this, it is so worrying. This happened to me in my first pregnancy. I haemorrhaged about 6 times from 6 weeks onward, soaking thick pads in seconds, passing big clots etc. I was told I had a subchorionic haematoma. I stopped having the big bleeds at about 12 weeks and now that baby is a very feisty 4yr old getting ready to start school in September. Bleeding like that can mean the worst, but it also can all be ok. I was surprised I was alive after losing that much blood, let alone a tiny baby. Apparently it is quite common.I am keeping my fingers crossed for you that everything is ok xx

Daughterofaking profile image
Daughterofaking in reply to Bunnywoo

Thanks so much for your reply Bunnywoo, it gave me hope. x

Daughterofaking profile image

Bleeding and scan update.

Hi lovely ladies,

I went in for my scan today, I am 6 weeks, though the doctor said 6 wks 4 days. But counting from my last period which is 2nd of June. During scanning they can see two sacs and one already has a foetal pole and the other doesnt yet and I was told to come back in 6 weeks time for another scan before I am discharge hoping that the second one must have a heart beat by then. Though they said its somehow irregular in shape as my fibroid seems to be pushing it..

I am so happy that after passing such big blood clots that the babies are still intact. They are saying maybe the blood clot is from the fibroid but the fibroid isnt in the womb.

I want to say thank you to all you beautiful ladies for your support and kind words it really kept me going through this waiting period. I am so grateful.

Praying that the second baby picks up well. xx

Daughterofaking profile image
Daughterofaking in reply to Daughterofaking

Sorry I mean one already has a heart beat while the other doesnt yet.

ashalez profile image
ashalez in reply to Daughterofaking

Don't worry you other baby will make it😍😍😍

Look after yourself xxx

Daughterofaking profile image
Daughterofaking in reply to ashalez

Thanks ashalez for your kind words. I am hopeful that in the next scan the other baby will have a heart bit. This process isnt easy there is something to worry at almost everytime. I will update after next scan.x

ashalez profile image
ashalez in reply to Daughterofaking

I know what you mean it's natural to be worried but trust your self everything will be ok xxxxx

JoyfulStar profile image

Hi Daughterofaking, really love your name! 💞

I know this was a really old post but I was wondering what the overall outcome if you don’t mind sharing 🌹

Daughterofaking profile image

Hi Joyfulstar. Thanks for liking my name and I love yours too to be honest.

As regards your question. I went for the second scan after bleeding and it was seen that one baby was doing well with heart beat while the other was not as it had irregular shape and no more heart beat. Anyways, I continued bleeding for weeks after passing the first big clot and that was what the doctor said will happen. So I was given additional Lubion injection to be injected twice a day accompanied with the utrogesten tabs I was inserting twice a day too.

Long story short I went ahead to have one baby as I miscarried one of thr twin. Though I gave birth early at 29 weeks and two days because I contracted covid at the time and could not breath so I had an emergency surgery.

I had a baby boy and he is doing very well no concerns. He spent 76 days at the neonatal unit.

Currently now I'm pregnant naturally when I dint even expect. I'm still in my early days.

Hope I answered your question but if not do get back to me will be happy to help. I wish you all the best. Cheers xx

JoyfulStar profile image
JoyfulStar in reply to Daughterofaking

I am so sorry to hear you lost one twin and the story of your traumatic birth.

It all turned out good though so really happy for you. I love happy endings. Your story reminds me of a worship song that says “you turn my pain to praise and hurting to healing…”

I hope your second pregnancy goes on really smoothly 🙏🏾

Daughterofaking profile image

Yes everything is fine at the moment. God is wonderful and he will meet us all at thr points of our needs. What God cannot do does not exist. Thank you Joyful star and I wish you all the best and I pray your dream of having a baby come through. 🙏 xx

JoyfulStar profile image
JoyfulStar in reply to Daughterofaking

Amen! 🙏🏾

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