Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone has been advised to have the covid-19 vaccine prior to starting their IVF cycle? I'm due to have my first FET in May and was thinking it might be a good idea to try and have the first dose of the vaccine before starting. Does anyone have any experience of this? Thank you x
Covid-19 vaccine prior to starting FE... - Fertility Network UK
Covid-19 vaccine prior to starting FET cycle

Hello, I had the first dose of the vaccine about a month ago, and am due to start a FET cycle in about a month, so I guess in all there will be about two and a half months between the vaccination and the embryo transfer. My clinic were really vague and didn't really give any advice, but for me I decided I didn't want to put off taking the vaccine (I'm relatively higher risk at work), but also didn't want to delay my IVF too much, so this was my middle way compromise. Of course I don't yet know if it will work out for me. It's a tough choice to know exactly what's best I think. Wishing you loads of good luck and a happy outcome with your FET.
Thank you so much for your reply. I have a feeling my clinic are also going to be pretty vague (haven't had an amazing experience with them so far!). Sorry to ask and of course please feel free not to answer, but how did you go about booking your vaccination? Did you speak to your GP? Wishing you all the luck for your upcoming FET xx
I had my vaccine on 16th Feb and had a an egg collection last Wednesday and my clinic recommended it and as a hospital worker I got it through my job. If I get pregnant then I won’t take the second dose.
Hope this is helpful
The latest information for RCOG is there is no need to wait after having the vaccine to become pregnant. I personally would try and get the first dose in before so you have some protection if your transfer is successful but that’s completely your decision.
Here is the latest info: rcog.org.uk/en/guidelines-r...
Hi VioletWhen I started treatment in January I was advised by my clinic to not have the vaccine if I wanted to go ahead with treatment, or delay treatment for 6 months to have both vaccines.
I had a freeze all cycle. My consultant then sent out a video message advising patients to have the vaccine. So I had it last Tuesday and started meds Friday! I think now the advice is to only not have it if you are already pregnant.