Hi lovelies, random question: has anyone ever started stims for a fresh cycle on their bleed straight after a failed FET? Is there any reason why you couldn’t? X
Stims after failed FET : Hi lovelies... - Fertility Network UK
Stims after failed FET

I have no idea but have been wondering the same! Our FET looks like it’s a BFN too.... 😢 hope you’re ok xx
Awww I’m really sorry lovely. That sucks. Ugh it’s so hard isn’t it. I know, I want to crack on now but I’ve always been told to wait a month, but I’m just wondering why? I really want to start with this bleed which I guess technically is a withdrawal... xxx
Hmmmm was it a medicated fet? My clinic usually wants one normal bleed if i was on any kind of medication. For the mmc/cp it was two bleeds 😔

It was yes, my clinic says the same but they never give a reason really. So I just wondered if physiologically it would be a bad idea - like would you get less follicles etc? xx
You are absolutely right to ask that question. IF it has anything to do with all the hormones still floating in your system that can interfere with fresh round then it makes sense otherwise why wait. I sometimes also think that clinic need more time to schedule and prep cycles (they always take more patients than they can proper look after tbh) xx

Yes that's very true - I will ask the question anyway How are you doing? Are you starting another cycle? xx
Hi Millbanks, how are you? I don’t know the answer aside from both clinics I’ve been at don’t seem to mind doing things back to back. Sounds like a good idea. I guess you could get all of your embryos in the freezer and then do any further tests after. I always feel the stimming is the relatively less stressful part. Good luck with the answer! X
Hey lovely, I'm ok thanks - keen to crack on hence the question! That's really interesting - do they ask for a month between each or are they happy to go ahead with your next "bleed"... Totally agree re stimming being least stressful! How are you doing? What are your plans? xx
They are happy to go along with next bleed without the month inbetween but I’ve not been in your situation where you’re going straight into a fresh cycle. I have a friend who is having back to back abandoned fresh cycles, but I know that’s not a useful answer!
I’m straight into another FET so all being well, I’ll have a transfer next week. Although last night i dreamt we missed ovulation and the cycle got cancelled. Oh I hate my unconscious mind sometimes! X
That's good to know - I wasn't sure if it was universally accepted that you need a month - but if some do it then it can't be law! Its my decision really so just want to make the right one...Oh great! Everything crossed for you. Are you doing anything differently this time?
I know what you mean - I dreamt the other night that I'd missed my trigger shot.... xxx
I’ve been told it’s more emotion reasons rather than physical. And also maybe clinic scheduling. Because I have been pregnant before, the clinic don’t indicate doing anything differently or any further tests and put all of my failures down to embryo quality. That’s why they are advocating just getting the embryos in ASAP. They don’t want to add steroids/clexane. It was one of the reasons I moved clinic, just to try a different approach but that didn’t work out well, so I’m back to my old clinic and going along with whatever they say now. Just hoping... but am starting to become very numb to it all. I just turn up at the clinic every few days like it’s my part time job I don’t get paid for!
Keep us updated with your clinic response xx
That's good to know - thank you.I know what you mean - it's pretty emotionally draining isn't it - I feel like there's not masses of emotion left in the tank - although maybe that's a good thing... I do think that ultimately it does come down to embryo quality - the only reason we're doing PGS this time is to whittle down the amount of transfers we (hopefully) need to do.... it's just all so tiring. I've got everything crossed for you - I really have. Someone else said the same thing the other day about it being a part time job!! It really does feel like that. xxx
I don’t see why not? My clinic told me last year when I asked that it is more to do with your head being ready to keep going. Make sure you’ve had enough space to heal before going on ! 💐💐💐💐💐🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💖
Thanks Rhinocat! That’s good to hear. I just want to get on with it. My head is fine ☺️ How are doing? The crazies set in yet? 🎉🙈🥰💖
I’m grand. Just a bit scared as I approach Saturday. Feels diff from
Last times. I either don’t care and am not focused on it and nearly forget tablets then I feel sad about it. As you know, it all a bit nuts 🤣😂🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
**UPDATE - for anyone wondering - my clinic is happy to start a stims cycle on a withdrawal bleed... They recommend a break between stim cycles but, after a failed transfer they are happy to go ahead. xx