Is it normal for the first natural cycle after a failed FET to be late? I got a bleed 4days after my test day after a FET in mid July. I then should have got my period 2 weeks ago- currently on day 43 but period is a no show so far. Is this normal? Had a failed FET in January and my cycle got back to normal straight away. I dont think theres a chance I could be pregnant. I hate the process of getting a negative test result so reticent to test. Grateful for advice
Delayed cycle after failed FET - Fertility Network UK
Delayed cycle after failed FET

You might be preg as there is higher chance to get naturally pregnant after failed cycle as your body still have plenty of hormones which can help preg naturally, 🤞🏼 good luck
Yes my cycles have been all over the place after each of our bfn’s - sometimes normal and sometimes like 40/46 days! If you can stomach it I would suggest testing as that’s all your clinic will ask you to do in the first instance and if it’s not a pregnancy then they can scan you and take bloods to see what your hormones are doing and work out how to get them to play ball. Good luck!
I'm the same right now! day 37 on my cycle after a failed fresh cycle on July.
I always have a late period the cycle after a failed round. So frustrating but like others have said, worth doing a test just to rule that out but otherwise don’t stress too much and it will turn up eventually xx
Thanks for your replies. Yes so frustrating and a bit of a head-f**k but think I am just late. Will test in a few days if nothing by then. X