Full Cycle from ICSI-BFP-bleeding-cov... - Fertility Network UK

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Full Cycle from ICSI-BFP-bleeding-covid-induction-birth xx

Fizz37 profile image
β€’21 Replies

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Hi All

I am 5dp5dt of a 4BB. Ive had every symptom under the sun but specifically a stitch high on my left side, headaches and this am started feeling queasy. This is our 4th round of ICSI so hoping and hoping....what do you guys think?

My trigger was 2 weeks ago now....


*update 6dp5dt*

Yesterday's test was in the pm, today's in the am which I thought would be stronger but the dogs woke us up barking at 5am and I had to pee and didn't do this until I woke up at half 7. It's a little lighter, but still there and came up within a minute or so. Obviously Dr Google has revealed that the strength of the line isn't always important, and that some women have more HCG in their systems come the pm...so I'm holding onto that 🀞

*update 7dp5dt*

Like a crazy person I did not one, not two but THREE tests yesterday πŸ™ƒ as I was convinced they weren't real. Today's cheapie looks stronger imo, so starting to get excited. I have some light AF cramps down low, and some twinges at belly button level both side. Cannot shake this head ache though so will take a paracetamol to take the edge off. V thirsty. Hanging in for now...

*update 8dp5dt*

Watery pink bleeding when I wiped last night around 6pm, massive AF-like cramps. Convinced my period is starting but only brown goo and more spotting so far. Pregnancy test still positive but starting to wobble a bit now πŸ˜ͺ🀞 I will keep updating as I hate trawling through old threads only to have someone say 'I've got this' and a bunch of others saying 'me too' but there's so record of what happened...Any positive stories appreciated!! ❀

*update 8dp5dt - pm*

Bleeding heavier, but doesn't look quite like my period and test still +. Rang my Dr - I'm going to pick up a progesterone injection course tomorrow which means a trip into London. He doesn't think its my period - it's 4 days too early and I have never come on while taking the progesterone pessaries before. He believes it may be a miscarriage due to poor uterus lining, and we can perhaps save my little embie if we can get me this drug within 36 hours of my bleeding starting. Of course, if its an abnormal embie we won't be able to do anything but at least we have a plan; my husband has cancelled work to come with me. Send us baby dust and lots of luck 🀞❀

*update 9dp5dt*

Strong period like cramps. Bleeding a little heavier red/pink and thin, no clots but started to include 'bits' this morning at 5am. My husband gave me the Prontogest about 15 mins ago after a mad dash to Ldn Bridge bless him, and I'm still on the pessaries. My cramps have dumbed down now, bleeding is minimal so hoping little embie has clung on and is fine. Pregnancy test hasn't changed, so really hoping s/he's a fighter πŸ™ I have a history of miscarriage and Dr thinks it's me rejecting the 'foreign body' so praying this drug stops my uterus from flushing a while longer🀞My clinic have scheduled a viability scan for 2 weeks time and I'm on bed rest. Headache gone, nausea gone - basically zero symptoms of anything except bloating, mild cramps and occasionally the pulling/stabbing on either side. I guess that I'll still have the HCG in me even if I miscarry now so I'll be watching for those lines getting fainter, and keep posting xx


Nothing major to report, still bleeding lightly, dark red now but smooth. Cramps very light. HPT still positive. I've updated the title of this thread. I am now just confused and afraid.

*update 11dp5dt*

HPT still dark. Cramps gone, light spotting a darker blood now but definitely still there when I wipe. Not enjoying the Prontogest injections but if it can support little embie I'll grit my teeth. OTD tomorrow, expect a positive regardless so hoping they'll book me for a blood test. The not knowing is soul destroying. ❀🀞

*update 12dp5dt OTD*

Did another cheapie and seems to be holding. Clear blue says pregnant 2-3 weeks. Waiting for clinic to schedule blood tests although I'll do another clear blue next week and see if it says 3+ weeks as that'll indicate my hcg has risen. Bleeding has stopped, no cramps. Feeling sick and shooting pains in my boobs. Praying it sticks xx ❀

Next update will be next week after Easter xx

*update 17dp5dt*

So no symptoms at all, occassional twinges but nothing major although I have completely lost my appetite especially in the evenings. HPT comes up positive before the control line now and is lovely and dark so I'm relaxing for now. Viability scan on the 12th - I am 5 weeks today πŸ₯°β€

*update 20dp5dt*

Digital now showing 3+ weeks so the HCG has definitely increased and I am so relieved. I had brown scabby spotting the day before yesterday but thought it old and managed not to have another melt down. My bum is covered in bruises from the Prontogest jabs but whatever! I have downloaded an awesome app call pregnancy plus, that has tons of info.

Next update post Monday's scan. Wish us luck πŸ₯°

*Update viability scan 12.4.21*

I am officially pregnant!Baby is smaller than expected, 5wks and 3 days rather than 6 weeks, so won't provide a due date but has a strong healthy heartbeat, no issues with my uterus, placenta, egg sac, yolk - all present and correct. BUT... I am bleeding again same as before. Wonder if the dildocam has done some damage at today's scan, or whether my body is just confused...such a roller coaster....πŸ˜”

*update 19.4.21*

One week on and bleeding again - for the third time. Dark red/brown and cramping. HPT still a strong positive. Ffs what's wrong with me?!

*update 26.4.21"

Scan showing 7w5d, good heartbeat and growth. Above left of the baby (looks appropriately like a shark) is a large subchorionic hematoma stretching length of the baby. Not good but does explain my bleeding. Waiting for Dr to ring and fully expecting to stay on pessaries and injections. Next scan in another 2 weeks which is ages away. I could go back to work but having spoken to my boss he was fairly abrupt as expected and proceeded to explain the weight I'd dropped on him and team by being out and needed to get back blah blah blah, so going to see if I can be signed off again as I'm told no stress, bending, lifting, nothing. Also going to register for a midwife with the NHS now, I may get access to the EPU so that'll be a comfort. Morning sickness now kicking in and extreme fatigue....just praying I don't start bleeding again. Come on Embaby, just 32 weeks and 2 days to go πŸ™πŸ’“

*update 5.5.21*

Dark brown spotting for about 2 hours. Getting used to it now tbh. Roll on Monday's scan.

*update 10.5.21*

Baby correct size, weight for 9w5d and the subchorionic bleed seems to be dissolving into my body so have been officially discharged from the private clinic!! Appointment with the NHS midwife on Saturday!! Still on the meds until they run out or are changed now by my midwife. Couple more weeks to week 12 and I can relax. What an absolute mare this has been, but am grateful to have gotten this far.

I've learned a few things -

1. That my Dr was right every time about everything, even when I was sceptical.

2. Use cheapie strip tests not the frer or clearblue or other branded ones. Boots own were awesome.

3. Test early - for me, I may well have miscarried if I hadnt known 5dp5dt that I was pregnant, so I may never have sought the medical help that provided the support my body needed for most of the tww and beyond; I'm still on the injections to this day.

4. Take counselling if its on offer. I consider myself stable, very 'British', no nonsense. But this entire experience has wiped me out. I wouldn't take it back and I'd do it all over again of course, but the emotional and physical toll it takes is not to be sniffed at.

5. Make sure your employer knows, take time off if you can. Speak to HR, I was surprised by what was on offer with no repercussions or judgement - I am allowed 26 weeks off sick leave fully paid (throughout the life time of my employment) as long as I can provide a Dr's note . I took advantage of this and will be returning to work after 3.5 months off. Every company is different but it doesn't hurt to ask and I'm so glad I did.


I probably won't post again now, unless something happens but ill be reading - so thank you for all your support, be back in December 2021 hopefully with my real life bub πŸ₯°

Fizz xx.


*update 12 weeks*

Fresh bleeding and a rush of what looked like amniotic fluid sent me straight to the EPU - baby is fine, a small bleed can be seen similar to my previous SCH but the sonographer was not worried and told me to expect more bleeding. If I suspected anything was worsening then to come back, but she was very reassuring so waiting until my transnuchal scan on the 4th June.

*update 14 weeks*

Scans all fine but I am still bleeding dark brown sticky blood with clots. No sign of any bleeding on my scans but the EPU are so understanding and have agreed to see me even though they only saw me last Friday and now it's Wednesday. My NHS service is better than my private clinic if you can believe it, so caring xx

*update 20 weeks = July*

Havent bled again and...it's a girl πŸ₯° midwife said there is some evidence to suggest girls are stronger in the womb and so perhaps that helped. I can feel bubbling and kicking now - and relaxed for the most part. Turning my attention to the birth I'd really like no intervention but we will see after everything xx a super good book is Spiritual Midwifery, or Guide to Childbirth both by Ima May Gaskin who is American but has so much relevance for all of us xx

*update 28 weeks*

Just released from hospital having had covid, unvaccinated. Ten days hospitalised, oxygen, the works. Lost a ton of weight but baby is fine although v small now. Tired but thankful to the NHS care staff who took it very seriously and didn't judge me for not having the jab.

*update 34 weeks*

Obstetrician has officially advised an induction at 37 weeks due to baby's size. She is 1.9kg but all seems fine otherwise with me, kicking and moving fine. Waiting for a date....πŸ₯°

*update 37+2weeks*

Going in at 1300 today - v excited!! Hoping everything goes well, got my hypnobirthing tracks, snacks and nervous husband all packed and ready to go. Wish me luck ladies!! Xx πŸ₯°β€

*update 38 weeks*

Our baby daughter arrived 2 days ago on 25th November 2021 at 17:46 via category 1 emergency c-section after I developed an infection 12 hours into labour, and her heart rate spiked. She is currently in NICU due to breathing difficulties but the Dr's say its temporary and although she's a little on the small side weighing in at 5lbs, she's doing fine. I, on the other hand, am an emotional train wreck. In a world of pain having had major abdominal surgery and fighting this bloody infection. I've held my baby twice, and cannot breast feed although I have been hand-expressing colostrum which has been mixed in with her feeding tubes. Trying hard not to host a pity party but I'm exhausted and just done. Can't wait to get out of here and go home πŸ₯°

I've decided not to post her pictures here; I think as this is the IVF forum people like to see happy outcomes from challenging circumstances but they like to view the pregnancy tests, esp as mine was positive from 5dp5dt. So I'll leave those up. All that remains now is for me to thank everyone for their kind words and support through what has to be the most challenging 2 year period in my lifetime - 2020/2021- and be grateful for every win no matter how small - perhaps this global pandemic will be the making of humankind and we can learn big things from it. I wish everyone the best on their own personal journeys with IVF and beyond, and hope we all see our dreams come true whatever form they might take. We deserve it.



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Fizz37 profile image
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21 Replies
Naddy1 profile image

I would say so!!!! πŸ€žπŸ»πŸ‘πŸΌ

Fizz37 profile image
Fizz37 in reply to Naddy1

It's just so early my OTD isn't until a week today! This was a new type of test for me so I only did it to check I could make it work properly!!

Naddy1 profile image

I’ve not had experience with these tests either but there is defo a line and can’t imagine trigger is still in your system after all this time.

Will be following hun, hope you’re ok x

Fizz37 profile image
Fizz37 in reply to Naddy1

I know right?! I'll update here whether the line gets darker over the next few days now πŸ₯° these are Boots own pregnancy strips, testing for 25iu so just trying to stay calm....❀

Hells18 profile image

Mine was coming back like that so went to boots and got the Walt clear blue tests from 5 days and it said pregnant 🀰

Fizz37 profile image

Congrats Hells18!!πŸ₯³

I have a clear blue digital I am saving for OTD on April 1st, but will switch sooner if its still positive tomorrow xx

RhinoCat profile image

I can see it πŸ€©πŸ€©πŸ€©πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’

Cinderella5 profile image

Looking good!!🀞🏻xx

Fizz37 profile image

Updated tests above for everyone who is symptom spotting...😘

Fizz37 profile image

And for today - 8dp5dt.

Sparklylife profile image

I got everything crossed for you! Could perhaps still be implantation happening? So hopefully it won’t get any heavier for you and settle soon as I can only imagine how nerve wracking it must be. Sending lots of positive thoughts and hope your way! πŸ₯°πŸ€ž

MiniS5 profile image

Hi Fizz, I had the same early on (two bouts of it a week apart) and it was just a haematoma which is very common - I’m now 12 weeks pregnant so all was well and I hope you will be the same xx

Fizz37 profile image

Oh thank you for the encouragement - I'm so convinced it's my period though!Congrats to you - all successes are amazing πŸ‘β€

Green-elephants profile image

They all look positive to me πŸ₯³ congratulations!! Mine started light and for darker as the days went by!! I'm currently 6 weeks today!! 7 week viability scan week tomorrow xxx

Fizz37 profile image

Thank you - the spotting and cramping is terrifying though. Have to hope the tests continue to get stronger - OTD is Thursday and its so scary knowing that by then I will know one way or the other.Good luck with your scan - baby dust!! πŸ‘Ά 🌟

Fizz37 profile image

Updated for 10dp5dt. Bleeding, cramps but Dr not worried as no clotting. 🀞 OTD Thurs, if still showing positive and no fading they will do a blood test 2 days apart to see what's going on. Positive thoughts ❀❀❀

Fizz37 profile image

11dp5dt updated xx

HMKing profile image

Thank you so much for your constant updates. Not only am I rooting for you but it is also helping me through my issues as well. I’m 4weeks 3days and love reading your updates. Thank you x

Fizz37 profile image
Fizz37 in reply to HMKing

Glad it helps, wanted to go beyond the typical BFP entries to show what comes after. I'll update next on 26th, or before if anything happens!! 🀞

NewMom1982 profile image

Thank you so much for such a detailed post. It really helped.

Sweethear profile image

Wow you really such an amazing human being to document everything that happened wow wow. A very big congratulations am so glad everything worked out for you you are a strong and beautiful woman thank you for all the updates I appreciate it. Wishing you all the very best in life

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