Hi , I am currently thinking of doing ivf / Icsi in a few months . And would like to know of some recommendations . I live in London , SW20. But I would be willing to travel for the right place .
I am 38 , Amh test is 7.21 and Antral follicle count of 8. Partners sperm is fine.
I started Clomid last year , and after 3 cycles , scan showed hyperplasia. So had to stop , and have coil fitted for 6 months. So as long as my next biopsy is clear . I want to go ahead with ivf / icsi.
I was thinking of going abroad at first and was looking at northern Cyprus , but now because of the covid . I am thinking maybe local and it may be easier as I have step children and pets that need looking after , and also have fibromyalgia . So I am in 2 minds .
Please Dm me any recommendations, as I would love to hear of your experiences with different clinics .
Also people’s views on different protocols ?