Recurrent miscarriage and high FSH level - Fertility Network UK

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Recurrent miscarriage and high FSH level

Hollyhughes profile image
20 Replies

Good morning all

I’ve had 3 recurrent miscarriages over the last 18 months. The 3rd was last month which I had to have a D&C for. I have Antiphospholipid Syndrome so know the reasons for the losses but at my age (38) wanted to check out my whole fertility picture so got day 3 fertility check tests done via medichecks and will also get further autoimmune testing done too. (Also waiting for karyotyping results) My FSH level is high - at 18 when the range is <12 - could this be high because my hormones are out of whack still from the miscarriage and operation 6 weeks ago? Anyone had their FSH level rise after a miscarriage and then return to a lower level?

Thank you x

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Hollyhughes profile image
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20 Replies
alockie profile image

I know someone who was in the same shoes, and she conceived via IVF PGS NGS, as she had trisomies, that was the reason of pregnancy losses.

Hollyhughes profile image
Hollyhughes in reply to alockie

I just had to google that! :-) Glad to hear success though. I have a 4 year old and that pregnancy was fine so dont think it's a genetic thing. Sorry - perhaps should have said that in my first post.

CindyWeze profile image

I just want to wish you the best of luck. I'm so sorry to hear about your situation. I have experienced two MCs. I know, how it feels. I just want to offer my support. You can get through this difficult time. Sending love and hugs. x

Hollyhughes profile image
Hollyhughes in reply to CindyWeze

Ah, thank you Cindy. MC is so tough. Sorry to hear about your losses too and hope you are ok x

LanaTerene profile image

Miscarriages can be really tough to handle. I want to send you the best of luck. I hope things work out for you. You really should seek a professional opinion. That would help you out, I'm sure! You can get through it. There's a solution for everything, honey.

Hollyhughes profile image
Hollyhughes in reply to LanaTerene

Thanks Lana x

I’ve had 3 mc aswel in 14mths and turning 39 on Sunday we’ve just had some tests done getting results with a scan on the 5th March, but I was wondering if it was worth getting amh and fsh done aswel nobody suggested it.

Hollyhughes profile image
Hollyhughes in reply to

I asked for it after the 3 miscarriages and my doc said they wouldn’t test for it as I didn’t have a problem falling pregnant- however I had a read a few stories about fertility issues after recurrent miscarriage (especially in older women) so got the day 3 fertility tests done via medichecks privately instead (it’s not expensive) - glad I did now as can take them to my doc and request repeat testing

Caroliono4 profile image
Caroliono4 in reply to Hollyhughes

Hi Holly. Do you have a Recurrent Miscarriage Clinic near you? After 3 miscarriages you can be referred and get all the tests for free. I got referred after 2 as I was over 40. Your doctor should know this, however if they aren't helpful you should be able to self-refer . x

Chebellagina profile image
Chebellagina in reply to Hollyhughes

What are day 3 fertility tests? I just had 3 miscarriages in 11 months so I'm trying all I can to figure things out before we try again.

Hollyhughes profile image
Hollyhughes in reply to Chebellagina

Hiya, so sorry - feel your pain. Day 3 fertility test is a blood test that checks your fsh, LH and ostrediol levels - it can give you an indication of egg reserve. I got a home test through medichecks and have tested the last couple of cycles as my gp refused to do it - she said I didn’t have a problem falling pregnant so what was the point. However I had read that fertility could be an issue after recurrent miscarriage so wanted it checked, especially as I’m 38 so not getting any younger. Glad I did as my fsh was sky high - have been on a protocol to improve it (diet overhaul which included ditching wheat and eating organic wherever possible, tailored supplements to support vit levels, gut health & immunity, fertility acupuncture and adapting skincare & homecare products with less/no toxins in - sounds extreme but I feel better for it) and it’s started to come down (18 last cycle, 13 this cycle). I also did the thyroid ultravit tests via medichecks to check thyroid, iron & vit status.

have you been referred to a recurrent miscarriage specialist? I’ve only been given thrombophilia screening and already know I’ve got sticky blood (antiphosolipid syndrome) so just in the process of going private for other screenings before we start again. If you haven’t already I would recommend reading is your body baby friendly by Alan Beer - really insightful. X

Chebellagina profile image
Chebellagina in reply to Hollyhughes

Thanks for the info! I have been referred to a recurrent miscarriage specialist but they wont even test my hormone levels. When I was in America they said it could be my progesterone levels, I'm 42, but here in the UK they wont even test any of my hormones. I have blood that clots much too quickly so they have me some blood thinners but that's it. I'm on my own. So I've been adopting an all natural protocol just like you as well as supplements to help with MTHFR. But I dont have any clue if or what it's doing for me. Plus I ask to see a reproductive endocrinologist because I'm suspecting thyroid issues because I have almost all symptoms but they simply tested one level and called it a day. I need to see a specialist but am not sure how to go about it here in the UK. Which tests would you recommend through medichecks?

Hollyhughes profile image
Hollyhughes in reply to Chebellagina

Hiya sorry to hear you’re having so many nhs struggles - I was in the same boat - gp wouldn’t test anything - basically washed her hands of me as she said I’d been referred to recurrent miscarriage clinic at kings - but they only tested for my antibodies again! I was on blood thinners & aspirin in my last pregnancy but unfortunately miscarried anyway as the baby had Turner syndrome. I did the thyroid ultra vit - this tests full thyroid panel, active b12, folate, iron, vit d etc so gives you a good picture of general and hormonal health. I’m low on iron so take spatone liquid iron which is great. My vit levels are ok but take a vit d and b12 spray anyway plus omega 3, probiotic and coQ10. Quick tip - avoid taking a multi vit with iron in - the iron stops the other vits absorbing - I avoid a multi vit now and take my supps in the morning and liquid iron in the afternoon with orange juice. (Also biotin is in a lot of multis which can skew blood test results) they have a thyroid Thursday every week and you can get discounts on the tests purchased. You can use these results to put pressure on your gp for the right referrals. I also did the day 3 fertility test for my first cycle, the fsh was high so I did just that test for my second cycle and I also have a progesterone test from them to do 7 days after ovulation in this cycle (which I’m also monitoring on my own with clear blue sticks) x

Chebellagina profile image
Chebellagina in reply to Hollyhughes

Thank you so much for the tips! I have been taking a multivitamin with iron 😥 I'll switch to straight supplements. May I ask which ones you take? I take HydroxoB12 liquid, l-methylfolate, NAC, coQ10, D3 liquid and a bunch of others for MTHFR like TMG and phosphtydal choline & serine. Do you take individual B vitamins along with your b12 or just the b12? Also, do you supplement other vitamins like c and K, etc? So sorry for all of the questions! I will see how to fit in the costs of the tests with my (sad) finances to hopefully put pressure on my docs! I hope all turns out well with your progesterone test 😁 X

Hollyhughes profile image
Hollyhughes in reply to Chebellagina

Hiya, the medichecks are not too costly - £79 for thyroid ultra vit test but less for just thyroid - check Thursday for their offers too - may get it cheaper plus I always use MEDI10 which adds 10% off. Would rather get all this done on the nhs but just not getting anywhere with my gp - very frustrating. I take just b12 - a spray from better you (can find them on amazon) plus a vit d spray - I was told spray can absorb better - plus its nicer and means less tablets to take 😂 as I also take omega 3, biokult candea probiotics, CoQ10, folate and the liquid iron daily. Vit C I get through diet - mostly an unconentrated orange juice daily and half a lemon with warm water in the morning. I Don’t take vit K - just eat leafy veg a few times a week - think vit k helps clot the blood and as I already have sludge blood I don’t need any help there 😂. I was also advised to increase my selenium levels (for the APS - which it sounds like you may have too if you have sticky blood?) so have 5 Brazil nuts a day in my breakfast yogurt (along with berries, banana, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, cashew nuts & honey - is very yummy and gets a ton of nutrients in your system in one meal). No worries at all - ask away - it’s such a minefield! I haven’t been tested for MTHFR and don’t know much about it - could you tell me more? do you think I should get tested for it? Thank you - it was tested last year and was a bit on the low side - I still fell pregnant (nothing would have helped that pregnancy though as it was a chromosome issue) but want to know if it’s worth pressing for progesterone suppositories in addition to the blood thinners should I fall pregnant again. X

Chebellagina profile image
Chebellagina in reply to Hollyhughes

Isn't it all a minefield though?! The MTHFR gene mutation, in a small nutshell, is a mutation that doesn't allow the body to process folic acid (synthetic form of folate) efficiently. It is a mutation in the methylation process. Because of that I have a build up of homocysteine which is what is most likely causing me to get the blood clots that I have because I'm supposedly clear of other blood clotting disorders. There is much, much more to the gene mutation but that's the small of it. So I take about 12 different supplements right now to hopefully get me on track to be able to carry a baby to term. It is a somewhat controversial gene mutation. One of my consultants is all for me taking all measures for the gene mutation but another one is not. However, there are plenty of studies not to mention so many women in private groups that have complications that are mthfr and when they make all necessary adjustments are finally able to carry to term. It would be worth it for you to be tested. Some docs will tests but I think in general the NHS stopped routinely testing for it. I uploaded my raw dna data to have it analyzed--2 different analyses--and they confirmed that I have compound heterozygous mthfr mutations. That was taking 23andme raw data and uploading it. It gives you all kinds of other information about your genes as well. For instance I was told I have a chance of hearing loss. I didnt realize that was genetic, but my father is losing his hearing quite rapidly. Also other things like I have a mutation that doesnt process dopamine and serotonin well so have chances of anxiety and depression, which I've suffered from for years. It gives recommendations for things to take and things to avoid. I'll have to see the name of the website again.

I was told that they would rather have me on progesterone and me not need it than the other way around. They say it wont hurt me or the baby (not pregnant again yet) so they sent me home with a 6 week supply for when we try again. I'm supposed to start suppositories from, hmm, I think day after ovulation. I better check that! Plus heparin injections which I'm not looking forward to again.

Have you read It Starts With the Egg? X

Hollyhughes profile image
Hollyhughes in reply to Chebellagina

Thats really interesting - and quite complex and no doubt very frustrating for you. I will have a look 23andme most definitely - sounds like you can learn quite a lot from it. I've found that consultants can have opinions that are quite different from one another - it's hard to know what to go with. I'm just in the process of getting NK . cells tests - another controversial area - any doctor I speak to within the NHS doesn't hold much stock by it - but i've read quite a lot about reproductive immunology and it's definitely something I'd like checked before we consider trying again. Makes sense re - progesterone - did you get the suppositories via NHS/GP? If so, I might try asking for them too when we do start TTC again. Yeah, the heparin injections are a bind - not so much that it hurts but that my tummy is covered in bruises!

I havnt read that one - worth a read I take it? x

Chebellagina profile image
Chebellagina in reply to Hollyhughes

So sorry for the delay! Yes, I got the progesterone from NHS. I told them that my US doctor thinks I need progesterone and they gave me a supply without question, surprisingly. I think this month I will start using them once I ovulate just to be safe. Have you gotten your NK cells tested yet? I'm curious how it went/will go as it's something I'm thinking of doing. X

Yeah I thought they wouldn’t for that reason I’ve got my scan on tues I might ask then. Tbh it’ll not make a difference as we wouldn’t do ivf or any other treatment.

hannahding profile image

I am sorry to read about your recurrent MC. I think you should really get a second opinion on this. Ask the doctor for a full-fledged report on your MC. Show it to some more successful doctor. Maybe they will give you better advice. Good luck to you. I hope things go well. Sending baby dust your way.

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