Hello all,
We are away to commence FET 2 at the beginning of my next cycle, about 25 days. Previously we have had a BFN, followed by a BFP and then a loss at 7 weeks. We’ve had a 3 year break, some of which was to regroup after that loss and the rest was reinvesting in ourselves as a couple, we felt it was really important not to lose touch with us. I’ve felt really positive whilst getting down to fighting weight, but now that I have a rough plan and progynova ready to go, I’m all over the place again. Dreams, the same stress triggers as previous attempts (migraines and GI issues) and I’ve to try hard not to talk about it all the time, it’s always on my mind and I can fit it into any conversation.
Has anyone any helpful suggestions to try and keep all this contained, or at least a bit more bearable?
Mrs S