I understand the strain on services at the moment I really do but cant help but feel so alone right now. I got my bfp 27th Jan and first scan lined up for 8 weeks 3 days with ivf clinic. Since my bfp I have had bleeding, mainly brown bit of red, small clot. I'm not feeling optimistic in the slightest although ivf clinic have told me to be 'cutiously optimistic' as it went back to brown. I'm still spotting / moderately bleeding. Tends to be worse when I put a pessary in. But I cant seem to get an earlier scan at all so I have booked one private on wed just to make sure it's not an eptopic. Sorry for the rant I just hate this feeling of waiting to see if I miscarry and just being told 'might be normal might not be' go to a&e if you cant walk because of pain'. Heart goes out to everyone waiting for their bfp and all who have got theirs I hope you have a healthy and happy pregnancy. X
Slight rant *could be sensitive* - Fertility Network UK
Slight rant *could be sensitive*

Great news on your positive! I’ve had early scans at 5/6 weeks due to ectopic risk and frustratingly they just can’t tell so early on so you go away just as clueless as when you went in. I suspect that is why the IVF clinic won’t offer earlier. But I understand how hard it is waiting! Good luck when you get your scan x
Thanks for your reply! I do understand it waiting to see more, but 8 weeks 3 days scan just seems a very long time away. Just need to put my patient hat on! Got the private scan 6 weeks 4 days I'm aware might not tell me much but hopefully be able to tell me something. Hope everything is going well with you! X
Hi. Congrats. You can always ask them for a hcg blood test. Iv also had this done with my gp in past pregnancies and they have given it to me. U have 2 bloodtests 2 days apart and if the hcg hormones have doubled in number means its a good sign and the baby is very much healthy and growing. Might put u at ease if u have this done. This is how i usually check and because my hcg dsnt double and only rises a little bit i know beforehand im most likely to have a miscarriage. I prefer to know as i am prepared and doesnt come suddenly as a shock couple weeks later. Bt hope u get some clarity and peace with the bloodtest x
Thank you for the reply. The ivf clinic cant do the blood tests and my gp wont book me in for them they have told me to wait for the scan. I'm the same I prefer to know! Will just have to wait it out! X
Hi lovely, my consultant swapped me from utrogestan pessaries to cyclogest rectally when I had bleeding as it is supposed to be better. Are you taking cyclogest vaginally at the moment? If so just swap to the back maybe x
Hi thanks for the reply, I'm taking ustrogen which is only vaginally. I asked about this and they wouldnt make the switch to a different progestrone as this is standard but told me to not use an applicator. Unfortunately still spotting. Never thought I'd be in the position where I'd rather take something rectally 😂 x
You’ll see where the pregnancy is at 5 weeks from sac. From 6 weeks you’ll see if it’s viable. Your private scan will provide the answers you need for now.
I’ve been there. 5+6 epu saw my baby and her heart beating.
Also, I had a HUGE bleed at 5 + 4. No clots but lots of red blood. It’s calmed down after about 5 hours and turned brown. I had a few more brown bleeds over the next 10 weeks. I now have a 2 year old girl. It was a SH. Bleeding can be common in pregnancy.
subchorionic hematoma. They call it a threatened miscarriage. There’s nothing you can do about it apparently but I stayed laying down where possible and did as little as I could. It’s common in ivf.
Did u have one or two embryos transferred? I had bleeding every day from week 6 to 13 and at week 15 now with one healthy baby. Bleeding is relatively common in first 12 weeks, so every chance things will be good for you. Take care and try not to worry x
Hi rain, can you call 111? I had some on/off bleeding last week and called them, they referred me to my hospitals urgent care centre who then referred me to the EPU and was able to see the little bub look completely fine with heartbeat (I’m 7+1 today) - it’s the first time I used 111 and I have to say it was a really quick straightforward process.
Bleeding is always very stressful in early pregnancy, mine was brown throughout but it is very concerning. I hope you get to see someone soon and have some reassurance xxx
Thank you, I did ring 111 who referred me to my gp who didn't get back to me. After some chasing she contacted epu who said they couldn't see me until 7 weeks pregnant so I should wait for my ivf scan. 111 was very helpful and such a nice woman but unfortunately my gp kept on pushing me to ask the ivf clinic if they could see me sooner which they couldn't. So booked a private scan. So glad to hear everything is okay for you! X
Oh I’m sorry your epu wouldn’t see you - I thought they usually saw women who were 6w! I’m Glad to hear your bleeding is now brown though - a good sign (at least for me it is although I still hate seeing it even after my scan!)!good luck for your scan lovely, have everything crossed for you! Xx
Hi Rain, don’t want to scare you but my BFP on 2nd Jan resulted in the same symptoms and was a live ectopic. I had my tube removed two weeks ago. Please read up on the symptoms and keep an eye on things, I hope it’s not that for you but couldn’t scroll past without telling you. I had one heavy bleed with a clot at 6 weeks exactly which we thought was threatened miscarriage, but the scan revealed a live ectopic at 7 weeks. On/off red and brown spotting and bleeding. If you can get scanned any earlier please do xx
I'm so sorry you've been left feeling alone. Mental health support has gone out of the window during this pandemic! It's quite common to bleed early on in pregnancy especially after IVF. I had a heavy bleed with clots at 5 weeks, I continued to bleed on and off until I was near 8 weeks. I was in pain with the first bleed but the hospital still refused to see me, I was told "take a test in two weeks and if it's negative you'll know you've miscarried". My clinic had a cancellation so squeezed me in for an early scan where they could see a sac but I still worried as I continued to bleed. After all that I'm now 18 weeks so there is still hope. It's awful getting so close but still feeling so far away, keeping my fingers crossed for you. X
Do stay optimistic with the bleeding. The fact it has gone back to brown is a good thing. I had bleeding which started brown but got heavier and pinker to some red. I thought I was miscarrying again as this was how it started the last time but everything was fine. I was told that it may have been the pessary that just caused all the irritation and bleeding and to use it though the backdoor instead. So if it be the pessary that caused this for you.
Sorry to hear you have been going through this. Such a worrying time those first few weeks before the scan and all you need is reassurance. With my first pregnancy I had bleeding at 5, 6 and 8 weeks all very worrying but I had the viability scan at 7 weeks and then saw my local EPU at 8 weeks (this is all pre covid though) and was told at the time bleeding in early pregnancy is common but not normal so always contact the clinic or GP if you're worried but be reassured it is common. I also got told it could be the pessaries irritating the lining. Really hope all is ok. xx