Does anyone use natural cycles or another basal body temp tracker to monitor their cycles? I do & have carried on even though I’m on meds (prog nova & progesterone pessaries) in prep for EMMA/ALICE/ERA biopsy test tomorrow. Thing is, progesterone should make temp go up but mine is still really low & I’m worried my body doesn’t absorb the progesterone enough. Random worry maybe but does anyone have experience with this? Xx
Basal body temp tracking with meds - Fertility Network UK
Basal body temp tracking with meds

Hiya, I've been tracking my bbt for the last 4 cycles. The 5th has been a natural FET, my temp always spikes 2 days after a positive opk, this cycle despite taking prpgesterone it took longer for my bbt to increase (by 1-2 days longer) but it did spike. How long have you been taking progesterone?
4 days. It spiked after 1 full day of progesterone (2 pessaries) then went down again. My biopsy is tomorrow so hopefully lining off uterus will be thick like it should be, I’m going to ask for a progesterone blood test too. Thank you so much for your response. I’ll let you know how I get on xx
Good luck for tomorrow! I imagine your lining will be thick with the meds. I'm sure you're already doing this, but are you taking temp within half hour of same time every morning? Mine can be sensitive to timings. But once I've ovulated it just stays elevated any time like close to 37 xxx
Yeah, I take it pretty much same time every day upon waking. Mine never gets as high as 37, it’s a worry for me, & my nutritionist (specialises in female hormones & fertility) thinks it could deffo be higher. I’m considering using a topical progesterone cream on my skin with my next cycle, unless you can over kill on progesterone?! It’s all such a fine balance xx
So the first few cycles I took my temp orally, but I know I snore so started taking it vaginally and saw a huge difference. By the 6/7 DPO orally I used to get close to 37 but vaginally it's consistently there abouts, little higher or lower. Worth trying that if you haven't? I feel I trust that much more than orally even though it still showed that I have o'd. The things that I have felt that have helped me are not eating too much cold food, never having ice-cold drinks, wearing socks, and taking ayurvedic herbs. I def have seen a difference from first cycle to later cycles xx