I’ve had 3 cycles in 6 months this year (but only resulting in 2 transfers) and it’s finally got me, I’m bloody knackered! 😂
The last one, a medicated FET was much tougher for me physically than my stim cycle (I got 37 eggs so thought I was past the worst bit 😂🤦♀️) or first transfer. I had insane cramps since I started the progesterone which are still going on and it’s currently 10 days since I stoped all meds. Same with feeling nauseous, exhausted, and my god the daily headaches!!
I had a very odd period compared to last time - very heavy as expected but only for a few hours, since then nothing. I’m still getting weird brown discharge which I presume is from old blood 8 days on (sorry!). Feels like I need to have a proper bleed like last time but for some reason I’m not.
I’m looking in to acupuncture but am a scaredy cat about needles. Think I need a bit of a reset. Maybe a detox, probably a holiday! Any suggestions?? Xx