Hope everyone is holding up ok! I’m scheduled for a natural FET this month (attempt number 3) and seems my follicles and lining have decided to stop growing 😤 Monday’s scan showed a follicle of 12mm and today’s, two days later, it was the same. Lining also around 6.8mm mark and hasn’t changed in these two days either. The nurses said they would wait another two days to see if there is any change and if not it might be an unlucky cycle (I usually don’t have any problems with ovulating, have a regular cycle etc) and could possible take fsh hormones to medicate and help the growth. Has anyone had to switch from a natural FET to a medicated one because of this issue? Any other advice/insight would be greatly appreciated!
Natural FET help: Hope everyone is... - Fertility Network UK
Natural FET help

This happened to me, although I had no dominant follicle at all and I have really regular periods. They cancelled and I started the following month on medicated FET. They wouldn’t let me switch. Fingers crossed there’s some change for you in a couple of days. At my follow up on Monday he said that a third of natural cycles get cancelled because of similar issues, I really hope this isn’t the case for you and there’s something they can do 🤞🏻🤞🏻 xx
Thanks for your reply, that’s reassuring to hear that this can happen so often. I’m sorry your cycle was cancelled. It’s always a waiting game right!! I’ll be gutted if I need to wait until next month so hope they can do something although it seems a bit strange this late into the cycle?! Good luck with your next cycle, I see you have lots of good frosties waiting for you so fingers crossed for a good outcome🤞
Thank You. I’m not sure when it’s going to be yet as I’m still emotionally exhausted from everything but one day! It’s so horrible when a cycle gets cancelled, I was in bits but the next month soon comes round. It hasn’t put me off natural cycles and I’d probably try it again. Keeping everything crossed for you! X
Would you get a positive LH surge though on the ovulation digi test kit still if no dominant follicle or does that in itself mean you are not going to be ovulating that cycle? x
I got a positive but when I spoke to the consultant about that at my follow up he said that eventually all the little non dominant follicles I had would add up to produce enough of a surge. I was sceptical tbh and still not convinced at that explanation as he contradicted himself when I mentioned it again and then told me to just forget about that cycle because it was over and done and not worth discussing further. I defo had a dominant follicle in December after my failed medicated FET though because we have a very big surprise on the way 😳 x
oh really i haven't heard of that before about all the little non dominant ones coming together to surge! How cruel the body is sometimes I am due to do a natural FET this month, waiting for my first day of bleeding this week and then its all systems go.XX
Hi I just wondered what happened for you? I went for my first cd10 scan and I had no dominant follicles 7-8mm and my lining was 5.9 I have no idea what I’m meant to do or have other than it should have a dominant one soon. Does this sound like it will be cancelled? Same as you I ovulated last month peaked cd17 on opk and no I feel like I’m not working or something- any advice would be great please xx
It very well could be your follies are just a bit slow growing. Day 10 is early if you only ovulate/surge day 17 ( as i do too , sometimes day 18 i get my LH surge) so you are only going to really see a suitable lining a few days before the surge to measure its appropriate thickness whether to proceed with a transfer. For example when i went at day 10, i had a 4mm thickness, then 3 days later 8.9mm! I surged that month the following day. Your lining grows in response to the increased oestrogen and coinsiding with that its the increased oestrogen that grows your follies. It all works in sync so when your egg eventually 'pops' your lining is cushy enought to accept a fertilised embryo. Going too early in the cycle and seeing small follicles and a thinner lining when you ovulate that bit later in a cycle in my opinion is something not to be too concerned about only worry if its only a few days before your due to ovulate. Good luck xx
Hi Kelly, it wasn’t good news for me unfortunately. My cycle was cancelled. In past cycles I haven’t had an issue with dominant follicle / ovulation / lining, so something strange was def up for me this time. I also had a bit of mid cycle spotting which is a first! They said to rather wait for a “good environment” next month rather than potentially waste an embryo. Heartbreaking but I guess the right way forward. So I’m still waiting.
I think it sounds like you still have time, my understanding is that on cd10 you’re more or less where you should be, and further monitoring scans will determine when you’re ready for ovulation. On my prior FET my follicle went from 12mm to 17mm in a matter of 3 days and with that my lining thickened too. I think you’re still in the game! Good luck!
Hi Patches86, do you regularly track ovulation usually using the pee sticks digital ones, i do and from what they tell me i always surge which as i have always understood it, means almost a sure thing you are ovulating. For example my follicle only usually grows to around 17mm on the follicle tracking scan for the dominant one and i get the surge. I'd say if you track your ovulation using the tests then it will grow, its really helpful to know what day in cycle you ovulate so they can scan you at the closest time to that date x