First round IVF, stimulating and wond... - Fertility Network UK

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First round IVF, stimulating and wondering about OHSS

Mai94 profile image
69 Replies

Hello, new here! Anyone on their first round of IVF?

I’m almost (I hope) at the end of stims, second scan tomorrow to see progress. I had 15 follicles on one side on day 7 all measuring 11-16mm so praying I don’t go into OHSS! Not sure how many were on the other but baseline scan at the start saw 12! Trying not to worry too much about things before they happen but equally trying to prepare myself for all eventualities.

Has anyone had pco, lots of follicles and not develop OHSS?

Thank you in advance ☺️

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Mai94 profile image
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69 Replies
Del85 profile image

Mai94 hey, I don't have PCOS but retrieved 20 eggs on 25th. They were concerned about OHSS so I was monitored before retrieval and after and given the all clear.My transfer was Monday 30th.

Of those 20, 18 fertilised, 14 made it 24 hours and 5 were good enough for fresh and transfer. So I have 4 in the freezer 😊 this is my 1st cycle.

I was in pain for 2 days after retrieval but due to the size of my ovaries, day 3 and there was no pain but I know I need to take it easy.

Just rest and do do too much lifting and twisting.. Good luck.

Mai94 profile image
Mai94 in reply to Del85

Hello Del85 , thanks for your reply and sending lots of luck your way!

That’s reassuring to hear, I’ll take it easy and keep everything crossed ☺️

Smcphie28 profile image

Hi , I have mild pcos and produced 34 follicles on my first ever IVF . 17 retrieved . I was monitored close and didn’t get ohss . I was in a bit of pain after retrieval which they said they would expect after the amount produced .

I am now currently 7 weeks pregnant on the first attempt 😀. Don’t worry about anything just keep calm and go for the ride . Good luck with everything xx

Mai94 profile image
Mai94 in reply to Smcphie28

Aw Smcphie28 that’s amazing! Congratulations lovely and thanks for replying!

34 wow! I’m finding it all fascinating and definitely trying to enjoy the process ☺️ Will do, you take it easy and enjoy the pregnancy ride, congrats again x

Smcphie28 profile image
Smcphie28 in reply to Mai94

Thank you ☺️ It’s really fascinating what they can do ! Wishing you lots of luck with it all and if you want to ask any more questions please do. Xx

Mai94 profile image
Mai94 in reply to Smcphie28

Thank you lovely, will do and you take care! X

try2020 profile image
try2020 in reply to Smcphie28

Hi Smcphie congratulations! Can I ask how old you are and if you did a fresh or frozen transfer? 🧡

Smcphie28 profile image
Smcphie28 in reply to try2020

Hi , thank you ☺️ I am 33 and had a fresh embryo transferred xx

try2020 profile image
try2020 in reply to try2020

hey thanks! amazing that you were able to do a freshie after having that many retrieved 🧡

Del85 profile image
Del85 in reply to Smcphie28

That is amazing Smcphie28 can I ask did you wait to test? Did you get any symptoms? I am in my 10 day wait before I can test. I am 4dp5dt today. Congratulations to you, so exciting xxx

Smcphie28 profile image
Smcphie28 in reply to Del85

Hi, I couldn’t help myself and tested 6dp5dt . I did have a faint line so tried again a couple of days after with a first response test (there supposed to be more sensitive and better) and got a good positive . All I had from the beginning was sore boobs and still have . Fingers crossed for you I know how your feeling during the wait it’s so nerve wracking ! Good luck ❤️ Xx

Klee0107 profile image

Morning I didn’t have pco but I got OHSS with both rounds of my Ivf the first I got 28 eggs and Sadley none of those made it, second round 2 months later I got 12 with 2 little Survivors and still developed it 🤦‍♀️ You will know by the pain If you get it and just call your consultant right away .

My consultant told me to go to the nearest A&E 7 hours and injection later I was aloud to go home..... but instead on one there was two of us leaving that hospital ❣️ And she is nearly 5 months old so hold in there love it’s all worth it make sure you take time to rest as well xx

Mai94 profile image
Mai94 in reply to Klee0107

Aw so lovely hear, thank you! I will do, had my second scan today and I have around 29 follicles on total from what they can see, almost ready but a just want a little more growth! X

Anemona87 profile image

@Mai94 we are in the same boat. Today is my last scan after 9 days stims. Three days ago I was having 9 folicules ,today we will see.

Mai94 profile image
Mai94 in reply to Anemona87

Good luck today Anemona87 , I had mine today and a most measuring ready for collection so they’ll call later and confirm. There’s a chance I may go for collection Monday otherwise it’ll likely be Wednesday which I think is more realistic!

Chicky86 profile image

Hello, I am also on my first cycle, I had a scan on Wednesday after having 7 stim injections, I had 15 follicles on the right but none on the left.

I don't have pcos, but my clinic were worried about ohss as I have a high ovarian reserve, so didn't want to up my stim injections too much. They did up a little bit and I'm being scanned again later to check my progress.

Hope all goes well for you xx

Mai94 profile image
Mai94 in reply to Chicky86

Hope your scan goes well today lovey, had mine and almost at the size they’d like for collection so booked for another scan Monday unless I hear otherwise. Fingers crossed you get to collection soon ☺️X

Chicky86 profile image
Chicky86 in reply to Mai94

Thank you, just got back. Looks good today, biggest at 15mm so not far off, I'm also back in Monday and they're hoping to collect on Wednesday! Hope your scan goes well xx

Mai94 profile image
Mai94 in reply to Chicky86

Aw that’s great news!! We may end up going for collection on the same day ☺️ Thank you and good luck for yours Monday too! X

Chicky86 profile image
Chicky86 in reply to Mai94

You never know!! Thank you, I'm so relieved. Had a proper wobble yesterday so am now feeling tons better! Let me know how your scan goes on Monday xx

Mai94 profile image
Mai94 in reply to Chicky86

Glad you’re feeling better, it’s all such a mixture of emotions isn’t it but your almost there! 🤞🏽 I will do and you !! X

Chicky86 profile image
Chicky86 in reply to Mai94

Definitely is a bit of a rollercoaster! I'll keep you posted xx

Mai94 profile image
Mai94 in reply to Chicky86

Hey Chicky86 hope your scan goes well tomorrow. I won’t be having one as I’m now going for egg collection on Tuesday so trigger shot tonight!

All the best!! X

Chicky86 profile image
Chicky86 in reply to Mai94

Ah! That's amazing. Hope it all goes well! Thank you xx

Chicky86 profile image
Chicky86 in reply to Chicky86

Wishing you all the best for tomorrow! I had my scan today, was hopeful for Wednesday collection, but looks like it'll be Friday now 😢 they said I've got good sized follicles but want to push just a bit more to grow some of the others xx

Mai94 profile image
Mai94 in reply to Chicky86

Thank you lovely! I’ll update tomorrow. Aw I’m sorry it’s not what you were hoping for but you know that extra little bit of growth could produce the one 🙌🏽 Hope it’s a quick week for you! X

Mai94 profile image
Mai94 in reply to Mai94

Chicky86 egg collection went fine, retrieved 27 eggs meaning a freeze all but as long as I have no symptoms they have said to callIn a couple of weeks and hopefully they can arrange a transfer 🤞🏽🤞🏽 Just had our first update and of the 27 - 16 follicles were at a size they expected to get a mature egg from and they got 13, 9 of which have fertilised ☺️So feeling good and to reassure you that extra growth is good lovely ! Hope you’re doing ok x

Chicky86 profile image
Chicky86 in reply to Mai94

Oh that's amazing!! How do you feel physically after collection? Now I've had another scan, I do feel so much better. My follicles have developed nicely since Monday. Just waiting on a call to give me results of my blood test I had today, checking my estrogen levels, so they then can tell me plans for collection which should be on Friday 🙂 xx

Mai94 profile image
Mai94 in reply to Chicky86

Yes we’re very happy with the outcome so far! I feel fine actually, yesterday was quite uncomfortable but I think that was from everything being swollen! Much better today, I’m aware of it but nothing that calls for pain relief or anything! Keep me posted for Friday!! 🤞🏽 You’re almost there!! X

Chicky86 profile image
Chicky86 in reply to Mai94

I'm finally booked in for Friday 😁 trigger shot at midnight 😴 xx

Mai94 profile image
Mai94 in reply to Chicky86

Good luck today 🤞🏽Gosh I’d have needed an early night last night after such a late trigger lucky for me mine was 835 😂Let us know how you get on! X

Chicky86 profile image
Chicky86 in reply to Mai94

Thank you 😘 will do xx

Chicky86 profile image
Chicky86 in reply to Mai94

Hello, procedure went well, I'm so glad I didn't feel a thing or remember anything! I've just had a call from the clinic, I had 15 eggs collected, and 11 have been injected with sperm! Now the wait for Sunday to see how many have fertilised! Xx

Mai94 profile image
Mai94 in reply to Chicky86

Aw amazing well done! Fingers crossed for you! We also had ICSI! Sunday will be here in no time, rest up and relax now!

Had our day 3 update today and so far all 9 are dividing as they should and have correct number of cells and 6 of them are the highest quality at the moment so hoping a good amount of them make it to day 5 and are a good grade for freezing!

How are you feeling ? X

Chicky86 profile image
Chicky86 in reply to Mai94

That's good news for you! Be great to get some good ones in the freezer as well.

Don't feel too bad, and the procedure wasn't at all bad. Felt a bit sick when I left the clinic, probably where the sedation and pain killers were wearing off and a tad crampy but not manageable.

Keep me posted as to your embryos, hopefully the days until Sunday will fly by for me xx

Chicky86 profile image
Chicky86 in reply to Mai94

Just had a call from the embryologist, out of the 11 injected, 10 have dividing as they should be! They've not said anything about grading to me at this point, next call will be Wednesday, when I'm hoping to be called in for transfer!! Xx

Mai94 profile image
Mai94 in reply to Chicky86

Ah that’s great news lovely, I also just had my call ☺️They didn’t mention grading to me at day 3 they just said they were dividing and had the correct number of cells. Fingers crossed for Wednesday and transfer 🤞🏽

So out of our 9 fertilised 4 are ready for freezing 3 grade As and one grade C, one is still in the cellular stage so that one won’t be frozen and the other 4 are being watched until tomorrow as almost there but not quite so maybe more for freezing tomorrow but very happy with 4 today!

How are you feeling! Xx

Chicky86 profile image
Chicky86 in reply to Mai94

Thank you!! I'm so pleased with the number so far. On Sunday they said they would expect 70% of them to fetilise, so to have 10 out of 11 is amazing!

Fingers crossed you get more for freezing, that would be awesome for you!

I feel so bloated!! I think this is normal (!?) I felt like I was going to burst last night, I think the cyclogest is making me constipated 🙃

How about you? Xx

Mai94 profile image
Mai94 in reply to Chicky86

Good you should be !! Yes fingers crossed!! I think the face they’ve made it to day 1 and are dividing days they are already fertilised that’s what they said to me and then day 3 is when they said they were dividing abs had the right number of cells.

Aw yes totally I felt fab the day after considering and then from day 2 until yesterday I’d say I felt Uncomfortable and bloated by tummy just felt really heavy and eating lots made it worse (we were treating ourselves ha) so eating smaller helped! But yesterday it was a lot better and this morning I feel completely normal! X

Chicky86 profile image
Chicky86 in reply to Mai94

Oh I'm so glad I'm not the only one!! We treated ourselves last night too, had a nice dinner delivery, with dessert which is not normally something we would do!! And I felt so sick after 🤣

Thankfully I'm on holiday from work now for the next week, so I can continue to relax and not stress for transfer day xx

Chicky86 profile image
Chicky86 in reply to Mai94

Hey! Just wondered how you were doing? I had my transfer today 😁 testing on the 27th. It feels so far away!! Xx

Mai94 profile image
Mai94 in reply to Chicky86

Aw Amazing, I had it in my head that you were having it Friday for some reason! Fingers crossed for you honey, lots of nice things to pass the time! With Christmas in the middle hopefully it all pass by quickly !

Good luck 🥰

I’m okay thank you, feeling back to myself completely now and looking forward to hopefully having transfer in Jan!! X

Chicky86 profile image
Chicky86 in reply to Mai94

Glad to hear you're feeling yourself!

Transfer was no where near as bad as I'd made it out to be in my head 😂


Mai94 profile image
Mai94 in reply to Chicky86

Aw that’s good!! Please keep me posted, I hope you get your BFP!! 🤞🏽 X

Chicky86 profile image
Chicky86 in reply to Mai94

Thank you, will do 😊

I had a call this morning to say another embryo made it, so I now have 3 in the freezer! Xx

MissSaoPaulo profile image

I ended up with mild OHSS which was really unexpected at my age - almost 39 at the time. Dr recommended freeze all and I recovered within about 10 days (bloated and tender abdomen, not too bad) and had a successful frozen transfer around 6 weeks later. Hopefully you won't get it, but if you do it's not necessarily that bad. I think unless you get pregnant, which makes it worse, you'll probably recover fairly quickly. Good luck xxx

Mai94 profile image
Mai94 in reply to MissSaoPaulo

Thank you, yes I think it’s good to let your body recover if you do get it! Congrats on your successful transfer and thank you x

Rehsuh profile image

Hi there, I’ve just had my egg collection (second round of ivf) on Monday this week: 13 eggs collected but I had a lot more follicles. Felt fine at the time eggs were collected and then in the days following Monday, I have been really unwell with abdominal pains that have meant I could barely walk for three days. I am sure it’s OHSS. Paramedic came in the night as pains went to left shoulder but all fine. I am now starting to feel a lot more normal although bloated etc. I am supposed to have embryo transfer tomorrow but I don’t feel as though this should happen as my body can’t be in a good place. I would rather they were frozen. Sorry this isn’t the best good news story for you but at least you know it gets better if it gets bad first! Good luck.

Mai94 profile image
Mai94 in reply to Rehsuh

Aw don’t apologise at all lovely, everyone is so different and responds so differently so I think it’s important to be open minded! Glad you’re feeling better, and whether you have transfer tomorrow or freeze good luck!

Rehsuh profile image
Rehsuh in reply to Mai94

Thank you and best of luck to you too 💜

Tryingtostaycalm profile image

Hi @mai94 I ended up having 22 eggs collected (which the clinic didn’t anticipate or they would have recommended a frozen cycle and different trigger). I was advised to drink 3 litres of water a day and given some medication for 5 days. I felt like I had mild OHSS but nothing serious thank goodness. Good luck! You’ll be fine I’m sure.x

Mai94 profile image
Mai94 in reply to Tryingtostaycalm

Hey, aw that’s great it wasn’t too bad for you! So did you end up having a fresh transfer? Thank you, yes excited and trying to enjoy the process ☺️X

Tryingtostaycalm profile image
Tryingtostaycalm in reply to Mai94

Yes we did end up having a fresh transfer (day 5).. in the TWW so fingers crossed! I hope this is the cycle 🙏🏼!x

Mai94 profile image
Mai94 in reply to Tryingtostaycalm

Great news! Got mine crossed for you too 🤞🏽 Lots of lovely things to pass the time (covid permitting 😂) but treat yourself you’ve done amazing things already! X

ashbb profile image

Hiya. You can read my posts for my experience.

Unexplained infertility, normal/good results for myself and husband. I was on long protocol - 200 menopur per day stims.

Overstimulated, they got 23 eggs, 22 mature of which 5 made it to 5 day A grade. The cut off at my clinic for OHSS risk was 20 eggs so i had to do a freeze all then take a further 10 days anti clot injections.

If i did get OHSS, it was very mild with enlarged, sore breasts, bloating and discomfort.

Now waiting till we can do a transfer which is really frustrating and disappointing to have to wait more but no one can control how your body decides to react to the meds and at least the clinic are keeping me safe.

All the best to you xx

Mai94 profile image
Mai94 in reply to ashbb

Thanks for sharing ashbb ! Not sure what myClinics protocol is regarding OHSS but a friend who was under the same clinic had 26 eggs collected and had a freeze all so depending on how many they collect I guess, I’m preparing either way and as you said you’d rather the clinic keep you safe! Absolutely would be disappointing but equally for the best, my friend had to wait for transfer which unfortunately got delayed due to covid earlier this year but she has had it and is now 28 weeks pregnant 🥰

I will have a look at your posts, I have pco and had endometriosis which was unexpected but treated so well I actually conceived 3 weeks after my surgery but unfortunately my pregnancy ended in a miscarriage, tried naturally for a further 4 months and now here we are ☺️

Thank you and all the best to you too, do you have an idea as to when your transfer may be? X

ashbb profile image
ashbb in reply to Mai94

Awww lovely to hear positive news about your friend. The clinic is telling me that natural FETs are really successful and that my body will be in better shape to support the transfer. Transfer is going to be end of Jan...i wanted it to be end of Dec but unfortunately the lab at the clinic is closed for maintenance.

I have questioned quite a few drs about me potentially having PCOS but they all say I don't meet the criteria. I struggle with mental health, hormonal acne and then the appearance of facial hair in my 30's (such joy) but my periods are like clockwork and I'm pretty slim... who knows why i overstimulated.

I'm glad you've been treated for your symptoms but also sorry to hear about your miscarriage and subsequent attempts at trying naturally. Not what anyone wants to experience. We're all not alone on here. Hoping for a positive outcome for you this round. xxx

Mai94 profile image
Mai94 in reply to ashbb

It really is ☺️

I’m sorry the clinics shut, anything to cause delay is super hard but you’ve come this far and you will get to Jan!

Aw bless you, I guess sometimes you will just never know. I’ve been told I don’t have the syndrome just the appearance which I think is right as I don’t have any symptoms of the syndrome. Have been taking Inofolic for a while now so hopefully that has helped.

Thank you, I can tell the support here is great already and I’ve only been here a day, it’s great! Hope you’re okay and make sure you look after yourself and your mind.

Have you had any counselling throughout the process? I actually started seeing one before IVF about 3 months ago and have found it so helpful!

I’ve followed your page and will keep everything crossed for you in Jan x

ashbb profile image
ashbb in reply to Mai94

Thank you lovely. Yes I'm in weekly therapy and my goodness it helps.I'm similar with the folic acid, vitamin d and I've been going for Acupuncture too. Who knows if it helps but i like her language around "creating healthy thick lining" and "encouraging blood flo".

Will give you a follow too. Good luck xx

Mai94 profile image
Mai94 in reply to ashbb

Hey ashbb so sorry I never saw this reply! Doesn’t it help the therapy I’ve found it great too, I thought I’d be in pieces having to have a frozen and whilst I cried for a solid 15 when they told me I’ve been able to understand and accept it so much more than I thought I would.I’m going to look at acupuncture actually ahead of transfer 🤞🏽

We’re almost there, I’ve been a bit frustrated when people have said aw it’s not the end of the world and not long to wait on the grand scheme of things but equally I know there is some truth there, it’s hard when it’s taken us so long to get to this point in the first place isn’t it!

I hope to be able to have mind end of Jan also ! Not sure yet will need to speak to the clinic x

Crabonks profile image

Hi Mai94, on my first scan they saw 20 follicles on one side and 15 on the other. Day 7 scan I only had 2 on each side that were over 1cm but by day 11 (the last scan before retrieval) they counted 19 on one side and 13 on the other - measuring 1cm up to 1.9. They retrieved 30 eggs and four days later I had my OHSS check up. They said they'd normally worry if my Estradiol was over 200 (I don't really remember the exact wording) but mine was at 40. So I had no worries. I didn't have any symptoms either. I was on Menopur and Rekovelle (which I understand is relatively new). My doc thinks I may have had PCOS when I was younger but it's gone now but I still have PCO and my AMH is 45 and I'm 42 years old. Good luck!!

Mai94 profile image
Mai94 in reply to Crabonks

Wow 30 eggs, that’s great you didn’t have any symptoms with that many! Such a variety of experiences it’s good to hear! Currently we’ll, I know symptoms generally start after collection but I’ll keep an eye out!

Hope all went well with you. Thank you!

Crabonks profile image
Crabonks in reply to Mai94

Yeah, it wasn't painful but by egg collection I was feeling seriously full and couldn't wait to get them out haha! I drank so much water and ate really well in the lead up to it and after. Of all those eggs though, only 4 fertilised and after PGS testing, I now have one low level mosaic embryo waiting to be put back in - just as soon as AF shows up! I hope your retrieval goes well and I look forward to updates.

Mai94 profile image
Mai94 in reply to Crabonks

I bet you felt like you needed them out !!

Aw all the best, fine he’s crossed AF arrives soon and as they say it only takes one so good luck and thank you!

Hello, I'm currently on my 3rd round, I have PCO, egg collection was wed and at the scan I had 49 follicles 😱 I was in a complete panic but other than the usual bloat I am feeling fine. On my last round I have 30 something follicles and was fine then too. On all 3 rounds my oestradiol levels have been between 24,000 and 27,000 (they should be around 4000). Some people develop OHSS with significantly lower amounts.

I spoke to the nurse after my scan last week as I was convinced I was going to be admitted and cycle cancelled but she said some people are just more susceptible to it, so just keep them informed on how you are feeling and try not to worry too much xx

Mai94 profile image
Mai94 in reply to

Hey, thanks for your reply! Glad you didn’t feel unwell with it! That’s a lot of follicles 😄 fingers crossed you complete this cycle! When do you find out x

in reply to Mai94

Hopefully 5 day transfer on monday 🤞 xx

Mai94 profile image

Hello ladies, thought I’d update, scan today saw 29 follicles in total! Have confirmed egg collection will be Tuesday! I had a bit of free fluid in the right ovary but wonder if they could be from a cyst that I had at my down reg scan, I actually had it aspirated but it refilled so wonder if it could be from that! But either way looking forward to collection!

Thanks for all your messages and good luck with all of your cycles x

fay2399 profile image

Don’t worry too much! Your probably young and your body creates more good embryos. Good luck xx

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