FET: I started my medicated frozen... - Fertility Network UK

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Jhenderson profile image
26 Replies

I started my medicated frozen cycle yesterday and I’m looking for a someone that’s going through a FET at the same time to chat about their experience for a bit of support. Anyone starting their FET?

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Jhenderson profile image
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26 Replies
Sas1101 profile image

Me ☺️ although I'm down regulating first. Start taking Buseralin on Sunday.

How are you feeling? Is this your first one?

Best of luck 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

Jhenderson profile image
Jhenderson in reply to Sas1101

First frozen cycle yes. I’m just taking tablets. Have a scan on cd 11 which is the 12 of October. What does your protocol look like?

Sas1101 profile image
Sas1101 in reply to Jhenderson

Looks like I'll be about two weeks behind you .

Mine is looonnngg! I take Buseralin on CD21. Period should arrive around CD29, I then have a baseline scan on 19th October and then start progynova. Hopefully transfer will be on the 3rd November. I was also offered a natural FET with no medication but I had this protocol for my last FET (chemical) and I know my lining responds well so decided that it's better the devil you know 🤣 xx

LC1983 profile image
LC1983 in reply to Sas1101

I'm on the same protocol, start progynova on 16th Oct, scan on 28th and transfer hopefully 5th Nov. 🤞🏻this is our time!

Sas1101 profile image
Sas1101 in reply to LC1983

Yay be nice to have a cycle buddy ☺️

Definitely 🤞🏻 this is our time.

How are you feeling? Xx

LC1983 profile image
LC1983 in reply to Sas1101

So far I'm feeling ok thanks. Finding the injections easier and pain free so far this time round which is good. Struggled sleeping last night, was awake from about 2am for a couple of hours. Not sure if that's the buserelin or not though. They've added clexane after transfer this time and I've heard those injections sting and cause a lot of bruising 😳How are you feeling? xx

Sas1101 profile image
Sas1101 in reply to LC1983

I always react badly for a week to Buseralin Injections then it dies down. Yes I've had some friends friends have clexane during pregnancy and I've heard they are ouchy! A little tip...massage the area before inserting, a little vibration to another part of the body also works as a good distraction.

That sucks you woke so early. I'm not looking forward to that! I always find I have the same intermittently. I'm sleeping so well at the moment 🙈

I'm feeling good and happy to be starting. Not looking forward to the tww! I've had two chemicals from fresh and FET so I'm a little nervous but hoping it's third time lucky. I had a scratch yesterday as thought why not 🤷 I'm also doing acupuncture this time. Xx

LC1983 profile image
LC1983 in reply to Sas1101

So sorry about your chemicals 😟 As you say, here's hoping for third time lucky!

Thanks for the tips, I'll give them a go 🤞🏻

I thought a lot about acupuncture but thought I'd find it more stressful than anything. Are you enjoying it?

I'm dreading the tww too. It's by far the hardest part of this process xx

LC1983 profile image

I started down reg (buserelin) on Wed for my first FET. Had an unsuccessful fresh transfer in July.

Sas1101 profile image
Sas1101 in reply to LC1983

Sorry to hear about your unsuccessful fresh transfer.

You are very close to me ☺️ I start DR tomorrow xx

oops just seen your message above 💪🏻🙈

Blue1978 profile image

I start my FET cycle starting with my tablets on Friday 🤞🏻I see red first 🤣x Good luck with everything and I’m here to chat anytime I’m up at all hours as I’m a bit of a night owl 🦉 xx

Jhenderson profile image
Jhenderson in reply to Blue1978

How are you finding them so far? I started on Friday too! I haven’t had any adverse side affects so far! Xx

Blue1978 profile image
Blue1978 in reply to Jhenderson

I start this Friday coming but glad to know you’re feeling alright as my hormones were all over the place when getting my EC done. I choose to freeze all as I felt my body went through too much and was scared that ET wouldn’t work as my stress levels were way too high. So my consultant said the hormones for a FET aren’t as bad so hopefully it won’t give me such aggressive side effects. It’s good to know you’re feeling well and hope it continues for you Xx

OsmanthusUK profile image

I had my frozen embryo transfer on Monday. First time. Happy to share my treatment experience. Would also be very helpful to hear others experience.

Jhenderson profile image
Jhenderson in reply to OsmanthusUK

Good luck! What did you treatment plan look like how long after your cd 10 scan did you have the transfer?

OsmanthusUK profile image
OsmanthusUK in reply to Jhenderson

Thank you. Fingers crossed. I had my baseline scan cd 2 and started luteal support medication cd 11. 2nd scan was cd 13 confirming lining reached the threshold of 7+mm and good to go head with transfer. The actual transfer was done cd 20. What’s your treatment plan like?

Jhenderson profile image
Jhenderson in reply to OsmanthusUK

Started progynova on cd2 I have a scan cd 12 that’s all the clinic has told me! X

OsmanthusUK profile image
OsmanthusUK in reply to Jhenderson

I had very similar experience. I was put on Progynova cd 3. Are you on cetrotide as well? I was only told about my luteal support medication (Lentogest injection, Crinone gel and Utrogestan) cd 21 for starting cd 23. So you probably won’t hear about it until then.

Jhenderson profile image
Jhenderson in reply to OsmanthusUK

I haven’t been given a prescription for certrotide what is that? I have progesterone pessaries for luteal support but don’t know when to start inserting them.

OsmanthusUK profile image
OsmanthusUK in reply to Jhenderson

Cetrotide is to stop egg releasing. Because I’m using eggs collected 5 years ago, I had a prep month as well as the actual month. You probably had something similar for egg collection but depending on your treatment plan, you might not need cetrotide.

For the Progynova, do you use it for insertion as well? My treatment plan is started both oral and inserting cd 3. The crinone gel is the only other inserting but only started that cd 15.

And just realised, I’ve been reading the wrong dates in my calendar, luteal support from cd 15 but was only told cd 13 (instead of cd 23 and 21).

When are you due for your second scan?

Jhenderson profile image
Jhenderson in reply to OsmanthusUK

So far I have been taking Progynova orally. I have a scan next Monday. What CD are you up too now? Your schedule appears more complex than mine. Is this for first frozen cycle?

OsmanthusUK profile image
OsmanthusUK in reply to Jhenderson

I’m now cd 28. I don’t know what other treatment plans are like so no frame of reference if it’s complicated or not. :) Is this your first cycle? Or have you done fresh cycle(s) before? This is my first frozen embryo transfer so I didn’t know what to expect.

I’ve to say the user experience the process is surprisingly poor for a treatment that’s so emotional for patients. There’s just very little information and resources. And my clinic is a very reputable one with one of the best statistics. Coming from a tech and product design background, this level of UX would not be acceptable for any service or product we provide for our customers. What is your experience? Do you feel well informed?

hannahlouisexxx profile image

I started the tablets on Tuesday and I have my scan this Thursday to check the lining. My first frozen transfer last year resulted in my little boy. Good luck everyone 🤞🏽🤞🏽 xx

Jhenderson profile image
Jhenderson in reply to hannahlouisexxx

Good luck I had a fresh transfer in June 2018 which resulted in my little boy. Really hope this round is successful for us both xx

kc21 profile image

Yes I have been down regging and have a baseline scan Thursday !! Xxx how are you getting on

Jhenderson profile image
Jhenderson in reply to kc21

I’ve just started on the oestrogen tablets. No down regulation for me. I think I’m on the short protocol. X

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