We had our first failed ICSI cycle in December and as we are only eligible for 1 NHS funded cycle in Birmingham, we had a consultation in Feb and then paid for next cycle and had consent signing booked for March.The day before our appointment,they cancelled due to lockdown.Since they have been allowed to restart treatments again in June,I have called them 3 times and been told they will come to me soon but have no timescale.I feel awful because I feel like I have lost this year now and I dont want to ring too often and become a pain to them.Im sure they are doing their best given the current circumstances with COVID and I understand there are people that were cancelled mid treatment which get priority but I feel like they should be keeping in touch with their patients to keep them in the loop.Im even considering going private if we dont hear anything soon but I dont know what the waiting times are like at private clinics.Has anyone had or is having a similar experience with the NHS and has anyone changed from NHS to a private clinic recently and what was your experience?Thanks.
Still waiting for NHS appointment - Fertility Network UK
Still waiting for NHS appointment

Sorry this happened, it doesn’t hurt to keep calling for an update and frustrating not to have a timescale. I think the length of waiting lists varies a lot depending on where you are and I can’t advice on Birmingham. I was due to start nhs funded short protocol ivf in March. Just a few days before I was supposed to start the injections it was cancelled. So glad I wasnt half way though. My clinic only reopened in August and I was one of the first in line but because of when my periods were I couldn’t start till sept.
Wishing you all the best on getting your treatment started
Most people I know who were waiting on Bham Women’s IVF to reopen requested transferral to Create (by Bham airport) but they were NHS patients - they have much shorter wait times - a couple of weeks tops but they only do short protocol/mild IVF (I did 5 rounds with them and pregnant with twins)
Sorry to hear about this - it's so tough without the added Covid complications. I think the delay with some of the Birmingham clinics is the wait for an initial consultation but once you've had this things can move quite quickly. I'd suggest calling the clinics and asking the questions, you've got nothing to loose! Having moved clinics in Birmingham I'd also suggest asking for your notes sooner rather than later (if you do decide to move) as that took ages and delayed our treatment by at leats one cycle. Good luck! xx
I think calling them three times in the last few months is completely reasonable and you are definitely not a pain. I was calling a couple times a week for an update. 😂 I don’t think it’s unreasonable for them to give your a rough timescale. Is it going to be Weeks??? Couple of months? Longer? Most clinics can give you a rough guideline. I guess it depends how happy you were with that clinic as to whether to move elsewhere. Most private clinics are pretty quick and getting you in. Xxx
I’m so sorry to hear this. I also had my first ivf funded cycle fail at Birmingham women’s. I found out on Monday my embroyo didn’t stick . I have my follow up appointment on Thursday over the phone.
Reading your message I felt that’s exactly how I feel! I am also considering going private. I’ve heard CREATE has a similar success rate but found out that University Hospital of Coventry and Warwickshire have a higher success rate. Do you know why your cycle failed ? Sending you lots of baby dust, love and prayers. If you need to chat, message me
Thanks for your reply.Ours failed because the embryos had stopped developing.I was supposed to have a day 3 transfer and they decided to go to day 5 but when we went in for the transfer,they told us they had slowed down in development and they were going to transfer 2.I cried all the way through my transfer...it was heartbreaking.My test date was xmas day but i started my period the day before so i knew it hadnt worked.I just want to get started again and its frustrating not getting a timescale.Hope your phone consultation gets you some answers.Always feel free to message me if you need too.
If your waiting for bwh i would suggest calling basically every week as i had conflicting information and as the above person said some ppl were moved to create x wishing you all the best