So the past few days after my 7th failed transfer I’m really struggling I normally bounce back but this time I’m finding it hard my mind is going into over drive! I was going back through so test results and. My amh is 6.21 and my fsh is 14 I’m only 34! Does anyone know anything about this? I’m starting to think another round is pointless I feel like I’m running out of time
Struggling - low amh high fsh should ... - Fertility Network UK
Struggling - low amh high fsh should I give up?
I'm so sorry you feel like this, I really don't blame you. It takes me weeks if not longer to come back. My advice would be to see how you feel in a few days.
I'm sure you will feel different. Don't put pressure on yourself to bounce back, take the time out for you. Do they have any advice on other options? X
Thank you -I haven’t had my follow up yet it’s next week maybe it’s my hormones I just feel really teary all the time and that is very unlike me I guess I’m just feeling a bit lost Going over test results hasn’t help now I’m just very anxious I don’t know why I do it xx

Hormones are the worst!! And you've had so much drugs too! sometimes I think it's a lottery whether you have 5% chance or 50%. I don't think you could have done anything more. Have that glass of wine and forget about facts and figures. Tomorrow is another day. You could put a list of questions together for the follow up. You will be fine. Xx
I am starting to wonder if AMH is measured differently in the UK. I am 0.6 and have been told no reason to give up. Is it a different scale?? Am in France.

Yes I think America/Europe shows it differently to the UK
What a relief! Nobody's numbers made any sense to me. Thank goodness. I wonder what mine is in UK terms.
Don't give up! My AMH is 2.9 and FSH is 19. I did the first round IVF last month, only one egg, fertilized and fresh transfered and now l am 6 weeks pregnant. I took three months of Ubiquinol 600, Omega 3, royal jelly and advanced pregnancy care multivitamin. I tried to have healthy diet, free range egg... l really believe in Ubiquinol
Wish you the best!!
Hi, huge congratulations 🥳🎉. I am also a believer of ubiquinol but in dilemma am on day 2 of stimming and unsure whether I should stop taking it now ? Reading conflicting info online, some advise stop all supplements before stimming other stuff online says keep going until transfer as ubiquinol can help lining for transfer ?!?
Help please , what did you do ?
Thanks😊 I kept using Ubiquinol during stimulation. I heard it would help with growing the folicols during stimulation. I stopped the night before egg collection. I was also taking Omega 3 and pregnancy advanced care (pregnancy multivitamin).
I think keep taking it but still up to you. Do whatever make you feel better as you need to be relax and stress makes everything worse.
Wish you the best and crossed my fingers and toes for you having a smooth and successful cycle🤞🤞🤞
Thank you I need to hear this I feeling a lot of pressure of time! I just did a round I had 9 eggs 8 fertilised 6 made it to day 5 but non good enough to freeze I transferred 2 4ab eggs where did you get your Ubiquinol from? And congratulations! Xxx
Aww bless you...pls don't give up...34 is an age for defy not giving still have a lot of it must seem hard esp after failed cycle...I know it takes me 6 months at least...between my third and 4th cycle i had close to 3 yrs off...give it some time off n then when you're ready focus on goals...supplements time off work acupuncture etc xxx
Ah thank you I don’t want to give but with my low amh and high fsh I feel like I’m fighting a losing battle sometimes I’m going to give myself a month or two xxx
Don’t give up!!! My AMH was 3.5 last year at 32 years old. Had been trying for almost 3 years with absolutely no luck. Was referred for IVF and just before I was meant to start, by some miracle I fell pregnant naturally. I am 39 weeks pregnant tomorrow and still can’t believe it. I literally felt like it was impossible. I do think stress and pressure had a huge part to play in it all too. Just wanted to give you some hope that it is possible and it is egg quality over quantity - Just takes longer that’s all. I know it’s hard, give yourself time to heal when you need it, but don’t give up - you are still young and there is still hope left xxx
Thank you I do have a 3 year old son it’s just so frustrating that it’s become so hard again everything becomes a battle congratulations enjoy every second it’s goes so fast xxx

Ah that’s nice, but it still doesn’t stop you wanting another! Thank you, I will! I’m so truly grateful it happened. Like you I would like another one day, but will have to see what happens...all we can ever do is remain hopefully and keep trying xxx
Everyday that goes by I get a little more positive and stronger I will just keep trying I just want a sibling For my son pregnancy and the birth was the easy bit the hardest part is getting pregnant 🙈
I can't help with personal experiences, sorry. However, I have read PRP and acupuncture might be effective for ladies with low AMH. All the best.