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Very Low AMH

Hopingforamiracle19 profile image

Hi everyone

This is the first time I’ve posted although I have been constantly reading what all you lovely lot post every day. My husband and I are due to have our nurses appointment on 6th December to start our IVF process after being told by our consultant that My AMH level is low at 4. I’m 33 and we have been TTC for 2.5 years now and usually I’m so positive that one day we will have our miracle but tonight I’ve done the stupid thing of reading articles online about AMH levels and have seen that women with an AMH level lower than 5 will struggle to catch on even after 2-3 cycles of IVF. I guess now I just feel like what’s the point? I feel so sad and helpless like this will now never happen for us and I also feel so bad because I feel like I’m the one holding my husband back from becoming the most amazing daddy. I feel like I’m posting to rant, vent, let go...I just don’t know what! Has anyone else been in this situation and had your absolute dream come true or am I clutching at straws and should I just accept that it’s not meant to be for me? Sorry for the negativity, I just feel so sad....

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Hopingforamiracle19 profile image
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36 Replies

I'm so sorry your going through this,rant away!! honestly AMH is just one of many factors that affect fertility. Not at all to worry you but who knows if that is actually the reason or if there is something else.. Yes it can and does make things difficult to conceive naturally if it's low, but it does happen. But coming to terms with the low probability of getting pregnant naturally is a difficult hurdle to overcome.its part of the process.

Yes 4 is on the low side, but really AMH needs to be seen alongside a follicle count. Also if you can see the AMH as just useful to for the doctors to decide on what drugs to give you. I too was initially devasted (0.8 ) Don't blame yourself it's not straightforward to pinpoint the issues, and even if it is that it's not your fault. I'm sure your partner loves you for you and not for your stats.

I'm 33 and have 0.8 AmH , From my follicle count they suggested it would be a handful of eggs. And prepared me that I would not respond. I really didn't have anything to I clutched at straws. We were delighted to have 5 mature eggs out of 6 collected. 4 successfully fertilised, 3 developed , 2 are in the freezer and 1 is now 20wks old inside me. (We had ICIS too due to low normal forms)

Rant away !! Infertility is the pits, I'm delighted to be pregnant but it hasn't left me now I am pregnant and I doubt it ever will fully. It sadly changes you. Good luck on your journey x

Hopingforamiracle19 profile image
Hopingforamiracle19 in reply to

Thank you so much for your reply. It does give me slight hope hearing your story and I am so happy for you that you conceived and have a healthy baby growing! Guess tonight I just reached my limit and broke! My poor hubby tries his best to support me and is absolutely amazing but just feel like I’m holding him back now.

My follicle count on last scan was 9 in total which isn’t great but I am still going to hold on to the hope because I literally cannot be any other way right now (obvs after my total and utter meltdown tonight).

Really wish you all the luck in the world with your little miracle xxx

in reply to

thank you for your honest account, really good to hear that you had a good fertilization rate with your eggs. Mine is 3.6 and I'm currently on long protocal.

AMH only governs how many eggs you have - not the quality.

You are still young so quality should be good. It really does only take one ❤️

in reply to

Oh. And I forgot to say that quality matters more than quantity!

Hey. I'm also 33 and found out in August that my AMH was 3.5. I was devastated. We had been trying for 2.5 years at that point. We then got referred for NHS funded IVF and it got rejected due to my low AMH. So last week we went for a private consultation and my consultant was very positive - he said he has had woman with lower AMH than mine go on to have successfully pregnancies. He said it may take a few extra attempts than someone with normal AMH but its quality not quantity. He said 33 is still young enough to have good quality eggs. I came away from appointment feeling positive. Obviously I have no idea what will happen but I certainly dont feel it's too late just yet. Keep fighting and stay away from Google haha. I put a question up in August and some people with low AMH replied - have a look. All the best xxxx

kitscat profile image

My specialist told me in clinical trials, they only tested for AMH to know what dose of medication to give for IVF. Try not to worry. There are lots of positive stories on here about IVF success with low AMH. My level is only 9.4 and I’m on my second round of IVF now. Best of luck to you xxxx

LunaLovegood11 profile image

Hey there, please don’t worry too much at this stage...

My AMH was 6.3. I’m 37. The NHS told me it ‘wasn’t bad’ but we have no funding in my area so had to go private anyway. The consultant said it was actually on the low side and showed us a chart and said it’s not impossible but it would probably take more than one round of IVF.

We started the first antagonistic round with the Access Fertility refund programme, we opted for 3 rounds. I had to restart the meds as I wasn’t responding to them, but when we made it to egg collection they got 12, which they told me was great for my AMH. It’s amazing what those meds can do!

We are 8 weeks today with 2 Frosties at the clinic 🤞🏻🍍🍀

Everyone is so different and there are loads of factors at play. You only need 1 egg and the clinic will give you the best meds for you. And if they aren’t working they’ll change them. There are maybe lower chances for us all, but the science is amazing so don’t be too sad, let the experts guide you xxx

Gemz29 profile image
Gemz29 in reply toLunaLovegood11

Hi, I’ve look into the refund programme however I thought that due to low amh results this could lead to being rejected.

Did u have any issues at all? As I’m looking at the exact same program you took out.

Lovely to hear your news too 😊 xx

LunaLovegood11 profile image
LunaLovegood11 in reply toGemz29

Given what the consultant said about number of rounds, we applied for the 3 cycle 100% refund option. They look at your test results and I think the clinic success rates etc. They granted us the 70% refund option.

Something to be aware of, they don’t accept credit card, it had to be bank transfer (ouch!) and the meds aren’t included and ours worked out to around £2k on top I think, which did go on a credit card.

Thank you 🥰 we still have a long way to go but are very happy it worked first go as we’d prepared (and paid, lol!) for more rounds.

Hopefully the info on here helps, it’s a great forum xx

Gemz29 profile image
Gemz29 in reply toLunaLovegood11

Thanks for getting back to me, I remember reading about the 3 cycles. It’s so hard to work out which one to go as 3 cycles is £10k.... then meds on top 😬😬 xx

LunaLovegood11 profile image
LunaLovegood11 in reply toGemz29

Ah it’s extra pressure when we really don’t need it! We figured it was like an insurance policy, if we only paid for one it’s extra pressure to work. Lots to figure out but you’ll make the beat decision for you xxx

Hopefulholly profile image

I have an AMH of 3 at 29 and was told by 1 clinic we were wasting our time. I went for a second opinion and I’m glad I did she was really positive and I’m now 32weeks pregnant.

Amh is only 1 thing doctors use as a gage and on its own it doesn’t mean very much on its own. So good luck with your appointment.

steph85ryan profile image

Hi, I am 34 with and AMH of 5.2 I had my first round of ivf in July and am currently 22 weeks pregnant. Low AMH just means you need more meds to get enough eggs, at your age you eggs should be of good quality even if you don’t get as many as others. Don’t give up hope, you only need one egg at the end of the day xx

Bear78 profile image

Second everything everyone has said - namely your follicle count is more important. Also at 33 your quality should be great. I'm 41 with only 3-4 follicles a month but still want to try. I'm with a clinic in Greece though who are really reassuring and have found other reasons why we haven't conceived after a hysteroscopy. Its worth trying to find the right clinic for you so you don't waste heartache and money on the wrong treatment.

Alb1234 profile image

Hi! Just to send you a positive story, I was just 28 with an AMH of 8.6 and only managed to get 4 eggs retrieved after being on highest meds protocol, just 2 fertilised and only 1 high quality blasto was left after 5 days. That embryo is now a 38weeks and I’m ready to pop!! It’s really does take just 1, i know it’s very cliche to say. Definitely quality over quantity 👌🏻 fingers crossed for you both. It really is a difficult time but please don’t lose hope xx

Sofi1 profile image


I was just going to post something on here to get stuff of my chest and saw your post....I've been trying for 2.5 years which includes 2 failed ivfs and a miscarriage and had an AMH of 8.1. I'm 41 years old.

However I just found out my sister in law is pregnant. She is 34...and was told her amh was 0.2 and was told to go via ivf. ..She managed to get pregnant naturally and wasn't really trying guess what I'm trying to say is it can happen even with it being that low. I think we put so much pressure on ourselves which makes our bodies go into a panic mode and stops us getting pregnant.

The only time I had got pregnant was straight after my first Ivf at which point my doctor had told me to go for donor eggs (Which I didnt) and I had decided to take a break from trying.

Stay strong and positive. I will pray for you and myself xx

Countrymouse56 profile image

Hello 👋 I was 33 when I was told my AMH was 2.3. Like you I Googled and worried myself sick, convinced myself it would never work out for me. IVF worked for us first time and I’m now 31 weeks pregnant. You are young so your egg quality is probably good. This is a really difficult thing to go through but stay strong and positive. You’ve got this 💪🏻xx

Thank you so much to all of you! You really don’t know how much it has helped me....I was sat sobbing last night and even text my hubby who was on night shift to tell him I’d understand if he wanted to leave me (crazy I know) and today I’m crying but it’s tears of hope because you have all been so positive and also because he text me straight back to tell me I’d have to do more than a low AMH to get rid of him! I am going to try and relax a bit about it and be as healthy as I can (which is going to be so hard with it coming up to Christmas) but will try!

Thanks so much to all of you xxx

I’ve just had my amh done aswel 3.4 at 39 told me I can still conceive on my own naturally but would only offered ivf with a donor. I would be paying privately but ivf wasn’t discussed if we decided to I think we’d change clinic.

Workworkwo profile image

Hi lovely, I had a similar situation this weekend & have cried so much my face looks like a prune. We have been sent from pillar to post as originally got referred to the wrong hospital, so even after all the tests I found out we couldn’t get funding. Moved to a different hospital ... We saw an NHS registrar - not even a consultant & she said she wasn’t qualified to read the AMH results. But she did make the point that my FSH levels were ‘too high’ and so we wouldn’t get NHS funding after all.

I’ve spoken to a few friends who had much higher FSH than me and much lower AMH so what I have taken from them is - it only takes one!!!! Miracles do happen every day. Some were natural and one was IVF. If it can happen for others it can happen for you and me as well. Good luck xx

Hopingforamiracle19 profile image
Hopingforamiracle19 in reply toWorkworkwo

You are so right! And we too have been passed from pillar to post it’s so frustrating! Even in our last consultation with the doc she had to ask me if I knew my result from the HSG because they had lost it!

What’s happening with yours now? Are you getting IVF funded or not? This is so frustrating for you you poor thing. So glad we all have each other to speak to because I think I’m driving my hub insane bless him xx

Workworkwo profile image
Workworkwo in reply toHopingforamiracle19

Oh, totally! I’m so glad I found this page to talk to & listen to other women. My poor hub doesn’t know what to do with me! He gets frustrated with me because of all the crying.

I can’t believe they lost your results. That’s insane! Did they find it in the end?!

We have no idea what’s going on at the moment. Am waiting for more blood tests (on day 21) and then they will let us know what’s next - or not I suppose. We’re considering looking into self-funded now too just incase xx

Hopingforamiracle19 profile image
Hopingforamiracle19 in reply toWorkworkwo

I’m not sure if the did find them or not o was just so relieved that I’m so pedantic that I’d remembered exactly what was said to me or I guess we would have been sent away to wait again!

I really hope you get the answers you so desperately want in your next stages. I really hope we all do.

Sending lots of luck xxx

Workworkwo profile image
Workworkwo in reply toHopingforamiracle19

Thank you lovely. And same to you x

goodvibesonly profile image

Hi there,

I am honestly going through the exact same. After 1,5 years of trying to get pregnant, i then found out i have Endometriosis, which could be a reason i wasn't able to get pregnant.

We decided two months ago to go ahead with IVF - after having all the tests done - I also found out my AMH is very low. I am 33 years old, so i was devastated.

The guilt i feel towards my husband is probably the worst thing for me. Not being able to give him a child is worse than not giving myself a child :(

But after sulking and being negative, i am now optimistic - it only takes ONE GOOD ONE.

And i am hopeful (which doesn't mean i still don't have many bad days).

I will be starting IVF Stimulation this week and fingers crossed, this will be the right path for us.

So i wish you luck, and you are not alone!


Hopingforamiracle19 profile image
Hopingforamiracle19 in reply togoodvibesonly

Oh gosh I really hope it all works out for you! Fingers crossed you get lots of lovely follicles after stimulation! I’m sure you will and this time in a month or so you will be excited at the prospect or a little miracle! Sending lots of luck xxx

goodvibesonly profile image
goodvibesonly in reply toHopingforamiracle19

thank you :) sending good vibes your way as well xx

Mannjj43 profile image

Sorry to rush but couldn’t read and run... I’m 38 and v low AMH of less than 1.1 and a stupidly high FSH of 55. I was told donor eggs would be my only option by 2 clinics but eventually found a clinic that would give me a go! Paid for 3 cycle package of mild IVF and took some time and all 3 cycles but I now have a 5 month old baby! Only ever had one or two follicles and often just one egg but agree with everyone above- it does only take one and quality is more important! Wishing you all the best and the hope and strength to carry on this shitty journey! Xx ps also took DHEA and ubiquinol which may have helped...who knows! X

Sofi1 profile image
Sofi1 in reply toMannjj43


Lovely to hear success stories such as yours. Which clinic did you go to if you don't mind me asking? I believe a mild ivf will be good for me as the full on one has resulted in no eggs for me.

Thank you x

Mannjj43 profile image
Mannjj43 in reply toSofi1

Hi there, I went to Create in Birmingham but they have several around the country. Wishing you all the very best and fingers crossed... xx

Sofi1 profile image
Sofi1 in reply toMannjj43

Thank you I was actually looking at create Manchester as that's the closest one. Thank you it helps by giving abit of reassurance when you hear positive stories. Thank you and all the best with your little blessing xx

Kiki0 profile image


Don’t despair it’s pure luck even with high or low AMH. I know of woman who have high AMH and high number of eggs who don’t achieve a transfer and some woman only produce 1. Remember it only takes one good egg to produce a baby. That is what I keep telling myself. Don’t give up hope x

Jules-let profile image


I know this is worrying as I felt I would not be successful some months back.

I have a low AMH of 6.2 and done some research on this site in may/June. I can’t remember all the details but I do remember reading updates from others with low AMH levels that were successful and I remember one lady had a low AMH of 0.4 and had a successful pregnancy and a baby girl.

This gave me hope. I am currently on a 2ww.

Good luck for your appointment I hope it all goes well for and pray you get your baby xx

Hopingforamiracle19 profile image
Hopingforamiracle19 in reply toJules-let

Thank you so much and sending lots of luck for you in your 2ww xxx

Jules-let profile image
Jules-let in reply toHopingforamiracle19

Thank you x

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