Going to bed knocked my phone off my table and snapped the charger in my phone! Couldn't care less about the phone materialistic things have never bothered me. Yet I'm sat here crying about it , just seems like another bad thing!
I know it is soo pathetic in the grand scheme of things, but I have been trying soo hard to be positive lately and it's just like s**t things just keep on happening.
I know none of this will be helped by the fact AF arrived today, which was bitter sweet. Obviously not pregnant (bitter) but trying to be positive I haven't had a natural period in forever (sweet).
I then realised (another blow after me thinking of the positive) that this means I will have to cancel my routine smear test which is booked for Monday. The smear I had to fight with my G.P for they could only fit me in at the end of July and I was planning on starting my FET as soon and I know the smear results can take 6-8 weeks and my clinic won't let me go ahead without the results (which makes sense).
I'm not blowing my own trumpet and I 100% don't do good deeds to get things in return but despite all my s**t I've been going through I have helped and supported lots of people recently and I just think when will I catch a break. The next person that mentions karma is getting throat chopped because it just doesn't exist!
Sorry if I sound like a self absorbed d**k, but just needed to rant and feel sorry for myself!