So the bleeding now looks like I'm now on a full period. We will still have to go for bloods Tuesday but I know deep down this is it cycle failed!!! I've tried to keep positive but I can't anymore. Hubby still wants to think we still have a chance. I feel empty and I know my own body!! I wish everyone the very best of luck and thank you to everyone who I've spoke with truly all amazing women. Wednesday I have to return to my hell (work ) where it will all be kid talk. I think we will test Sunday at home to prepare for what I think I already know. Life is so damn s**t at times. Lay In bed curled up with period pains I don't understand good egg good blastocyst good grade!!! Obviously it's down to me the host!!!! Oh god this really sounds like a pity rant. Few days i will be fine think I just have to try and except what my body is doing. I'll hang in there Tuesday for test date regardless have to go for it!!!! Maybe get a miracle result xxxxx
This must be game over: So the bleeding... - Fertility Network UK
This must be game over

Big huge massive hugs.... There are cases where BFP still comes. I will always remember my friend texting a similar rant to yours and 2 days later got her BFP. Her little boy is 6 now. Hang in there as best you can. xx
Oh honey .... That pain your feeling I understand.... If I say sorry it won't help nothing will.
Massive hugs to you sweet...
Be kind to yourself and hubby take time to recover, just hang in there test again as miracles can happen....
Here for you to rant on if u need xxx

I did everything I was supposed to do I don't understand we have decided to rest at home on Sunday before bloods on Tuesday so then at least I will find it easier to cope with. I'm not hoping for a miracle ending now because I couldn't take the dissapointment. Xx
I'm really sorry, wishing you strength. Xx
Oh bless you Hun . I'll keep it all crossed for you . xx
Oh hope hoping and praying that it's not true, sending you a massive hug.
Thinking of you both xxx
Aw hun, nothing will make you feel better right now, just take your time and look after yourself. You dont need to put on a brave face, if you feel like crap then thats okay. All the best. Xx
I feel like crap and feel cheated and angry but I know I still have to test Tuesday bless my nurse she keeps trying to reassure me that some ladies have massive bleeds and still get a bfp!! Do I even dare to hope!!?? I just don't understand!! Best drag myself in the shower and actually get dressed!! God bless hubby he refuses to be defeated until Tuesday god I love that man!!! Even if bfn we've had our practice run thanks everyone xx
Keeping fingers crossed its just a fluke and that everything is well. I read somewhere(acas website I think) that once you have your implantation day that your work have to treat this as if you are pregnant and God forbid it is unsuccessful that you are entitled to 2 weeks compassionate leave. Look after yourself Heath is more important than work
Sadly I've come to learn that nothing is ever guaranteed, but never give up hope and definitely don't blame've done everything + more to make things work! X
Thanks holli
Definitely nothing guaranteed and we went into this cycle with an open mind of no guarantee we would get our miracle. But this is only our first cycle we a frozen so in time we will go again!!! Just doesn't make the heartache easier to bare right now but I'll bounce back and be stronger for it!! Definitely not giving up that's for sure!!! Xx
Keeping fingers crossed for you x
Don't give up hope. You can do everything right and it's not guaranteed but please don't blame yourself as 'host' you can't change the outcome. Your mind will be in overdrive until Tuesday but whatever the outcome you're stronger than you think as you've already got this far. Fingers crossed all ok xxx
Big massive massive hugs 😘
It is so difficult and the journey feel so long but we have to think one day it will be our day x we have just found out today we are no longer pregnant we were 7weeks and 5days and had our scan and seen no sac or heartbeat. The next go will be our 5th cycle and I just try to keep thinking at some point this has to work for us, I HOPE it does. I do for you too and just remember it's not your fault you have done everything right x