The IVF road has been pretty rough. I did not show strong pregnant symptoms at the 2w waiting period, I realized that this varies from person to person, each person has unique symptoms at this stage. I got a call on day 12 from the nurse that I was pregnant. IT was EXCITING! then I have been so cautious over the following weeks, up to last Wednesday did HCG and it went really well. My Dr did not need me to be tested until July 1 for an ultrasound. It seemed every thing goes so well. You never know yesterday I started cramping on low right side abdominal part with brownish discharge. This morning I had period like with clots. I suspect it is a miscarriage at week 6. The final result will be confirmed by blood tests and usltrasound this Wednesday. The higher expectation I had, the more disappointed I become at the moment. So to those who have the similar experience, you are not alone. Love and best luck to all!
week 6 pregnancy and bleeding - Fertility Network UK
week 6 pregnancy and bleeding
Hi Alice,
Just wanted to say I have seen many women on here who have bled heavily and all has been ok so hopefully that will be the same for you 💞You’re not out yet so look after yourself and try to relax - not easy I know.
Wishing you so much luck for Wednesday. Sending love to you xxx
Praying for positivity and that your baby is ok
I bled around the same time and my little still hung on in there. Currently 23 + 3 days pregnant. I pray for it hung on in there for you too! Good luck!
Hi. I’ve recently had the same thing and have still got a long wait till Tuesday!
How have you got on? Message me if you like you’re not alone xx
Hi Freyabelle, I just got back from ultrasound and blood tests. Ultrasound shows the embryo has been flushed down inside the uterus, but it is still there. My dr believed it is a miscarriage. Fingers and toes crossed for you! Praying for you. You are not alone no matter what happens on this journey. I am with you. Let me know how things are going with you.
I’m so sorry to hear that ❤️ my fingers are crossed that it holds on for you.
Do you have to go back at all?
Thank you. I will keep you updated. Xx
Thank you. At the moment, we know it is a miscarriage. Therefore we are waiting for the embryo to be flushed out of uterus completely by itself. We have another altrasound and blood test next monday to see if it is empty. If not, the clinic will take it out. From the bright side, we still have two frozen embryos stored. I guess nothing we can do right now but be positive and fight for the next try. xxx
Praying everything will be fine