I’m 15dpo and have hcg of 31 and progesterone of 37.8. These numbers seem really low to me so I’m beyond anxious that this is another miscarriage The doctor has asked me to do another blood test in 48 hours and take cylogest. Anyone experience anything similar and have a positive outcome? I can see two very sleepless nights of worry ahead until I get some certainty...
Hcg and progesterone levels - Fertility Network UK
Hcg and progesterone levels

It does sound really low. So sorry you're in such a difficult situation, sending strength xx
It’s low but technically you’re only 4 weeks and the minimum for a healthy pregnancy is 5. As long as they double every 2 days you might be ok. Everyone’s HCG levels are different I hear. Some very low, others very high... hopefully your two day wait will go by fast. Wishing you all the success in the world !! 💜💙❤️
Praying your numbers will double
Hey Patches, I really hope your levels start doubling nicely on your next bloods. Your levels are quite on the low side but then again you havent said how far along or when your period was due, it could have been a late implanter. Good luck.xx
Hoping things are ok Patches and that your numbers doubled xxx
Thank you peanut! Hcg more than doubled in 48 hours, I am so thankful 🙏🏼 it hasn’t stopped my constant anxiety since, always so worried it’s another mc but trying to stay positive.
All the best for day 1 of starting your meds tomorrow!