Thin Lining, Asherman’s, Failed FETs - Fertility Network UK

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Thin Lining, Asherman’s, Failed FETs

Susie_1234 profile image
15 Replies

Hello, first time poster here!

I was hoping to hear of any success stories to keep me going. My issues are a thin lining (natural/ medicated/ & stim cycles) following surgery to clear scarring. I’ve had mild-med scarring removed but continue to not be able to get a lining above about 6.9mm. We’ve had 3 failed FETs in a row - on Estrogen tabs & patches, vit E & trental. The later seems to have helped a little bit not enough! Also tried PRP treatment with the last two failed transfers. I’ve run out of options and fast running out of hope. Still have 2 frozen blasts but very reluctant to head into another cycle without changing anything. Anyone experienced something similar?

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Susie_1234 profile image
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15 Replies
Cinderella5 profile image

Hey Susie, I competely sympathise! I too have had issues with my lining....its a flipping pain. Like you I seem to get stuck around 7mm or just before that. However I have managed to get my lining over 7mm a few times now. What protocol does your clinic normally have you on? Bit of a random question too, have you tried drinking raspberry leaf tea? Ive done this the last few times and it seems to help. The good news is that in the time that Ive been on here Ive seen a fair few ladies have success with meaurements like these. I havent yet but that's been due to other issues. I was struggling to get a BFP but it looks like that has been due to progesterone timings and implantation window. We gambled a bit with my progesterone and Ive managed 2 BFP's but sadly didnt stick. I recently had an ERA test (endometrial receptivity array) and it turns out my implantation window is not the same as the average person and I need longer on progesterone before my uterus would implant an embryo which is probably where Ive been going wrong for a while.xx

Susie_1234 profile image
Susie_1234 in reply to Cinderella5

Thank you for responding! It is a total pain isn’t it. I did wonder about doing an ERA, will ask my dr about it when I’m next in.

I’m on Progynova 4mg x 3 times a day, patches twice weekly, Pentoxifylline 400mg twice a day & vitamin E - progesterone 5 days before transfer. The raspberry leaf tea is an interesting one - I had started trying, and thought it made a bit of difference but then this last cycle I didn’t drink too much but my lining was the same as previous cycle. I had held out hope the PRP would do the trick. I’ll be getting back onto it though!

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to Susie_1234

Hey, it sounds like you know your body pretty well if you thin the patches work better for you. I started off on just prognova in tablet form but we started adding in patches as no matter how many tablets we increased by it made no difference to my lining. So from day 2 I now take 4x2mg of progynova with a patch and change my patch evvery 48hrs and increase on day 9 of meds to 2 patches every 48hrs. This has worked not to bad for my last few cycles and managed to scrape over the 7mm....think my last one was 7.6mm which is pretty good for me. Admittedly this was after doing 2 medicated cycles immediately back to back which I also think helped. My clinic suggested PRP but I wasnt up for that....I'd read a few studies and although it seems to help really poor lining it doesnt seem to make much difference in higher linings or that was my take on it. My clinic prefer to see lining over 9mm before adding in progesterone but over 7mm is acceptable and that measurement is ok with my only NHS clinic too. The other thing is quality too so if they see a triple line along with over 7mm then its ok. I do genuinely feel that raspberry leaf tea helps so get sipping on that and have a few cups a day. I would definitely ask about an ERA although its not cheap but then what is in IVF?! Good luck.xx

Susie_1234 profile image
Susie_1234 in reply to Cinderella5

Brilliant, thank you. I like the idea of patches every two days rather than twice weekly (do you put them on your tummy or backside incidentally?, I’ve been told backside but I’ve seen both). I’m the same with the tabs, as they’ve increased my dose it’s made no discernible difference.

I’ll get sipping on that tea stat!!! X

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to Susie_1234

I put the patches on my hip but veered towards the back to yeah probably my bum. I havent tried them on my tummy. I got told below the waist but the back suits me better. My body just seems to absorb so much with the tablets thne say "nope, thats all Im taking on" so thats why we added in patches so worth trying out the mix of both when you're almost making it there. Make sure the tea is raspberry leaf tea and not just flavoured. Good luck and keep taking the vit E too etc.xx

AS100 profile image

oh I wish I had an answer / helpful tip but Just to say I really sympathise too! I’ve just come back from a day 12 scan for fet (should’ve been day 10) and with patches & pills my lining is only 6 😳 in last fet it was 9 at this time 🤯 What is trental? Maybe I’ll check out some raspberry leaf tea like Cinderella suggests ☺️ xx

Susie_1234 profile image
Susie_1234 in reply to AS100

Oh sorry to hear that, it’s so deflating when you have that scan isn’t it. I start Estrogen from day 1 now and then increase the dosage on day 4. I’m thinking next time I should start patches sooner than day 4 as they seem to have a better impact on me. Trental is Pentoxifylline, i believe it’s mostly used for older people with muscular & circulatory issues! Not too sure but it’s definitely helped some. X

Libsie3103 profile image

Hey, I share your frustrations! Before Covid I had 3 FETs cancelled as my lining was too thin. The 1st cycle I was on 2mg oestrogen 3 times a day, the 2nd 4mg 3 times a day and patches and for the 3rd they added Tamoxifen. The issue with that was that it impacted my quality and where I'd normally had a really good triple layer I didn't on that cycle. Have you had a fresh transfer? Do you know what your lining was like for that? I ask because mine was 9mm on my fresh transfer and so they talked about using mild stimulation for my FET. Because of the delays we've decided to do another egg collection and a fresh transfer but I'll try the mild stimulation next I think because we still have some frozen embryos. Also, I agree with Cinderella re Raspberry Leaf Tea and acupuncture is also great but could be tricky at the moment xx

Libsie3103 profile image
Libsie3103 in reply to Libsie3103

Sorry just re read your post and saw you had lining issues on your stimulated cycle so my post may not help... Sorry! x

Susie_1234 profile image
Susie_1234 in reply to Libsie3103

Thanks for the reply! I had exactly the same thought about a stim cycle so when I had my last egg collection I had intended / hoped to do a transfer then but it was only at 6.2mm so we went to FET. Ugh, it’s like spinning wheels isn’t it! I’m getting back onto the raspberry leaf tea for sure though. I’ve only had one acupuncture session and found it very relaxing, so maybe I’ll look at that again. Fingers crossed the stim option might work for you as 9mm is a dream for us thin liners! X

Waterfall2 profile image

Hey, thin lining sucks! I never got above 5.5 on any of my 3 cancelled ivf cycles. I didn't have scarring just thin lining. My clinic only wanted me to get to 7, so you are really close.

I ended up falling pregnant naturally 2 months after my 3rd cancelled ivf cycle. Not sure what did it. I'd been drinking rasberry leaf tea and pomegranate juice already. Also high dose vitamin E. The only other things I did were, a high protein diet (lots of eggs and chicken breast), beetroot juice (which was disgusting), yoga focusing on blood flow to the uterus. I also saw a chiropractor to help with lower back pain (the thought being if I wasn't aligned properly it might impact blood flow) and acupuncture. These are obviously all unproven complementary things, but I figured they couldn't hurt. Medically the only other thing I got was viagra.

Hope you find something that works. Fingers crossed for you. Xx

Susie_1234 profile image
Susie_1234 in reply to Waterfall2

Hi there! Thank you for your response. And congratulations, that’s really one of those amazing stories. Unfortunately we have MFI issues too so the likelihood of that happening is slim sadly!. Think that’s what gets me so down, that was our only reason for doing ivf to begin with and we got very lucky with our little girl, but in the process I’ve ended up with scarring & a thin lining from my c-section! Ugh! I’ve been looking into the yoga and will also explore the chiro as my back isn’t great alignment wise either... All the best with things for you x

Purpy profile image

Hi Susie,

Could you tell me where you had your prp treatment done? I’ve only found clinics in New York, Greece and Cyprus but I am in UK

Susie_1234 profile image
Susie_1234 in reply to Purpy

Hi Purpy, I’m in Australia and have had it done here sorry!

Purpy profile image

Ok thanks for your reply 🙂

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