I hope you are all able to enjoy the sunny weather while we still have it. I've been very up and down lately, but feeling scared today as I'm having a hysteroscopy and biopsy this afternoon.
My first IVF cycle 3 years ago left me with a uterine polyp. After much inaction by consultants I arranged referral myself through my GP and the polyp was removed and biospsied. At the same time I was coming to terms with DE being our only option, but felt positive enough to start things off with a Spanish clinic. Then my biopsy revealed abnormal cells and the need for treatment: 6 months mirena coil, biopsy, 6 months without coil, biopsy- before I could start DE treatment. Age almost 43. I was devastated. I managed to negotiate with the gynae that I could do 6 months, and if that biopsy was clear I could go ahead with DE and in the event of a successful pregnancy could have a final biopsy after delivery.
Fast forward, my post-treatment biopsy was clear, and I'm sitting in a departure lounge, ready to fly to Spain for a scan prior to transfer. Spain locked down, I went home, and we all know the story from there...
Now I've been called back for that 2nd biopsy and I just feel like they'll find more abnormal cells and I'll be set back again. With all of the delays I've had, I've lost some of the positivity I'd felt about DE, and aside from dreading the pain of the hysteroscopy/biopsy, I feel like the universe is continuing to conspire against me. I know I shouldn't catastrophise, but throughout this whole TTC experience, absolutely nothing has gone right, not one single thing. If anyone can send me a virtual hug for this afternoon, I'd really appreciate it! Xxx