I have been having 30 day cycle, just been to the doctors who wants to do ovulation blood, she said if my cycle is 30 days take 7 days away which makes it day 23 to do the bloods, but online it says my ovulation day would be day 16 can someone help please? Xx
30 day cycle... ovulation day?? - Fertility Network UK
30 day cycle... ovulation day??

Hi Chloe,
I noticed your post & know a fair bit about ovulation because I was tracking for years so didn't want to read & run.
Your GP would usually do a "21 day bloods" on a normal 28 day cycle because doing the blood test 7 days into an average 14 day luteal phase (the time between ovulation & period) will be a good indication of whether you have ovulated or not. Since your cycle is 30 days this would make sense, your GP has chosen a day 23ish blood test. You likely ovulate anywhere between day 16 and 20 on a 30 day cycle.
Hope this helps a little xx
thank you. So I still go on day 23 to get the bloods done? Xx

Hi Chloe. The ovulation blood test is known as a Day 21 progesterone test. This relates to a 28 day cycle. If your cycle is a regular 30 days, then it makes sense to test on a Day 23. The result should read more than 30 to prove ovulation has occurred that month. Good luck! Diane
Trust your Dr. I presume shes doing a 21 day progesterone test. Adding 2 days for 30 day cycle is correct. Shes got this. Google can be confusing, on this occasion, step away 😀