Daily mail story: A silly over dramatic... - Fertility Network UK

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Daily mail story

Sunshine92 profile image
28 Replies

A silly over dramatic post but I just wanted to let off some steam.

Ive just read the news story in the Daily Mail online (awful publication anyway) about IVF and COVID-19. Stupidly ive sat and read all the comments and have cried at how cruel 90% of them are 😭

‘If they can’t have children its tough, why dont these people adopt, stupid people wanting to bring babies into this horrible world’

Ive come off now as i just want to rant at every single awful person. How dare they be so judgemental and disgusting on something they know NOTHING about. Infertility is so misunderstood 😔

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Sunshine92 profile image
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28 Replies
Hope4040 profile image

😡 this makes my blood boil!

People are so ignorant aren’t they? It’s ok for them as they make it look easy - they can just have sex and get pregnant. How dare they judge. And calling us ‘these people’ 😡 Chances are they’ve all got kids too! Pffft

I’ve found this so much recently with close friends. In the past 3 years we’ve been trying none of my friends had kids on the radar. In the past year and a half 3 of them have now either recently had babies or fallen pregnant with ease.

It’s soul destroying to watch and feel even more isolated.

Sunshine92 profile image
Sunshine92 in reply to Hope4040

They just dont get it. I dont expect them too but just have a bit of empathy and understanding. My best friend is pregnant naturally after trying for 1 month. Shes constantly calling me ‘stupid’ for worrying so much. Shes not had to spend a penny to get pregnant and can be relaxed and enjoy her pregnancy. I’m in mounting debt up to my eye balls and still suffering the physical and emotional affects of IVF. Its just so unfair x

Italy300618 profile image

I saw this too 😥 its just awful. The daily mail always twist words as well, and make out that it could be for 12 months when that has not been said at all.

It's so unfair, big hugs xxx

ttcemmie profile image

Completely understand. It's best not to read the comments on The Sun articles either! It's hard for people to understand the struggle if they haven't been through it, but that doesn't mean they can't be sensitive to other peoples' struggles! Fertility treatment isn't exactly a choice - it's either something you need or you don't. NONE of us would choose to go through this I'm sure! I just wish people would be more understanding. xxx

Gem2410 profile image

I’m so sorry you had to read those comments. I saw the article and read a few comments and stopped. I read an article a few months back on the daily mail about IVF, and the comments on that article really upset me. So I had to stop myself this time. Some of the comments were disgusting. It’s so easy to judge when you haven’t been in our boats. We all have enough to deal with without all these awful comments. I know it’s easier said then done but these people have no idea so try not let it upset you. There are ignorant people out there. I just wish there was more understanding around fertility. Sending hugs xx

Tugsgirl profile image

I read something similar online once. I also came here for a vent. Reading the comments I was fuming at first but then I was left just feeling sad and hurt. There is so much ignorance surrounding infertility. And so much stupidity. You can’t fix stupid. You can’t fix ignorance either it seems, I tried! I was wasting my time 🙄😢 xx

KiboXX profile image

People who comment on the daily mail are ignorant morons who have go out of their way to be assholes. I know it’s horrible when it’s something so sensitive to you but honestly, read the comments on any article on there and they are just as awful. It’s full of trolls, don’t pay any attention to it.

Big hugs xxx

Cinderella5 profile image

I kind of knew this would come if I'm honest!😥 Its the same old story, we are in this together and nobody on the outside gets it! Makes me so angry, I've never felt so out of control & IVF has made me feel very out of control for years!😥🤪🤯 We are all in this together & we are a family....we will see each other through this!!😘😘😘🙏🏻🤞🏻xxxx

Put it down to their ignorance and lack of maturity!

The daily mail is a load of rubbish anyway and the best place for it is in a cats litter box or used as loo roll for should you be desperate!

Its hurtful though reading those things.

Kurstx profile image

I didn’t see this 🤬 absolute idiots that don’t have a clue what goes on during ivf, how much pain and hurt it causes everyone!!! These articles are absolute crap anything to make money and they know nothing. As if it isn’t bad enough for us all during this 😢 they really need to educate their self’s absolute ignorance 😕 xxx

staaa88 profile image

Never ever ever, read the daily mail readers comments section. Don’t even click on the article. That comments section is the most toxic place on the internet and says a lot more about them than it does about you. Xxx

alohalu profile image

I went to read the comments, out of curiosity. What the hell is wrong with this world...

Milly2408 profile image

I've seen similar myself before, in terms of funding for IVF. Comments saying 'just adopt kids that are already in the world, we don't need more'. Then 'fund actual medical problems' that was perhaps the most hurtful.

It isn't up to them to decide whether or not we have kids anyways!

Can't agree more that the daily mail is awful though, I'm sure they just post these stories to get people to argue and be horrible.

Hope you're alright ❤️

Cook7786 profile image

The good people don’t think this.

There are more good people in the world than bad.

These are daily mail readers who go out of their way to comment online.

Ignorant people are not capable of thinking.

These people are not people you surround yourself with in everyday life.



Judda4982 profile image

Yeah horrible to read it and all them horrid comments. I gave up reading into anything along them kind of lines as it’s too heart breaking. I’ve been trying for 4 years now. Had first round of ivf icsi in jan 2020 which I got one to freeze and one fresh transfer what failed 😔 It was heartbreaking as I’m sure a lot of you ladies know. I was then all set for frozen transfer in March I had 3 weeks of bloods n scans and all was looking good and ready to transfer on sat 21sr March when I got a call from the clinic on the Tuesday before to tell me it has to be cancelled because of the virus. I was devastated and heartbroke. When I spoke to friends and close family they asked me why am I so upset ? And oh just forget about it ?! So I understand why a lot of ladies don’t talk to people about there ivf struggles people who don’t have problems just don’t understand and nothing can seem to make them understand none of us sadly don’t know when treatments will resume hopefully fingers crossed 🤞 all our treatment start up again once this pandemic is over or once lockdown is eased and things return abit more normal xx keep strong ladies xx we are all warriors xxx remember we don’t have to explain ourselfs to anyone. Everybody deserves to be a mother and we will all get there soon xxx

Mary80 profile image
Mary80 in reply to Judda4982

You are absolutely right. Don't worry about when the clinic reopens, surely Everything will work out for you soon I strongly believe. Hugs.

Maryc32 profile image

I read the comments and was so annoyed. I typed out a really long reply but decided to just delete it and not look again. These people are ignorant and not worth your time. Hugs x

BettyBe profile image

I’ve read horrid things online and comments on tv also about ivf. The general gist of the comments being - if you can’t have children then tough, shouldn’t be forcing the issue with science and if a lady of too old, what does she want children for? I also heard a comment on a trash tv program that freezing embryos was a joke, like ‘freezing a pizza’ - I’ll never forget that, that one had me in tears. Nasty people with narrow minds.

It’s cruel and horrid, best not to read. A lot of similar analogies could be made against many aspect of life (non fertility related) but people wouldn’t dare. It’s seems fertility is a subject open to people to vent what they like, regardless. Best to ignore the ignorant 🌺

Rain415 profile image

I'm quite open about our struggles with friends and close colleagues, as I feel as though I have nothing to hide and the more it is talked about openly then perhaps that could do some good. I have had comments from people who have conceived within months of trying of "why don't you just try honey, have you tried an app?!" I know they mean well but after 2 years and test results I trust science more. They also talk about IVF as a slight dirty word "but why IVF". I've realised that unless you are in this situation you will not fully understand and it is ignorance more than anything, unfortunately I think I was slightly ignorant before this happened. I ignore what other people think and try to focus on the end goal and know that if they were in my situation they would more than likely do the same thing.

Hartley1 profile image

I'm open with ppl abt our struggles too...but if they don't get it...they're not worth it! Ppl are insensitive and think they're being helpful with suggestions of adoption, giving up etc. I think adoption is a great thing to do but a personal preference. Ignore these ppl...they're so sort that want to get pregnant...poof magic smoke ...done! They'll never get it...no point trying to explain it to them either. Just think karmas a b$%^h...! Smile and continue doing what you think is right and what makes you happy. Good luck xxx

Ariel24 profile image

☹️ unfortunately I don’t think anyone ‘on the outside’ can understand completely how we feel - but some people I don’t think even try 😢

Zigfarria profile image

Also, did anyone else here look into adoption?

I went to a local info session and was told that almost all children that are adopted these days have serious behavioural, emotional and/or mental challenges, and that anyone wanting to adopt must be prepared for the possibility of needing to give up their job altogether due to the high needs of the adopted child. You'd be a caregiver more than a parent.

Fortunately for women today, birth control and legalised abortion are available, so women are better able to avoid unwanted pregnancy. It's not like back in the 1970's, where organisations were stealing babies from unmarried women and putting them up for adoption.

Thus, adoption and raising a child are not the same thing at all. I resent the suggestion that adoption is a good alternative to having your own child.

in reply to Zigfarria

Yeah, my cousin adopted young girls the one had been abused by its birth mother. They wasn't really told that they both had special needs. Him and his partner were more like carers. As result wasn't really prepared. The girls ended up being put in a residential home as they needed that level of care. He told me he would never go through the process again.

Hope25 profile image

After Matt Hancocks announcement today there are a lot of articles talking about Fertility treatment being re-started. I also had to stop reading the comments!! :( What was amazing to see was that all the people who commented saying that 'Fertility wasn't a priority and other things were more important' all had beautiful photos of them and their families.

Italy300618 profile image
Italy300618 in reply to Hope25

Oh I know! I had to stop reading them as it was bursting my happy bubble that I havent been in for a very good while!

They are simply just the worst people I have come across!! Definitely do read them lovely and enjoy the news xx

Megandmog profile image
Megandmog in reply to Italy300618

I was exactly the same. People saying their toothache was more important! Wtf? It was getting me so mad. I don’t know why I done it to myself ! xx

Italy300618 profile image
Italy300618 in reply to Megandmog

They are just the worst!! I know I'm not sure why we read them, but dont read anymore it's not worth it 😘

Yeah. the daily mail is horrible, if its upset you, please don't read articles about IVF again. The thing is people might be writing things to wind people up. They often contridict what they say. They say if need fertility treatment it means you shouldn't have kids and shouldnt be a parent then go onto say people should adopt. Guess what there both parents. I read one comment that said premature babies should life support switched off because they are a waste of money! Its very right wing paper. Please don't read if it upsets you.

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