The bad luck continues...: Soooo now I... - Fertility Network UK

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The bad luck continues...

TTCs profile image
46 Replies

Soooo now I have the shingles. You have to laugh 🙈 Ive had a sore, sensitive back & hip since 10dp3dt but thought it was just another symptom. I had some bleeding 12dp3dt and fertility doctor said back pain was prob my period coming though I knew it wasnt that type of pain, felt more like i was burnt. But i listened to him and thought no more about it, a sore back was the least of my worries. Our OTD was sunday (14dp3dt) BFN. 16dp3dt i break out in blisters and GP confirmed shingles, triggered by stress. Ive to take tablets 5 times a day but ive read you can be in pain months after this so I'm worried about how this might affect our next cycle. Trying to rest and get better so I can move on without delay.

Even though ive had some bleeding it's definitely not been a period, does anyone know how long it takes to come after OTD?

Thanks lovelies ❤ xx

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46 Replies
Cinderella5 profile image

Oh no you poor thing! I hope you're not in too much about sh!t luck! I got my period around 5 days after stopping the progesterone so perhaps its not too long away. Rest up and take it easy lovey!xx

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to Cinderella5

Thank u! Thats not so bad then, just wish it would hurry up and arrive so it can leave again! Cant believe my bad luck. I thought id been handling the stress not too bad, clearly not lol x

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to TTCs

I guess stress can manifest itself in all sorts of different ways, even when we think we arent stressed. Hopefully the witch turns up and leaves promptly!xx

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to Cinderella5

Haha, what an apt name! thank u! 💞

Hows u? X

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to TTCs

Ha ha ha sure is! Im good thanks. Getting geared up for my next FET which should be around April so started the pill before I have to down regulate....oh the joys!xx

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to Cinderella5

I hope the time moves quickly for u 💞 t

I am sorry to hear this- you’ve really been through the mill. It is bad clinic didn’t pick this 😡

I can’t advise you on periods & IVF. I have heard of can take a while for things to settle down- my periods are all over the place but that is endo for you 🙄 I feel your frustration.

I would contact the clinic explain everything and they will be able to advise you better.

Personally I wouldn’t want to have treatment if I was in pain- I made the choice to put trying on hold till my endo and stuff is resolved. You want to be in the best state of health to know it has the best chance of working. If put yourself and your health first 😊.

But this is your decision and you must do what is right by you- do get medical advice from GP/ fertility clinic prior to treatment so you can make an informed decision 😃

Rest up and just focus on getting better, you poor thing. Right now isn’t the time to make hard or fast decisions.

I hope you feel better soon xoxo

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to

Thanks jess1981. They kind of just brushed it off when i asked them about it and i didnt want to make a big deal, there's that mant symptoms and i know we overthink everything when going thru IVF! I think ur right re not being in pain whilst going thru ivf, cant be good for the body's stress levels. I have rang and informed the clinic and they are adding the info to my notes just :/ how r u? Xx

in reply to TTCs

You matter too - that gets too easy forgotten in all of this and I’m the same . 😊

I’m on holiday returning home tomorrow but I’ve been unwell 🤧 still been a nice holiday 😊

I’m lucky my fertility doctor is very supportive and very pro active 😊 I got a date now for my surgery - Friday 16th March not long now 😊

my last fertility doctor he was awful so dismissive and patronising- he failed to find the cause and was completely disinterested money making git 🤷🏼‍♀️Been there with bad consultants and GPs over the years 🙄 don’t worry you are not alone. You can see it going over their heads 🙄 I like to prove they are wrong 😂 I like being right too much for my own good haha 😂😂😂

I’m sure your consultant will be in touch shortly and will be able to advise you better. Don’t worry.

You take it easy missy 😘

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to

Ah sorry to hear uv been unwell on ur holidays 😙

Your op wont be long coming round!

Youve the right attitude though! I need to take a leaf out of your book!! Sometimes u feel like they say the same things to everyone, one size fits all, instead of individual treatment xx

Looby25 profile image

Oh no poor you!!! That’s the last thing you need! Shingles can be really nasty so make sure you get plenty of rest and keep your pain relief regular!! Lots of films on the sofa and day time tv! Wishing you a speedy recovery x x x

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to Looby25

Thanks Looby25! Its pretty painful. Was looking forward to getting back to normality with work etc so that we could move to next cycle. So it sucks but there's not alot i can do! Best just take care of myself. How r u? Xx

Looby25 profile image
Looby25 in reply to TTCs

Definitely take care of yourself, and work can wait, you are more important!! Doing really well thank you x x x

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to Looby25

Thank you! Glad to hear u are doing well! X

oharal profile image

Oh rubbish!! Hope they clear up quickly for you xx

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to oharal

Thank u 💞

E_05 profile image

Oh no that’s awful, can’t believe the clinic didn’t pick anything up. Hope your feeling better soon, i started bleeding about 4 days after my OTD. Look after yourself xx

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to E_05

Thank you 💞

87Ballerina profile image

So sorry to hear your having such a rough time fo it recently TTC. Maybe it’s your body telling you to slow down and look after yourself? I know hat may sound weirded but perhaps it is. Look after yourself xx

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to 87Ballerina

Thank You, i think you're right. Though ive been off work during my IVF treatment so tried to minimise stress as much as posisble. My EC was so painful & stressful, Im wondering if it is related xx

87Ballerina profile image
87Ballerina in reply to TTCs

My EC hasn’t been great either tbh. I had mine Monday and suffering. Got tests tomorrow at hospital at at risk of OHSS so they want to keep an eye on me. It probably is plus all the stress of the whole process, it’s so emotionally draining it’s not a surprise plus what your body has gone through. Rest up and prepare your body for the next stage xx

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to 87Ballerina

Thats good they are monitoring you closely! I got OHSS and it wasn't pleasent! Thank you for your kind words xxx

87Ballerina profile image
87Ballerina in reply to TTCs

No problem. All the best xx

Tugsgirl profile image

Oh so sorry. Really hope you’re feeling better soon xx

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to Tugsgirl

Thank you xx

Lou7744 profile image

Sorry to hear this, it’s the last thing you need! Rest up and take care of yourself 💕 xx

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to Lou7744

I know...just when I was getting back to normality, knocked back down again xx

Dunla profile image

Oh no, that’s awful. Your poor thing. Shingles sounds horrible. It just goes to show the enormity of the stress and the knock on effect it has on your immune system. I’m really hoping you make a speedy recovery from this . You must be feeling rotten.

As for the bleeding, my OTD was Thursday past and I started to bleed on Sunday. Pretty sure it was a proper period although it wasn’t as heavy as I had anticipated. Very sore cramps mind you.

You rest up and take good care of yourself 😘xx

What rotten luck! I hope you feel better soon. Make sure you get plenty of rest xx

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to

Thank you! Xxx

TTCs profile image

Thanks you, you're so kind. I had been doing pretty well, back to work the day after BFN and was looking towards round 2 and just feel this has knocked me right back. I also feel very isolated and that my friends dont care. I'm probably just feeling sorry for myself and need a good kick up the backside! At least my husband is wonderful, he brought me to tears this morning with a Valentines card full of kind words about what we've been through with IVF. How r u? xx

You poor thing! I had shingles at age 13 and can still tell you exactly where it was on my body because apparently it sort of sears itself into your nerve memory, but it’s not actually painful for that long, you just remember it. Does that sound weird?! It’s great they now have drugs to treat it (there wasn’t much to help it in the early 90s!) and I’m sure you’ll feel much better very soon. I don’t think it will affect your next cycle, you need to wait a couple of months to let your system all settle down anyway after a bfn.

I can’t help with when your period might come though as mine has always started before the end of the 2ww.

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to Lizzielizzielizzie

Thank you! Ah jeez at 13 that must have been rough!!! The blisters are gross and so itchy! But its manageable! Im on tablets 5 times a day so surely they'll do the job 🙈 you're right by time im ready for next cycle hopefully I'll be baxl to full health xx

Bee_82 profile image

I’m sorry to hear this. Hope you feel better soon 💕 Take care of yourself and get plenty of rest xx

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to Bee_82

Thank u ❤

Linds150 profile image

Oh bloody hell! You’ve had a rotten run of it....

All I can say is take the time to look after you and get yourself back to strength. I’m a firm believer that life never throws anything at us that we can’t handle- we always find a way through to the other side. Get yourself well, do some self care, and cross the next bridge when you get to it. feel better soon xx

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to Linds150

Thank u Linds150, wise words indeed! I always think it could be worse, so i need to be thankful that i dont have something worse 💞

AJJ123 profile image

I know it’s quite different but my dad’s just had shingles and he’s in so much pain with it. It’s horrific, the blisters are really severe too, look like burns. I’m so sorry you went through this, i think it happens when your exhausted and low. Get well soon xx

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to AJJ123

Thanks Ajeff123, yes apparently triggered by stress. The blisters are sore & itchy and it feels like ive been burnt but on plus note they are only on one side of my body not both! Thank u for ur well wishes 💞 xx

Positive2022 profile image

Rest up and hope you feel better soon. Sending love and BIG hugs xxx

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to Positive2022

Thank u xx

vic77 profile image

so sorry for all this..sending hugs and love xxx

TTCs profile image

Crazymrsrees79 profile image

Oh u poor thing. Did they give you pain killers also for the pain? I got a patient that’s got it at the moment and it looks so painful. Make sure you take care of yourself xx

Anna00 profile image

Omg poor you! I’m so sorry lovely. I’m in pain since Sunday and still don’t know what is it. Such a horrible time and take it easy hope you get better soon xxxx

Spongy profile image

I’m so sorry to hear you are having such a rough time. Just wanted to say, I had shingles during my ivf journey too, also stress related! Mine cleared up quickly with the medication and I never had any long lasting pain or anything.

I really hope you get better quick and wish you all the luck in the world xx

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