I just wanted to share my news as I know I spent many many hours scrolling through these forums looking for stories to give me hope.
After 15 months of trying (and failing) to conceive we found out I had very low AMH which was rapidly declining (went from 4.8 to 1.7 in about 7 months) and my partner was found to have 0% morphology and poor motility. We were told that there wasn’t much hope trying IVF as my ovarian reserve was too bad.
But we wanted to try everything, so went ahead! 1st round I responded poorly and only got 3 eggs of which only one successfully fertilised and made it to a day 5 blast, but that failed. We went straight to a second round trying a totally different protocol and different drugs. This time I responded even worse! Only got 1 egg, we were gutted and at that point we assumed it was all over for us. Fast forward to today and I’ve had my 12 week scan and NIPT results through and we have a healthy baby girl growing. Still got a long way to go, but I can’t believe we made it to this stage given how awful our prospects were. The cliche is true - it only takes one!!
I hope this story gives hope to others, I know I’ve found so much strength from reading other people stories in these support forums.