My heart stopped for a moment - Fertility Network UK

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My heart stopped for a moment

FrancyItaly profile image
23 Replies

Sorry for the moan, I know the world is dealing with bigger tragedies right now. I just found out another friend is pregnant, I’m counting 6 now! She is not really my friend anymore, she used to be. She got married last July and is already 29 weeks, so she got pregnant immediately. I’m feeling so sad and depressed, I wasn’t even feeling bad on my due date on Wednesday. She was such a bitch to me, so why? Why is this happening? Life is so unfair! I’m so sorry of waiting, testing, praying and hoping. What’s the point? I don’t know what else I can do.

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FrancyItaly profile image
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23 Replies

Oh my God 😱seems like everyone in this world is pregnant but us 🙈I know how you feel hun, life is SO unfair it’s unbelievable!!! 🙈🙈🙈if she’s not your friend, why did she tell you then??? I’m sorry Hun, sending love 💗

FrancyItaly profile image
FrancyItaly in reply to

She didn’t, she just posted something on Instagram and stupidly I went to see.. 💕

in reply to FrancyItaly

Oh- she went public already? Brave!

ttcemmie profile image

Sorry to hear this, lovely. It's always hard to hear when other people are pregnant. Especially if they don't deserve it or weren't even trying! Sorry, I'm such a bitch! It's really unfair, though, I agree. My cousin, who is a drug addict, has two kids by two different women (one with a restraining order). Not quite the same, but just as annoying, trust me! It's all so unfair. Especially with the work that goes in to IVF. I'm just keeping hoping and praying. Lots of love xxxx

FrancyItaly profile image
FrancyItaly in reply to ttcemmie

I don’t know why this happens, we could offer the most wonderful life to a baby, but for some reason we have to struggle. Lots of love 💕

Yes there are those supposedly worse off than you but it doesn't change how you feel about things that upset you and yes it's all so bloody unfair isn't it?

FrancyItaly profile image
FrancyItaly in reply to

I know it’s a silly moan and tomorrow I will be better again. Thank you 💕

LizzieBW profile image

Hi FranceItaly,

I really struggle with this too. I feel that pain. I wouldn't even like to count the number of babies that very close friends have had since we started actively trying for a baby. It hurts because it makes me feel more and more like a failure. My body fails me, I fail as a wife to provide my Husband with our baby, I fail as a woman. Friends falling pregnant when they didn't plan it or worse - didn't want it! Even worse when it's just not our turn...again. All I can say is you're not alone in your pain. We're right there alongside you xx

FrancyItaly profile image
FrancyItaly in reply to LizzieBW

Aw I’m sorry to hear that, it’s hard and unfair. I hope it will happen for you very soon 💕

I remember this anger / pain / jealous feeling to every pregnancy announcement. I would go out feeling fairly positive then hear this news and come home in tears. I just couldnt be happy for anyone, especially those it happened quickly for or unplanned etc. I dont think you will ever feel any different until you have a baby of your own. This doesn't mean you are a bad person because you arent - it is completely a natural reaction and response to your situation. So dont feel bad. I was once told of 3 pregnancies 3 days in a row. Fortunately it happened for me by some miracle eventually but even now I feel sad when it happens so easy for others because I will never forget the pain i went through! Try to only allow yourself a short time to grieve the situation then try and move on and focus on your own journey. Sending lots of love xx

FrancyItaly profile image
FrancyItaly in reply to Love_the_mountains

I have to say, I used to feel jealous and think of others, but right now it’s more about myself that I worry about. I couldn’t care less about her and what she does, it’s just a matter of noticing why I am not pregnant when I bloody deserve it! I just need another pregnancy and to become a mum. Anyway today I’m much better already and back on track! 💕

Ranchu90 profile image

I know exactly what you feel. We went few weeks back to a birthday party, there came all our good friends and ALL with babies on their hands. We was the ONLY couple “empty handed”. Never in my life felt so crap...usually I am a very positive person which always smiles, says jokes but this time was heartbroken for me.

We came to the party last ones and we had to leave the first ones... I couldn’t bear it anymore, one and half hour was already too much for me.

Next day few of them called us to ask if we are feeling fine as we left the party so early (unusual for us) and why we looked so upset.

My answer was “we were tired after work” but in my mind the right answer was “we are tired of trying so hard to be just like the rest of you”😢🥺

You are not alone! I am with you on the same boat!

Sending lots of love 💓 ❤️

FrancyItaly profile image
FrancyItaly in reply to Ranchu90

Oh I’m sorry, that must be very hard for you, I know. This will happen to me too very soon, I have to forget about hosting a party or anything or all our friends will turn up with babies! Honestly, I’m happy for them, most of them took a year or 18 months to even get pregnant, for me it happened much sooner. But here I am the one without a baby yet. Let’s just carry on and hope it will happen for us soon 💕

Ranchu90 profile image
Ranchu90 in reply to FrancyItaly

I never lost HOPE! I will carry on until I will realise that there is nothing else more that we can do. My mum always says there is no problem without solution. I will find that missing puzzle piece in one day ...

All the best 🥰

FrancyItaly profile image
FrancyItaly in reply to Ranchu90

Oh mums are always right! ☺️

Jazmin222 profile image

I know this feeling too!! Crippling!!! I used to get so jealous ...and depressed!! There’s all these stories of my friends/cousins etc that immediately met someone after years of being single and boom pregnant in minutes ... it used to really cut me up!! It was made worse as my partner (of six years) actually didn’t want kids but initially stalled then after 2 years together said we could try all whilst at the same time deliberately thwarting efforts to try at fertile times!! (I question whether he actually had business trips away or whether it was just to avoid the window!) and run me out of any chance of conceiving as I got into my 40s!! it’s something I’ve been waiting for, for years and years!! Such a painful thing for a women ..that maternal urge takes over everything ..... I have to say having a child is something I couldn’t go a day without thinking about it multiple times a day!! I’m doing it alone now ....I hope soon get what you are longing for most!! Xxx

FrancyItaly profile image
FrancyItaly in reply to Jazmin222

Thank you for sharing your story and I’m glad to hear you are pregnant now! Well done you for not giving up! I hope all goes well for you! 💕

CherryPie1 profile image

Hi hun,

I totally get the anger and upset you must feel right now given how much you have gone through.

You have the choice however of how to act in this situation and empower yourself to take this energy wish her well in your heart and channel it to looking after yourself. If it is really bothering you then I'd suggest clearing it with her and tell her look I know it's been a long time but this Is how you came across to me and this is the impact that it had which caused xxx between us and then say what youd like to create whether that be a brave step towards friendship or clearing the air. Believe it or not but all our knotted anger inside of us produces chemicals which impact our wellbeing. I would love for you to get some relief in this area hun. I had to clear a lot of things with people even though u felt vulnerable as hell it allowed me to connect to my deeper self and given I have sever endo and adenomyosis I feel that this definitely contributed to help get me pregnant and stay pregnant now. I can tell that you have a big heart and that when someone hurts you and acts like that towards you it really hurts but I think you can look at this situation as an opportunity to empower yourself.

FrancyItaly profile image
FrancyItaly in reply to CherryPie1

Thank you so much for your advice. I don’t have any sort of relationship with her now or any feelings at all, so I’m happy our lives went on different paths. Of course I wish her and her pregnancy well but I don’t need her in my life. I feel good already today and I know one day, at a better time, it will happen for us 💕

Bridj99 profile image

Sorry I know how frustrating it is xx

FrancyItaly profile image
FrancyItaly in reply to Bridj99

Sorry you are on the same boat. All the best for your IVF 💕

Elizabeth_007 profile image

I'm so sorry you're going through this, much love your way! I would like to recommend something that may give you a lot more hope than what you have now. Look up Dr. Joe Dispenza on you tube. He has helped people heal and create miracles in their life with meditation techniques!! He has hundreds of testimonials and has written several books. All the best - Elizabeth

FrancyItaly profile image
FrancyItaly in reply to Elizabeth_007

Oh thank you for this Elizabeth, I will look it up now! 💕

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