Sad, hurt and hopeless 💔: Dear friends... - Fertility Network UK

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Sad, hurt and hopeless 💔

74 Replies

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Dear friends, I thought long and hard before writing this post- because I don’t want to bring negativity and ruin the happiness of who has just got a BFP or is happily pregnant. Forgive me if I do.

I’m really struggling today- and yesterday too. And god knows for how long I’ll feel this way. I do tell myself ‘cmon it’s just ONE miscarriage, think about who had more! Or worse....’ but I just can’t cheer myself up.

I’ve gone back to using my pre pregnancy skincare products and I hate it, I’ve deleted all the pictures of when ‘I was pregnant’, scans included....nothing seems to help.

Things changed so quickly that I just can’t get my head around it- I don’t know how I didn’t think I could miscarry! It’s want to sail the boat and you only worry about how to sail it, without thinking that if you do sail it, a storm can capsize you. 💔

My brain missed that info- and so when the doctor told us ‘I’m afraid it’s not good news’ 💔I literally heard my heart crack. Seriously. It cracked. I heard the noise. My poor husband burst in a cry so loud that I rushed to console him 💔gosh I’ll never forget that. It was my mums bday and the scan’s picture was my bday gift for her 💔instead she cried on the phone with me.

When I read your stories I want to motivate you in fighting for your dreams, but the truth is....I don’t know if I can continue mine. I really don’t. This is just too painful.


I have a beautiful life, I am extremely lucky, but maybe I just need to accept that I can’t have it ALL, somethings got to give. I can’t change fate, if this is it.

Anyway, I’ll leave you a picture of my beautiful magnolia, spring has sprung in my garden. I love that purple colour.

74 Replies
Italy300618 profile image

Oh issylove 💔 I can't imagine how you must be feeling, I've never had to go through a miscarriage and like you had said have probably never thought of that because all you focus on is the BFP and shut out all the other negative possibilities because you have finally got what you want.

I just wanted to say I'm here, we all are, theres no easy way to get through it, and like all parts of IVF, all you can do is ride the wave of emotions and hope to come out the other side, stronger, which you will, as you are such a strong lady. Sending love and hugs, and let it all out, it's ok to do that, grieve your loss. Lots of love xxxx

in reply to Italy300618

Thank you so much 😢💔

Patches86 profile image

My heart breaks for you reading this. I think give yourself the care and love you give to so many others on this forum. You aren’t expected to just be ok, be in your grief and experience it fully, these are all such fresh and raw emotions. Each day that passes will get easier I promise, but for now just be. After I miscarried I did a gratitude practice everyday trying to focus on the good things in my life... truly tough as you feel none of those things matter anymore, but can slowly help shift focus, even if just a little. You aren’t alone. Sending hugs x

in reply to Patches86

Thank you so much 😢💔

Oh lovely I am so sorry to hear you so upset, its no consolation but it is completely normal.

Never try and knock yourself back because 'its just one..' - everyones journeys are different and the main thing is this is your pain and just as painful for you as other peoples is to them whether its MC number 1 or number 15.

After miscarriage surgery your hormones do plummet, so not only are you dealing with grief and the physical side of things but the hormonal changes also makes things very difficult. The first week or so are just dark dark days but gradually over time there is light at the end of the tunnel. You need to grieve to process all these feelings and emotions.

My one tip is don't worry about whether you can go through IVF again etc. This is not the time to be thinking about that. Now is time for TLC, supporting each other, crying, suddenly stopping then crying again .. but gradually the crying does get less and the laughing starts again.

You will never forget it.. but you gradually think about the whole experience less and less.

I have had a total of 4 MC now, and its a very personal situation and its different for everyone but you can and will find a 'normal' life again. its not easy, and it takes time, but I promise you will feel like the 'normal' you again, and in time you will probably feel ready to try again, but for now, just literally take each hour at a time, and do whatever you need to in order to get through that 60 mins, then start again.

Sending you so much love and hugs and sympathy xxxx

in reply to

Omg I can’t even start to process how you survived 4 mc 💔😱😭’re my hero. I can’t do it again. I am so sorry Hun 💔thank you for your words Xx

Jessy1280 profile image

Issy... I promise you this lovely. It's hurts like hell but you will find the strength to keep going. When it's happend to me in December, I'd wake every morning and it'd hit me again and again wishing I hadn't opened my eyes. Not that I wanted to die but more that the grief was too much and the only time I wasn't thinking about it was when I was asleep. The pain does ease in time. The only thing keeping me going was the thought of my next cycle. Sadly for some ladies it does take multiple attempts whereas for others works the first try.

Please allow yourself time to grieve and don't any hasty decisions about where you go from here. We're all here for you xx

in reply to Jessy1280

Yes sleeping is the only moment when I feel no pain- shame it doesn’t last long. I keep waking up in the night💔😭xxx thank you

Cmc2020 profile image

Hey I remember reading your post and being happy for you that your Ivf worked then to see you had a miscarriage is heartbreaking I’ve had three and a cancelled Ivf cycle it feels like it’s never going to happen ! With everything that’s going on the now as well I feel really depressed we can barely leave the house and do normal things so all this isn’t helping people’s mental state I really hope your ok this app helps people lots I believe we will get there one day and get a little baby we deserve and will be the best mums because we have climbed so many hurdles to become one ❤️❤️it takes time to get over a miscarriage u will have good and bad day’s it’s just hard to try and have good days just now with this coronavirus everywhere x

in reply to Cmc2020

Omg I’m so sorry to hear your had 3 did you survive?😭💔I can’t...Xx

Cmc2020 profile image
Cmc2020 in reply to

I have just managed to pick my self up again I had an ectopic first then two natural ones after that but if the world was like this back then I don’t think I could have coped because it’s so depressing never mind what ur going through too 😭you will get there take this time to relax have you got any frozen embryos ? Xx

in reply to Cmc2020

I really admire your strength, wow. We only have 1 embryo frozen, I want to do PGS testing though because I will never transfer an embryo which has not tested normal. I want to avoid another miscarriage at all costs!

Cmc2020 profile image
Cmc2020 in reply to

Thank you I admire yours too because I know it’s not easy such a shame for you 😭and it only takes one so hopefully this one sticks if it’s ok after being tested we will both more than likely be doing our FET after all this is over I can’t wait but your story gave me so much hope then that happened to you :( so sad 😞 you will get there promise 🥰stay strong

Mmmpudding profile image

Sometimes there are just no words. I don’t really know how to comfort you but I am always here to lend you a virtual shoulder and an ear. You feel the way you feel and there is certainly no right or wrong about it. I am sure it is part of the grieving process and there is absolutely no need for you to worry about bringing a “negative” note to the forum. You have been a force of positivity in the past and you have every right to want to share ALL of your feelings with us, happy or sad. And many of us do want to be here for you. Look after yourself. All my love xxxx

in reply to Mmmpudding

Thank you Hun xxx 😭💔💔💔💔

Foodie23 profile image

Oh Issy, I'm so sorry for your loss.

The truth is, there isn't anything you or anyone else can do or say right now to take this breathtaking pain away. I know this probably isn't what you want to hear, but it won't help trying to "fix" your broken heart. It's not possible. Healing only comes when you allow yourself to feel and grieve your loss fully.

Surround yourself with people who can be present with your pain, provide comfort and don't need you to be "OK" right now. Try to be patient with yourself. Healing takes time. If you can, don't make any big decisions right now.

Grief has been described as love with no place to go. Healing your broken heart lies in finding ways to express that love for your baby. When you're ready, there are several lovely ways you can honor your baby's memory. You can give him/her a name. No, you don't have to "know" the gender to do this. You can write a letter to your baby. You can find something in nature that makes you think of your baby and put it in a place that won't be disturbed for you to return to any time you want to think of them. Try Googling "rituals for miscarriage" for more suggestions. Below is a link to a Buddhist ritual to mourn the loss of a baby.

My heart goes out to you and your family during this difficult time. I wish you comfort and compassion on your healing journey. I'm here for you. We all are. Lots of love and hugs! -Holly Xxx

in reply to Foodie23

This is very sweet Holly, thank you ❤️Xx

Picalilli99 profile image

Oh Issy my heart is broken for you right now 💔. I totally understand those feelings. I remember those fateful words so clearly. You will never forget your dear baby, a little piece of your heart may always be broken, but the pain will gradually start to ease over time I promise. It is all still so raw right now. I would say try not to think too far beyond the end of today. You don’t have to make any decisions about the future right now. Right now it’s just about taking good care of yourself, and each other. Holding each other tight and supporting each other in your grief (that also means not holding back on yours through fear of upsetting your dear OH if you can). You are in this together and you will get through it together. It will just take time for you to heal lovely. Please try not to put too much pressure on yourself to feel a certain way or to have any expectations about how long this will last, because that can just make you feel worse. Take care and never feel bad about posting on here for support when you are struggling. We are all here for each other through the good times and the bad ❤️ Xx

in reply to Picalilli99

Thank you so much 😭💔💔💔💔💔

Picalilli99 profile image
Picalilli99 in reply to


RhinoCat profile image

Oh my goodness I love magnolia and dark purple is also my favourite colour . 💖💖💖💖💖

My heart just fell on the floor reading your post just now...... 😔 it actually hurts for you. I have a hard sore lump in my throat as I read your words and hear the hurt you are living. It’s not fair, just not fair.😤😔😔😔😔😩

It is hard to hear about how much pain you are in .... I can only imagine it..... I have never experienced what you are going through right now but I feel it , 💖

I hear , 💐

and I get why you feel the way you do .😔

Your boat ref 🚣‍♀️ reminded me about a thing I typed in someone’s wall about how hard the journey of ivf actually is. I think it’s even harder than a boat in a storm ⛈.....

I really think it feels like rowing a boat backwards up rapids 🌊 with one oar , a broken arm and a hole in the boat . Many many times I read about the boat going under the waves taking people under then bashing them on a rock before they get back in ...... and try again . It is the most gruelling , hope stealing , soul battering journey . Utterly mean and full of agony torture and humiliating procedures . 🤬😣🤯😳🥺😩😤😭😭

Yet the odd day , the clouds part and the blue sky reveals itself with news of success . ☀️ Just not for me..... yet. But, maybe one day ? ( some days even this thought is hard to generate ) 🤷🏼‍♀️😔

It is still not fair today . 🥺

I still don’t want to believe it I can’t imagine how utterly betrayed by the world you feel.

You are the most passionate ,

Loving , caring and encouraging person I’ve found on these walls ....... (you are my favourite kind of ivf sister and I wish your pain away)....and I do not know why the gems of the world need to be put under so much pressure for their dreams. I know that what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger and that the strong amongst us must go through hell to be strong but ....... sweet Lord, stop with the pain , my issy has had enough🤷🏼‍♀️😭

Praying peace over your head and heart , may God give a peace that passes all understanding during these dark dark days.


Sure you know psalm 23 but might not know the message version . It says ‘even though I walk through valleys that are as dark as death I will not be afraid ‘

Praying courage as you walk .... slide .... or crawl through this valley that feels as dark as death .

Even on the most awful of days, there may come a gorgeous sunset 🌅

Or a pretty purple magnolia to cheer your heart 💓

I am here for you .

I am listening .

My heart hurts for you 💖💐🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

Hugs and tears and hugs 💖👌🏻😭💖💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐

in reply to RhinoCat

😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔Love you loads xxx

RhinoCat profile image
RhinoCat in reply to


Soo sorry for your loss must be horrible 😢 did you have any symptoms before you found out? I'm so scared of this my self.. can't imagine what you are going through xx

in reply to

I didn’t mean to scare you with my post Eram! Don’t think about what happened to me ❤️It won’t happen to you- your baby is there to stay ❤️Sending love 💋💋💋💋💋

Dear Issy you are such a brave woman, articulating and talking about your pain takes a lot of courage. It's the right step in the right direction.

One day at a time, little by little. Feel it, it's genuine.

We are all here for you

in reply to

Little by little 😭💔Love you loads xxx

So so sorry for your loss Issy, I've been following your story since I joined in January ❤ I've had a MC in the past and it's the most awful thing to go thru.

I can tell you that it does get easier with time, a long time, but you will get there. In the mean time, feel every feeling that comes, dont be ashamed of feeling jealousy of another pregnant woman, guilt for thinking you should be over it. Those feelings are real and must be felt for you to heal.

Sending you and your husband so much love and strength ❤❤❤

Hollie xxx

in reply to Florencenightingale

Thank you so much Hollie, I’m so sorry to hear about your loss 💔it’s SO heartbreaking I can barely breathe 😭💔

KayCan profile image

Hi Issy, I just wanted to send you a wee message to say that all the feelings you are feeling are all perfectly normal, you are allowed to grieve for the baby you lost, you are allowed to be sad and angry and I'm sorry to say that you aren't just going to suddenly feel better when this is all still so raw for you. You are such a positive person, but just for a while you really don't need to be. Allow yourself the time to grieve, you are going to have awful days and then some days things may not seem so bad, but this is not an experience you will ever forget. Don't be hard on yourself and just allow the grieving process, I know you have said you have cried and cried, but you are allowed to cry as much as you want, you don't finish grieving for a baby in the space of a few days I'm afraid sweetie. Your posts are always from the heart and you have put a lump in my throat for sure (but please don't change!!) 😥

I hope you take this message in the way it is intended 💔 I am so sad for you I was absolutely rooting for you, but feeling sad and hurt is all part of grieving.

Once you can think a bit clearer you will find a way forward. You will be a brilliant Mummy and I know you'll find a way to make things happen, I am always a firm believer of what is meant to be will not pass you by. 🥰

That little baby will always remain in your heart but I promise you it will not hurt forever.

Take care of yourself, lots of love and virtual hugs 💕

Ps: beautiful magnolia 💜

Pps: sorry for the essay 🙈

in reply to KayCan

Dear Kay, I know what you mean ❤️Thank you so much, I’ll keep reading your message 💋xxx I hope you are well 💋

KayCan profile image
KayCan in reply to

You are strong and you and hubby will be a stronger unit after this. Life is a shit sandwich at times, but there are sunnier times ahead 💛

Cinderella5 profile image

Awww Issy, it's so effing shit! Nobody should have to go through this, nobody! I feel very similar to what you mean about your husband, mine did exactly the same although our circumstances were very different....I'll never forget that noise!😔💔 You're doing the best that you can sweetheart, there is so much to process. Give yourself some time, this wont go away and as cliche as it sounds time helps but I still get sad days even if mine was over a year ago! You're entitled to feel how you feel for as long as you need. Take things one day at a time, that's all you can do. Your Magnolia is beautiful. When I hear Magnolia I always think of steel.....that is what we are, made of strong stuff but not unbreakable!! Take care lovely, we are here for you!!😘😘😘xxx

in reply to Cinderella5

You are all so fantastic in coming to my rescue and I’m so grateful, I would be dead without your words of support!

It really hurts that people who should be most understanding of my situation (family mainly) are instead quite cold and dismissive, like ‘well that’s happened, now move on’.....

I can’t move on, not now. They don’t realise that those words hurt like hell 💔💔💔💔

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to

How dare anyone say that to you! It makes me so angry that we have to go through IVF which is hard enough! Then to lose the baby and some people cant even show some form of angry! I'm so sorry that you have been treated this way. My MIL was a bit of a cow, she said "I told you not to get your hopes up". I mean WTF?! Ignore those awful comments and people. The most important people right now are you and your OH, hold onto each other tightly. You may not feel like it right now but you'll find a way to honor & remember your lost little one and nobody can ever take the fact that you are a mummy, you just didnt get to spend a whole lot of time with your baby!!😥😘xxx

Lavender96 profile image

Oh Issy I’m so sorry for your loss and all the pain you are feeling right now. I’ve been in this dark place and there really isn’t much anybody can say to ease this pain right now. But please know that these feelings are totally normal. You need to give yourself time to grieve and let the tears out. Everybody deals with this in there own way and all I can say is that I honestly didn’t know how I would carry on and find the strength to try again, but slowly it did start to get better. Look after yourself and take as much time as you need.

Sending you lots of love and hugs xx

in reply to Lavender96

Thank you Hun, I’m so sorry to hear about your mc 💔I’m glad you’re feeling better xxx

FrancyItaly profile image

Oh no darling. I’m so sorry to read your words. I’m sorry you feel this way, but I also know it’s normal. You’ll feel lots of different emotions going forward, you still have to fully process it all and it takes time. It will be a roller coaster, there is no best way to describe it. Some day you will feel so sad and others you’ll be just fine. I hope one day you will be able to think about it as a good thing that happened in your life and keep the good memories. Think of how happy it made you feel even if it was for a short period of time, how it made you and your husband feel even closer, and that you got pregnant once and can definitely get pregnant again. I will not forget your little 🦞 ok? We will take your mother and mine for a gelato too!

in reply to FrancyItaly

Thank you Francy 💗💋

ttcemmie profile image

My lovely lovely Issy. You go into IVF hoping and thinking the best, otherwise noone would go through IVF (at least not initially). The optimism can wane over time, obviously. And in times like this disappear completely. Don't feel like you need to focus on the future and the journey, just focus on today. Or, actually, I understand today is shit, so just focus on the now.

I really feel for your heart breaking. It's just destroying; devastating. I'm so so sorry.

I can understand having a beautiful life, but if it's not complete, then it's not complete and no matter how perfect your life is, if you're missing a huge part of your heart and what is wanted in your life, then it's hard to be happy about that. Don't have massive expectations of yourself right now my love. You're going through a lot. ALL my love. HUGS HUGS HUGS. xxxxxxxx

in reply to ttcemmie

I felt all your sweetness, so much needed ❤️Thank you so so so much sweet Emmie 💋❤️

Corchi profile image

Sent you a pm

No Issy luv! I have always this thing in my throat when i read these posts. Thats how i feel connected to all you lovelies. I dont want to make fun of it trust me i have the moments but when one if us feels down i just want to say no dont u dare to stop. We are all in it and we need to keep going for each other. You know like the musketeers Maybe sounding very stupid but chin up dear. I hope tomorrow is a better day. Stay strong sister❤️

RhinoCat profile image
RhinoCat in reply to

Love this . The three musketeers ( you, husband and ivf sisters ) 😘🥰💐👌🏻🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩

in reply to RhinoCat


SVAK profile image

Sending you so much love at this painful time ❤️

Jenifer99 profile image

Omg issylove80, I just couldn't stop crying after reading your post. I pray to God almighty .. .. Him alone will console your heart and grant you all your desires ❤🙏🙏🙏🙏Amen

I do feel for you but you must not give up on your hope of a family with beautiful kids. This is something that unfortunately some of us experience and we go threw and we never really understood the reason as to why we were the unlucky ones. I found myself feeling the same way as you on multiple occasions. I have gone threw 2 miscarriages, an etopic pregnancy and during ivf I had to get a cyst removal so it has not been an easy road but after doing ivf i was fortunate enough to fall pregnant. Im only 7weeks pregnant and I know that there's a possibility that I might have to face another miscarriage but im hanging on to hope that i will be fortunate enough to be a mother again. We can't give up on our hopes. We have to try to stay positive in these tough times and just hope and pray that in the end we will be fortunate enough to see our little beans progress into a beautiful baby that we have in our arms one day.

Paxita profile image

Ohoh oh so sorry dear my heart is really broken for you

May God comfort you my dear and please dont loose lets pray for each other

Am also feeling scared

My blood test is on Tuesday

Georgie17 profile image

It is so tough when your hopes are taken away. Don't give up. I had a miscarriage before 12 weeks 2 years ago and again a few weeks back at 17 weeks and 5 days. I feel your pain and it will take us time to process and get back to it. I have had 7 transfers and I know how hard it can be but the thought of not having a baby is more heartbreaking for me hence why I keep going. The current situation with no clinics offering ivf is making us more uneasy but time will come when we can get back to it. Keep strong and get yourself ready for your next try if you can financially and want to do so. Sending you lots of love xx

crisps88 profile image

Oh my love I’m so sorry I really am I am so sorry for you. Thinking of you. It will get better i promise i know it doesn’t seem like it but it will. You’re being so strong already please be kind to yourself . Xxxxx

KiboXX profile image

Oh Issy, please don’t apologise for feeling broken. I think you’re amazing for sharing how raw and painful this experience can be. You are grieving, and grief is a journey, you’ll have days when you it all seems to much and days when you can just about cope but I promise you, it will get better and you will get through this.

Your magnolia is beautiful, a ray of light and beauty in a dark time xxx

in reply to KiboXX

Thank you sweetie. Love you lots 💗💗💗

KiboXX profile image
KiboXX in reply to


Twiglet2 profile image

It’s just so unfair and heartbreaking that this could happen to you. There is nothing right now that can take the pain away but hopefully in time it will ease 💔 please don’t think you are not entitled to these feelings as ‘others have had it worse’! This is one of the most devastating things that could ever happen to you and your pain is very real and very warranted. Your world has been turned upside down and your dreams shattered. I am here to chat if you ever need it 🤗 please take care of yourself and don't put any pressure on yourself to ‘cheer up’ or be positive just yet, let your emotions out! No one will judge you Xxx

Caitlin-m profile image

I had a miscarriage last summer and it knocked me sideways. It’s totally normal to feel absolutely broken by this - it is a horrendous thing to happen to anyone, and no doubt worse for those of us who have had fertility problems. My advice would be to just embrace your feelings, let the tears out, be really sad. Time was the only thing that helped me feel better. Do want you need to do to feel better - eat, drink, exercise, get massages, see friends, don’t see friends - whatever is right for you.

My miscarriage was last summer, a baby conceived naturally after 16 months of trying. Then we decided to go for IVF in Nov. Found out in January it didn’t work - another blow but no where near the pain of the miscarriage. Then somehow, miraculously, I got pregnant in February naturally. I am now 8 weeks. I question it every day and feel much less secure than I did with the first one, but every day my hope grows.

So hopefully, 6, 12, 18 months from now you will be the person writing back to that girl who is going through this horrible thing, saying it is hard, but you will be ok.

Lots of love xxx

Kfar profile image

I am so sorry you have to go through this, I understand what you are going through and just wanted to let you know that things can get better. I had 4 miscarriages and after each one I thought I couldn't go through it again. Be kind to yourself, allow yourself time to be sad and don't compare yourself to others, your grief is no less than someone who has gone through this multiple times. Things can get better, I'm writing this with my 11 week old daughter in my arms, but this time last year I didn't know if I would ever get to be a mother. Please look after yourself, do what is right for you but know that things can get better x

Up2theuniverse profile image

I’m so sorry for your loss, I know it’s hard, and it will be for a long time, but it will get easier. The only thing keeping me going is the thought that if I have a healthy baby soon, my last pregnancy would have meant something, it would mean that my sick baby was making way for a healthy baby sister or brother. I know it’s tough, but hopefully you will get your rainbow, and you will look back and realise why you had to endure such trauma.

Hartley1 profile image

Hey Issy so sorry you're going through this...only natural for you to feel like this. Thank God you didn't think about's all I think about at the scared of it. Love the purple magnolia beautiful. Please don't give up...but if you do, I would say how brave you were as its a very diff decision to come too.

Literally take a day at a time and as time passes you'll know what you want to do.

Mum's are the best I can rmbr when my first round failed i cried on her loads.

You appreciating what you have is incredible. It's only natural to want this. Don't knock yourself for that.

Take care still here if you want to chat xxx

Sammy246 profile image

Hi Issylove, I just read your post and I can so relate to your pain. I had also deleted all my pregnancy related pics, my midwife notes and everything that reminded me that I was pregnant after my mmc. But that didn't mean that the pain went easier. Yesterday was 2 week since my medically management appointment and I dont think there has been a day since I've not remembered my angel. Yesterday, not realising I was speaking out loud I said I wished I hadn't lost this baby. Both my sister and husband just went quiet and my sister said my time will come. But will it? People are joking that there will be quarantine babies after 9 months but couples like us who have fertility issues will never get pregnant naturally and will never get this baby unless with go through ivf and now after going through a mmc I don't even know if I can risk physically going through another mmc. To know i carried a baby for 9 weeks, saw a heartbeat and then the baby to just stop growing is so difficult to process. I'm constantly going through what I could have changed but I know I'm not to blame and this baby wasn't meant to be.

My appointment was scheduled to see the consultant on 30 april to discuss my mmc but that's been changed to a telephone appointment due to covid 19. I was asked whether I want to push this appointment forward but in honesty I dont even know what road I want to take next. I admire all women that are going through the IVF and who continued with Ivf after going through a mmc. But I dont know if I have got it in me to carry on.

The only comforting words I can send you is that time is a great healer and one day this pain wont feel so raw. Lots of love and hugs xx

in reply to Sammy246

Oh Sammy, I could have written your message myself. I feel exactly what you feel. I’m so sorry for your loss hun 💔so so so sorry. This shouldn’t have happened to us, I’m so angry 😡 my operation was on Wednesday and I feel like shit, have bad cramps, paracetamol is not helping and I can barely eat. And everything else on top. Crying constantly, thinking that my baby died inside me nearly two weeks ago kills me 💔💔💔💔💔 and like you, I don’t know if I can try again. I just don’t know now. Sending lots of love to you 💗

Sammy246 profile image
Sammy246 in reply to

I'm angry for both of our losses. We had hope only to be taken away from us.

What I will say is that cry as much as you want and deal with the pain however it feels right to you. My family intially didnt want me to cry and consoled me but keeping my feelings bottled inside, started making me feel very bitter and resentful.

Are you suppose to be having cramps after the operation? my understanding of the operation is that they remove everything so your not suppose to be getting any pain. Maybe call the hospital to see if that's normal.

Thinking of you and sending you strength and love xxx

in reply to Sammy246

Yes they remove everything but remember the baby was attached to my uterus so by removing it they create a wound - which generates cramping and bleeding (which I don’t have though). I can’t wait for this pain to stop 💔I can’t take it anymore.

Sammy246 profile image
Sammy246 in reply to

Prayers are with you hun xx

I am so sorry to hear this, and this made me cry when I read it. I have no words that no one else hasn’t already said, and can imagine that during this time of the world it is made worse because you cannot get on with life as nothing is normal. I hope that you find peace and happiness again. I’ve had 3 miscarriages since 2016 all early but as soon as we all get the BFP that we have longed for, when it happens it feels like the worst thing in the world but there will be a day when won’t feel the pain so much and you can start to be happy again.

Be kind to yourself and hope your hubby is doing ok ❤️

hifer profile image

I know exactly how you feel. I was so utterly devastated leaving the scan when we’d heard we had lost the heartbeat that I couldn’t even tie my shoelaces. I can’t even remember leaving the hospital really. All I can tell you is that it gets better. I can’t unfortunately tell you that it’s instant but day by day, it does get better. I’m sending lots of love to you. Keep tight with your husband. You will need him and you will get through this together xx

Tryagain45 profile image

Awww Issy...I feel so heartbroken for you when I read your post. I can feel the pain in your words and I am so sad for you. And I totally understand that your gut reaction is never to put yourself through that again. This is the body and minds way of protecting itself against any more pain...self preservation kicks in quickly after a trauma. But as time passes things will be different....the rawness of the pain you feel will lessen...I promise....

All you can do for now is to grieve....let yourself feel the pain and doing that it will eventually pass...

If others in family or circle of friends are not supportive or understanding then distance yourself from them...they have no idea what you're going through...and you shouldn't have to explain yourself.

I wish I could say some magic words to lessen your pain but I know there are none.

Just know that you are not alone...that we all understand your pain...and that we are here to support you.

Sending love and strength. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

PenneyPots profile image

Issy I am so so sorry! You are such a beautiful person. The above speaks volumes after everything you’re going through.

It’s okay not to be okay.

I’m here for you!

Life is cruel and you don’t deserve this.

Time will be the healer. Xx

Shelleybean profile image

Oh Issy, I remember being told those words too and my heart breaks for you 💔 Taking each day as it comes and trying not to think too far ahead could be helpful right now. Give your body and your heart some time to heal a little before you even think about your next step. The flowers are gorgeous- I’m so glad you can still see the beauty in the world 🌺 Sending lots of love and strength to you to get through this 💕💕 xx

Core profile image

Don’t ever apologise for posting how you are feeling, you have gone through something so heartbreaking to go from the high of a positive test after the gruelling ivf to go to the low of a miscarriage is devastating. On top of that the current situation of anxiety, fear and not knowing what the future holds. Your garden is truly beautiful and I hope it brings you some comfort at this difficult time. Easier said than done but I think the best thing to do at the moment is just take each day as it comes and try not to think too much into the future.

Sending huge hugs xxx

Tugsgirl profile image

Please don’t give up yet. Not when you have come so close! I had three miscarriages and two of those were like yours; missed miscarriages. We only found out at 8 and a half weeks and 10 weeks. I was shocked the first timeout happened, heartbroken, but the second time I didn’t feel a thing at first because I didn’t actually believe it had happened again. It just didn’t compute. However it did sink in. And yes it hurt, like nothing else ever had at the time, but I got through it and I carried on fighting. And If I hadn’t then I wouldn’t be a Mother today. I’m so so glad that I never gave up. Please hang in there xx

I'm so sorry to hear this issylove80❤😪 Sending you big hugs and comforting dust to you at this time xx

ElishaEzykyl profile image

Im so sorry for what happen to you i have 2 miscarriage after my 2 ivf and after that i never go again because of a lot depression but i know God have a plan to us so keep believing on him and keep praying cheer up... love lots

Littlemex profile image

So sorry to hear this 😞❤

I had 3 mmc and totally gave up I thought this is never going to work there is something wrong with me and all the other emotions that came with it but on my last attempt I used 2 frozen embryos and I am now 28 wks pg with twins ❤ its been so tough worrying because of my previous but please dont give up hope miracles do happen , big hugs and drop me a message if you ever need to just chat Hun xx

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