Does anyone know if you can have a hot bath after embryo collection? I'm sure the nurse said I couldn't within 24 hours but it's been about 36 hours now and a hot bath would help I think....just a bit worried in case I cause any problems. Thanks
Hot bath after embryo collection - Fertility Network UK
Hot bath after embryo collection

I think following egg collection is ok .. its just after embryo transfer you shouldnt xx
My embryologist told me to have a nice relaxing bath the night of my egg collection. It’s only after transfer they advice you against it. Xxxx

Hi Just Starting. My advice would be no hot bath for the first 48 hrs after egg collection, and only warm, no soaking. During the whole of the 2WW
just have a shower, but if you haven’t got a shower, just a quick in and out of a warm bath, definitely no soaking! Lecture over and I do hope all goes well for you. Diane
Thanks ladies. Appreciated x
I was told I wasn’t aloud a hot bath and all during the whole ivf x
I had one tonight but more a luke warm one with no bubbles or anything. So far so good. With everything going on at the moment it'll be months before we get to do the frozen egg transfer anyway x
I got told no baths after egg collection for two weeks to reduce chance of infection
I was told no hot baths as if can effect the blood supply and make it thin which can lead to problems. I was told warm baths are acceptable. Definitely not hot. Hope this helps
Thank you. I had a warm but not hot bath with nothing in it so hopefully will be ok x
I think all clinics have different guidance. My husband grassed me in to the enbryologist for having red hot baths and that's when she said she was on my side. I should continue to have long baths reading my book but they couldn't be hot just warm. I do love my baths. Fingers crossed for you. Dont worry try and relax. I found after day 3 going for a walk everyday really helped with the odd cramps and twinges I was having. X
Haha typical men!
Yeah I agree that most clinics seem to have different advice. How far along are you in your treatment?
We just had our egg collection on Thu and they got 22 (so I was really happy). Yesterday they said 20 had fertilised so again really happy. Just need to wait till tue now and see how many can go in the freezer. This is our first round of IVF.
Yeah going to try and go for a little walk today as it's more back cramps I'm getting and still feeling a bit sick . They are making me take daily injections (oh goodie) for ten days to thin my blood due to the number of eggs x
We had one round of icsi. We had 7 folicles but they only managed to get 4 eggs. 2 fertilised and 1 made it to a day 5 blastocyst. Against all odd we have a determined 10 week old egg onboard now. I had back pain but it got better in the 2nd week. I think the pain in my boons was the worst thing for me. It's so hard tho because I was on proestrogen pesseries and all the side effects are the same as pregnancy symptoms so I drove myself mad.
Sorry I'm still a bit new to all of are you 10 weeks pregnant at the moment? If so that's amazing and a very big congratulations to you!
Mines are going in the freezer on day five if there's any there , then (whenever the world goes back to normal) will do the frozen embryo transfer. They've said I need to take hrt drugs before hand and I think a pessary so not really looking forward to all of that x
Oh the pesseries are easy to put in but every time you go to the toilet it's like cottage cheese 🤢 thin panty liners are a god send. It's so sad to see all the cycles postponed because of what is going on. Ivf is one wait after another and waiting even longer is torture. Yeah we are 10 weeks pregnant at the moment. It doesnt get any easier you still wait for the viability scan then the next scan and google everything 😂🤦🏼♀️ I think because its ivf your more apprehensive and it's a but surreal. I think when we have the 12 week scan I will relax more and enjoy it. I'm sure with a frozen transfer you dont have to wait two weeks so the wait would be less but I might be wrong. I hope it all happens soon for you. Hopefully a month or so and the world will be back to normal x
Thanks for the tip lol
I know my heart breaks for all the poor ladies that are going through it and had to have everything cancelled.
Yeah I think googling things is the worst...but we can't help ourselves lol. Men definitely don't get why we do it!
I hope everything works out so well for you. Keep yourself safe and just look after that wee baby x
Hi ladies. Looking for a bit of advice please.
Just undergone my first round of IVF...well half! We're doing a frozen transfer so I had the egg collection two weeks ago and we were very lucky that we managed to get 10 eggs in the freezer on day 5.
I had a post bleed about a week later that lasted four days but I'm still having occasional cramps and back pain. Just wondering whether this is normal and if anyone else experienced this? I have polycystic ovary syndrome and a retroverted uterus so wondered if it was anything to do with this.
Thanks x