I give up!!!: Third and final cycle... - Fertility Network UK

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I give up!!!

Jessy1280 profile image
35 Replies

Third and final cycle... 19 mature eggs.

Only 9 have fertilised.

This is my final cycle and I'm scared. To lose ten after just one day is so disheartening. My partners sperm is now normal so really gutted. Its gone from just 3million last cycle to 88 million this cycle. I had such high hopes after such a huge improvement.

Last cycle 7/12 fertilised but only 1 made it day 5.

First cycle 13/16 fertilised and we had three to freeze.

The clinic have said that the ones that have fertilised are so far behaving normally. We used imsi again this time. Literally terrified of getting none when everything was looking so good yesterday. 😢

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Jessy1280 profile image
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35 Replies
Italy300618 profile image

Hi Jessy, that is still unbelievable to have 9 fertilised, that is amazing! I know you must feel disheartened as you had 19 eggs, but as your rounds have shown, each time is different, try to keep the faith that one of those is your ONE, I'll be keeping everything crossed my lovely. I hope they continue to do well over these next few days, I know it's a horrible time, but you've done fantastic xxx

LunaLovegood11 profile image

9 is a great number still! I really hope things work out and you get a positive phone call xxx

Tiddly1984 profile image

Hi Jessy,

That’s still a very good number to have. Try not to get too anxious because there’s still so much of the process to come. Take each day at a time and don’t think the worst. It’s widely accepted that stress can play a role in success so it’s important that you try to remain hopeful and positive about your chances of conceiving. You had a difficult outcome last time, but things can be different this time. The numbers themselves testify to how varied this whole process is. There’s nothing to say that a lower egg cycle won’t be the successful cycle for you. Good luck...x

Rainbowhope profile image

Oh best of luck hun. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. X❤🙏🤞

Sammy246 profile image

9 is a good number, I had 19 eggs and only 5 had fertilised and 2 reached day 5 blastocys. As they say only one is needed to stick. Also they say quality over quantity. Fingers crossed for you 🤞🙏 xx

Pinkpaw2 profile image

Stay positive my sister is my donor she had 10 eggs lost 6 first day left with 4 and all good had a transfer today so now in my first 2ww xx 🍀

Jessy1280 profile image

Thank you so much all. I know how fortunate I am to even get 19 in the first place but after only one surviving last time followed by my mmc I guess the anxiety is heightened x

Chel91 profile image

I understand the feelings of worry based on your previous history, but 9 is a great number! Try to stay positive! ☺ Crossing my fingers for you that as many as possible make it!! 🤞xx

Lou7744 profile image

9 is fab! Quality over quantity is key. Got my fingers crossed 🤞 for you 💕💕 xx

Cook7786 profile image

7 eggs over here! One frozen and one currently 20 weeks old. :) Numbers don’t mean a thing xx

Suzy86 profile image

Hey Jessy. Don’t be too disheartened. I had 12 collected and only 3 fertilised but all 3 made it to day 5. I’m now 20 weeks pregnant. I remember that feeling well of wanting higher numbers but you are definitely not out yet. Xxx

Tugsgirl profile image

Do not be disappointed. Our Doctor told us that is the “norm” - what is expected. They expect, on average, 50% to fertilise and 50% of those to reach blasts. You’re on track! xx

LKT1 profile image

We only had 1 survivor on our last round and now I’m 37 weeks pregnant. Try and relax and think positive to help with implantation stage. Remember it really does only take one xx

Jen_jen profile image

Hang in there that’s a good number. I only got 8 eggs my egg collection, 3 made to blasto x

It's horrible hearing the numbers drop off, but that is an amazing number to fertilise! On our round I had 12 mature eggs and only 6 fertilised and ours was azoospermia. 3 blastocysts much to our surprise which we now have to 2 bubs from and one in freezer still. I hope you have success x

Hi hun don't be discouraged.The truth is you only need one good egg. I know you probably tired of hearing that but I had only 3 follicles that i was able to produce since the others were not mature enough. Fertilization day the 3 made it threw.On day 5 all 3 made it threw. After pgs testing 2 made it threw. i put the 2 in and in currently going on 6weeks pregnant. You must not focus on the numbers. Just keep praying and stay positive.

Luce123456 profile image

Hi I hope this gives you some hope. We had 7 folicles, they managed to get 4 eggs. Only 2 fertilised. 1 made it to a 5 day blastocyst and we are now 9nweeks pregnant. Stay positive. All it takes is one. Fingers crossed for you x

FertileMind profile image

Energy flows where attention goes. Focus on what you DO have. 9 is amazing!!! Envisage holding a baby of babies in your arms and focus on the love you have for them. Sending positive vibes xx

Bettyjoy profile image

Jessy- 9 eggs fertilised is an amazing result, you guys have done really well- and, from my own experience, we all know that the numbers game does not mean very much, because every cycle is bloody different and, after all, you only need one, a good one. I find this stage so bloody hard and the process so stressful- keep the faith, stay with the little nine fighters, I am keeping everything crossed for you! Big hugs x

Jessy1280 profile image

Thank you all for your encouraging words. I guess my anxiety is born out of just 1 of 12 surviving last time in cycle 2. I was so devastated as we had 3 to freeze in cycle 1. In cycle 1 we had high fertilisation rate yet in all subsequent cycles it's barely been half and now under half fertilisation.

In cycle 2 my partner had so little sperm it was touch and go whether to do imsi. This cycle his sperm is totally normal so I'd hoped we'd get more to fertilise.

Think I'm also a little stressed as my partners as sperm is now up to scratch yet my GP says I didn't ovulate last month. I had a 21 day progesterone test and my progesterone was just 20 when it needs to be a minimum of 28. Think three cycles of ivf and one mmc has totally messed me up. Now I understand why I've not been able to get positive opks for love nor money.

Why is this process so hard.

Thank you so much for all your responses. I realise I'm lucky to get 19 to begin with aged 39. I guess that's what makes it more frustrating that 3 cycles in and still no baby xx

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to Jessy1280

Hey Jessy, Im sorry that you are having such a stressful time of it! Waiting on those phone calls is so worrying and it worrying when we dont get the news we are hoping for! I hope you get some good news on day 5! Thinking of you, hugs.xx

Newton2018 profile image

Hey just as others have suggested, try not to be too disheartened as it really does only take one. I’m in my early 40’s and only had 9 eggs retrieved, only 5 being fertilised, but I ended up with one 5 day blast transferred, and I’m currently 9 weeks pregnant, so it could still happen for you xx

Shelleybean profile image

Come on Jessy, don’t think about what you feel you have lost or the expectations you had, just focus on what you’ve got and it’s a really great number. Know that we’re all cheering you on and tell yourself your future baby is amongst those little embies. Believe me I know how difficult staying positive can be, but I truly believe it can make a difference. You can do it 💪

Sending a tonne of strength. I’ll be thinking of you and keeping everything crossed 🤞🍀 xx

Mara84 profile image

Hi Jessy, 9 is a good number! At the end of the day it take only one embryo❤️ Sending you lots of love xx

Ljayne profile image

Wow 9 is an incredible number. There are many people that have far less, in some cases none. I had 5 mature eggs, 4 fertilised. All the very best.

Jessy1280 profile image
Jessy1280 in reply to Ljayne

This is my point though. It seems lower egg numbers results in higher fertilisation rate and more making it to day 5. I've seen it time and time again. Getting an amazing number of eggs doesn't seem to get me anywhere x

SteeleandBuffy profile image

I did my cycle at age 40. 6 retrieved. 4 fertilized. On day 5 one blastocyst left. Only one! A 4AA. Did not Pgs. Fresh Transferred. I have a son. In my next cycle (age 42) 5 day 5 blasts great quality. I had an ectopic, a miscarriage and a chemical. The rest did not take. So my cycle with ONLY ONE blast ... I had a baby despite the second cycle looking better. It only takes one. Please don’t give up. I had my son at 41.

Snotty_cow profile image

What you’re actually saying is , you have 9 fertilised embryos!! Think positive, stay sane.

Cmc2020 profile image

9 is a lot think positive you may end up with 5 or so to freeze 😬

Green-elephants profile image

Try to keep positive ♡ sending lots of positive vibes your way!! Try doing things to keep you busy xxx

Fingerscrossed38 profile image

It's so hard. To get myself through each step I told myself to halve each number I was given and that's what I'd expect it to be the next step. E.g. 20 eggs retrieved then 10 would fertilize. 5 of those would get to day 3 and 2 of those would get to 5 day blast...I hope the days fly by. The waiting is unbearable. It's constant. What's waiting for something. You can do this xx

crisps88 profile image

9 fertilised is amazing !! Honestly. It may seem sad after your fab numbers collected but it’s going in the right way and I hope things have progressed well. Good luck lovely xx

ttcemmie profile image

Oh I KNOW how difficult it is seeing the decreasing numbers and then also comparing against previous cycles. I've just had that! We also did a lot more health and supplements-wise this time around and had really high hopes. This rollercoaster of a journey does also take you up and down, though, so hopefully today or on your next update or whenever.... you get to be back on the up and with renewed hope and joy xxxxx

Jessy1280 profile image

Day 3 update. Of our 9 fertilised embryos, 4 have developed abnormally and the remaining 5 are at 6-8 cell stage with one of them being slower than the rest. The embryologist predicts 2-3 to make day 5 but I'm not holding my breath given the drop off in previous cycles. Especially as last cycle we literally got only one to day 5. Its so flipping hard. Knowing we can get so many eggs is amazing but the drop off is unbearable. I've literally taken every single supplement known to man whilst my partner has taken none. Knowing he is the cause of our infertility makes that so much harder to swallow xx

in reply to Jessy1280

That is still great numbers ticking along with 5! As for the slow one they are surprisers. my last boy I had was a slow one 😂 he's now 12 weeks old 😍 good luck come day 5 ❤️

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