Hi. I found this message board invaluable during my ivf cycle at the start of the year so I wanted to share my journey in the hope that it will help some of you.
Our infertility was unexplained, although I’m pretty sure it was my endometriosis that was causing problems. After 3years of trying (everything) it was my acupuncturist who encouraged me that it was time to get help.
Luckily there wasn’t a long wait so when we were referred in November last year we began a long protocol of IVF in January. In March 6 eggs were collected. I was disappointed on the number as I had around 20 follicles leading up to collection. But I was told again and again that it only takes one and it’s quality not quantity.
After the agonising wait we had the call that 5 of the 6 had fertilised and we would be having a transfer on day 5. Day 5 arrived and we ended up with 3 high grade embryos, one was transferred and two were frozen.
Another agonising wait, this time the two week wait, which we’re all so familiar with, we got a positive pregnancy test. We just couldn’t believe it. I went into the first cycle thinking it was a trial run and not believing that it could work first time.
Our daughter was born on 4 Dec after a very easy and stress-free pregnancy (I’m convinced that anyone with fertility issues don’t complain when pregnant) and is the best present we could have wished for. After many years of disappointment and miscarriage we know exactly how lucky we are
So please don’t give up x