Today is 8 days since I had my transfer of a 5 day frozen PGT tested embryo (tested twice which can apparently affect success rate to be lower). I had my transfer at the end of the day - after 3pm (don't know if that makes a difference in time line).
At 4DPT I started having light cramps in my lower back - the sort before I have a period, on Sunday I had the tiniest bit of pink spotting, then since Monday until today I have had the cramping in my lower back again - it's almost non stop. I've also had light pink spotting since then - at least once a day (like a drop or two - not super obvious, but you see it on a tissue). Yesterday I felt a little gush in my underwear and my panty liner had a clear pink stain in it.
I had phoned my clinic earlier in the week to report all this and they put me on progesterone injections, so now I am on suppositories and injections! I was still cramping and spotting the 2 days after.
I tested today with a clear blue digital test (the one that indicates weeks) and it says not pregnant. My discharge is brownish today, but the cramps are there. They are not sharp, but like a dull ache in my back. I have no breast tenderness either. I have nausea that comes and goes and extreme fatigue, but it's possible the high progesterone supplements is causing this.
This was my last embryo, so I will need to prepare for another egg retrieval if this does not take.
Does anyone have similar stories or have any insight? I feel like I should have shown positive by now if it was successful, but perhaps I am just taking that mindset to avoid the blow when I do the beta test on Monday - which is also the expected day of my period.
Thanks so much. 🙏