Hi everyone, first cycle of ivf still, they’ve been measuring my levels through blood tests and I’ve been told to reduce my menopur- egg collection is supposed to be Monday! They’re worried that I’m going to be over stimulating, anyone else been through this? If so what happened? Any advice? They just keep talking to me about ‘coasting me on the firmadil’ I’m not even sure what this means and I’m so confused x polycystic ovaries seems to be all they keep talking about!
Risks of OHSS : Hi everyone, first... - Fertility Network UK
Risks of OHSS

Hiya I was high risk my AMH levels where really high I didn’t get OHSS severely but they don’t want to risk it so I had to do a freeze all cycle it’s not ideal but it’s for the best I still haven’t had my transfer yet I am waiting on my period so hopefully it’s not long I had a period but then my lining wasn’t thick enough had to cancel my cycle it’s such a rollercoaster ride just need to wait and see after your egg count if you produce lots of eggs like I did they may ask you to freeze all embryos too good luck x
Thank you so much! I honestly just want a chance at a fresh transfer, just because my periods are all over the place and whilst I’m in the zone i want a go now without trying to sound so demanding lol good luck for when your time comes again hunny! Xx
I know I was so upset when they told me they weren’t risking it I just wanted my embryo transferred too but it’s not a bad thing if they do frozen cycles are meant to be better to give your ovaries and body a chance to heal ! But I know what it’s like it’s such a long journey to be on having my lining not thicken up like it was meant to was so annoying because I thought all this was meant to be the easy part but it’s proven me wrong lol we will get there fingers crossed for us 🤞keep me posted good luck with ur egg retrieval 😬xx
Ps it’s not a bad thing to have a high AMH level some woman end up producing no eggs or very little we are the opposite and end up producing lots of your high risk of that so just think positive even tho it’s such a nightmare waiting longer ! Xx
It’s all such a crazy, emotional long process as it is and the first baseline scan I went to they stopped me then because I had a cyst so this is my first cycle everything was going great and then bam she tells me today I’m at high risk of the OHSS and it just drags you down a little, You’re right tho, we’re lucky to get the eggs that we can! Keep me posted on when they implant for you! Best of luck ❤️
Aw that’s a nightmare as well you don’t think all the hick ups will happen to you well u may be high risk I am sure if your bloods are below 10000 or something they implant or if there any higher they do a freeze all so it might not come to that and thanks I will do my period better hurry the F up 😂best of luck for ur egg count too ❤️
You read about the problems and complications and just brush them off and think it’ll all go fine aha and then suddenly it feels like every obstacle is in your way! And you know it’s funny I’ve never seen so many women be excited for their period to come I used to dread the days now I’m sat around waiting for it 😂 hopefully Friday they’ll tell me dropping the menopur has helped and that they will still go ahead but who knows fingers and toes crossed 🤞🏻😂❤️
Hi. I was asked to reduce my last 2 doses of menopur, not for risk of OHSS but because the follicles I had would have then got too big and I only had 4 good ones. Hope everything works out for you on egg collection xx
Thank you! Honestly it’s so difficult to get a straight forward answer from the doctors at the hospital as none of them have undergone ivf they just try and answer me with medical terms! Was that 4 good ones after reducing the menopur! Good luck on your journey! ❤️
I know and its just a mine field isnt it. During stims I had 5 decent sized ones at the first scan but I had follicles inside follicles which my doc said was....weird haha. So on the 2nd scan I had about 10 in total but only 4 were good sizes and got eggs from them 4. Only 1 fertilised correctly and got a 5day 5AB on board now, 9 days xx
Hi Khess124,
I’m in a similar boat to you. Had my day 5 stims scan & bloods yesterday-and they’ve now asked me to reduce my ovaleap dosage & start on Fyredamel as I’m slightly ahead of where they want me which can’t be a bad thing.
I’m a PCOS sufferer with only one ovary & 16 large follicles so I’m assuming they’re trying to prevent OHSS.
I’m just going with the flow at the moment & trusting my clinics judgement.
Don’t try to stress to much 😊
Best of luck xxx
Thank you so much! It really helps to just hear people say the same thing as what I’m going through just so I don’t feel so odd about it 😩 hope everything goes well for you! When will egg collection be for you? Xx
I have been overstimulated twice, both times we had to freeze all the eggs so there was no fresh transfer. First time it was very painful but fortunately the pain eased off after two days in bed. Second time the doctor used Decapeptyl to trigger ( lowers the risk of OHSS apparently) I was also put on a medication for 8 days , sorry I can not remember the name, and I was feeling ok.
Both times my hormones were quite high and after reading about OHSS ( i have read some horror stories thanks to dr Google) I wanted to avoid it at any cost. If you are at a high risk and do a transfer that will increase the risk of OHSS and if you get it can last for up to 6 weeks ... something to think about x
Good luck with your cycle and with whatever you decide x
Thank you so much! I’m scared over stimulation now I’ve googled it and read the stories 😂 I think I’ll just go with what the doc suggests! Xx
I think it is good to be aware of the risks and do everything to be safe, IVF cycle is hard on our bodies even without having to deal with Ohss also I have learned that there is no point rushing anything with IVF ( your doctor will decide what’s the best for you) ... if you need to freeze the eggs you will have time to relax post collection, your ovaries will have a chance to get back to their normal size etc. Normally you will be able to have a transfer after your period comes back x
Hey I have been told I have the start of OHSS I triggered last night after 10 days of menopur and have EC tomorrow
When they say coast with Fyremadel they mean that they will prevent you ovulating but slow the growth down by reducing the stims. This gives your eggs the best chance to mature but not be super boosted to grow a lot more
I’ve been given a drug to start taking between now and transfer (assuming we do a fresh) to try and calm the OHSS down. I have been told it’s most likely to really flare up in next two weeks so shouldn’t interfere with transfer
I think as long as your clinic are on top of it, which it sounds like they are, you should be in good shape. Keep drinking heaps of water - they told me at least 3 litres a day
My oestradol yesterday was 14000 and it’s supposed to be between 5000 and 9000 ideally. They will check yours before you trigger
Good luck! Sure it will be fine! I am super uncomfortable but wouldn’t say in great pain, just real discomfort xx
Good luck!

Oh hunny thank you so much! I hope egg collection goes well for you! Keep us posted and fingers crossed you can do a fresh transfer! ❤️