7 weeks 6 days brown bleeding 😬 - Fertility Network UK

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7 weeks 6 days brown bleeding 😬

15 Replies

Woken up to brown blood this morning. Not sure what to do really. Clinic has signed me off but not yet in the NHS system.

Internet says some bleeding (especially brown) is common around now. I’m not sure if I should be going and getting checked or not....

15 Replies
LizzieBW profile image


I'm sorry you're going through that. I don't personally have experience to offer but didn't want to read & run as you must be very stressed. A close friend of mine had bleeding early pregnancy & turned out she had a low-lying placenta (not suggesting this is what you have but there could be so many reasons that don't mean bad news). She called the EPU and they were kind enough to invite her in. If you haven't already tried that I'd do that first and/or NHS 111 this morning so you feel confident about how you'll manage the bleeding this morning and hopefully this will help you feel more at ease x

HopeTTC18 profile image

Phone your nearest hospital, they should have an early pregnancy unit. If you speak to them they will tell you if they want you to come in. I’m sure everything is ok but all bleeding in pregnancy should be checked out. Don’t rely on Doctor Google!

Will be thinking of you x

Dreamingofbaby profile image

Bless u can def relate that it worrying. Def would recommend contacting ur epu just to be on the safe side. Known lots of ppl where been fine and manageable but unfort like for me it was not good news. Good to get it check as a just in case. They prob advise to monitor for now then poss book u in for a scan. 🤞🤞 all is ok Hun xx

Hollibob profile image

Call your clinic too, they only saw you a week ago, so should still help with advice etc x

Call EPU and see if you can be seen. But remember brown blood is normal during pregnancy and often just reflective of the womb expanding and changing shape so try not to worry (impossible!) Hope everything is ok xx

Thanks all! I’ve called the unit and am waiting for a call back. Rationally I’m staying calm - probably nothing and normal - also panicking a bit. 🤞🏻🤞🏻

Elynn profile image

25% of women have this in early pregnancy esp around period time. Hoping it settles and all is well.

Frussy profile image

I don't have experience in pregnancy just hope everything will be ok

Send you hugs

aamiller405 profile image

How are things today? Xo

Thanks all - I spoke with nurse at early pregnancy unit and she’s booked me a scan for Monday. Spotting continued all day yesterday with grumbly cramps but hasn’t got worse so 🤞🏻🤞🏻 it’s just something happening and not a m/c. 😬

So sorry for your bleeding very worrying for you. I had bleeding with both of my full term pregnancies- I bled heavily with my son at 7 weeks & had bleeding with my daughter between 6-14 weeks mostly brown but I have fresh blood with clots at 10 weeks.

The midwife told me spotting in pregnancy is very common providing you’re not doubled over in pain with heavy gushing bleeding not to worry easier says than done.

Anyway good luck with your scan Monday will be thinking of you xoxo

JojoWash profile image

Get it checked. I had brown blood and went to A&E, they did a scan and baby wasn’t viable. They did say it could just be old blood. Not for me though. :-(

Sorry don’t mean to worry you but best get it checked out

I’ve had one wipe of brown blood at 6w nothing else until nearly 9w then had one wipe of pink get checked out I didn’t mc until 12w but sort of knew it was non viable from 9w.

Scan yesterday - They wasn’t able to tell me why I’d bled or rule out further problems but said shrimp is still there with a heartbeat. Feeling so grateful! X


I'm 10 weeks pregnant and i been having pinky or brownish spotting since week 4. Everything was fine when I did the scan at 6w and 8w. Doc thinks the bleeding comes from cervix due to all the pessaries.

it's probably nothing serious but you should contact the nearest early pregnancy unit to check out your bleeding.

Rest as much as you can! Good luck! Xx

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