Just beginning to realise how close I am to my unborn baby’s due date.its February and my baby would have been due in March the closer it gets the sadder I get. I was offered prostap but I’ve come to realise I don’t want it I want a baby more .i saw what seemed like ovulation egg whites the other day I told my partner he should come I never mentioned ovulation to him it would have put a downer on it so I pretended I was just up for it I really wanted to see if I would get pregnant again all these emotions are cropping up again shall I start tracking?should I buy a thermometer and start checking my temperature?or will this illness give me bad results my specialist said it’s my choice if I keep trying or not and depends on me but the heartache of a negative pregnancy test puts you into a horrible place and the thought that if it does happen I might loose my baby again.i guess I’m just looking to vent my feelings on here I really could do without any negativity on my post I’m just looking for some kind of comfort at this emotional time
Feeling down today-struggles with end... - Fertility Network UK
Feeling down today-struggles with endometriosis and pregnancy

My due date was March too, I’m getting increasingly anxious as we get closer to the date. Our IVF hasn’t gone to plan since either and I’m feeling a bit hopeless too. Sending you lots of love and strength we will get through it! X

Thankyou it’s such a difficult time x
My due date was March too. I really hoped I’d be pregnant again by then but I’m not! I’m trying to keep myself busy but I know it’s hard. I send you a big hug and hope you will have your rainbow baby soon x
Thankyou well gynaecologist suggested I go on the pill to help my endometriosis so I didn’t have much choice it didn’t help my condition so I decided to come off it and try again but I just feel like times ticking away x
Sending you hug dear, just relax i have been ttc for 5 years before my first IVF in 2017 and I had my baby 2018 , now am 6 to 7 weeks gone after failed circle last December, you will come over it okay, don't stress your self much .
Its so hard emotionally isnt it, but dont give up because you never know whats going to happen. Have you thought any more about ivf?xx
My partner has come round a bit more he said if it comes to it and we have the finances we will think about it so it’s a start as he was against it before I took him to see the specialist with me so he’s kind of getting that it’s more than he thought with this illness.but we’re going to go through with an op and if it happens before then it happens I got pregnant before so I don’t know unless I try.turns out I think the pain is my period coming and not ovulation I think my body is all over the place after taking the pill I’m just spotting but period pain.im just thinking to try again naturally the specialist said it’s really up to me if I can tolerate the periods he said I can keep trying I don’t feel like I have much to loose. I can’t seem to get it off my mind I’m trying to relax as well though I don’t want it to take over again with tracking etc I just won’t know if I can get pregnant again unless I try it was my first misscarrige so I may have a small chance of success next time I just don’t know hope you are well how are things going with you sorry to hear me blab on but I’m glad your here for me x
Thats great that your partner is coming round to the idea, just incase you decide to go down that route. Im glad you are having your op. If it gives you releif for a while its worth trying naturally. Tracking everything is always going to be stressful, i dont think theres an easy way around that. Ive done what you did before and not told him it was that time etc.. but it doesnt stop us from stressing out because we know. I never, ever thought id be having ivf in a million years, but those are the cards ive been dealt and ive got to accept that. And i think thats what this forums for, we can all have a blab together xx
Glad I’m not the only one then lol.dosent look like I even ovulated though lol .when I think back it was kinda funny as he kept asking why I’m acting different lol I knew if I said I’m ovulating he would try and avoid me he will have feelings of being scared and worried about me I wanted him to relax lol.I didn’t check with the stick I just guessed cause of discharge I thought I must be ovulating lol turns out I must be starting my period in a few days my pain always starts 2-3 days before the bleeding but I don’t usually discharge I’ll have to figure it all out again x
Yes get peeing on some sticks so you learn your cycle, when you do you may not need to test which is a bit less stressful. And i think lots of us have done it, thats how we got our daughter lol, he had no clue! I get some discarge before my period too so i can see how its confusing if you dont know your cycle x
I'm sorry to hear, i hope you get pregnant soon . i also had endiometrioses and had an operation as the size was big. after a year or so it came back i didn't want go true another operation so i did some research and read that castor oil (patches ) helps and tried it and weeks later the endometriosis was gone.
not sure it it was the castor oil but u might wanna look into it?after that i did rounds of ivf as i don't get pregnant naturally and got pregnant on my third try, don't give up and stay positive
Thankyou I’ve tried castor oil in the past and should try those again as they helped I just keep forgetting so thanks for reminding me ,although I’m told their is no cure for endometriosis you may be experiencing remission where it stops growing for a while and surgery can help so glad you had a happy ending with ivf xx
endometriosis are horrible and can be soo painful yea its worth trying it u never know it might help... sending u all the love
How often did you do the castor oil packs ??
i think every other day... if i remember correctly i used hot towel and put castor oil on it and used to wrap it around the stomach and i think the month after that i did a scan and it was gone.. i suggest try it as it does no harm and might actually help
Still Abit but much less then before, maybe age? Im turning 36 soon . But iv always had very painful periods I would lay down the first two days of my period the last two years have been better