2ww insanity first timer: It's been a... - Fertility Network UK

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2ww insanity first timer

21 Replies

It's been a great comfort to read frustrations and anxieties in the 2ww. This is my first IVF cycle through icsi.38 years old trying for 2 years. Male factor of mortality which improved on second test. We had two embryos transferred 5dpt and no embryos good enough to freeze. I stupidly gave in to a couple of shop brought early pregnancy testers a few days ago both bfn(OH doesnt know) I know it was proberly too early. Symptoms have varied from dizziness,sickness,dull ache cramping on right side. No spotting. Since I have tested things have calmed down and I've had nothing. I wonder how everyone copes I've tried to distract myself but last few days all ive done is get upset and taken to out on poor OH. Taking utrogestion 3 times a day so symptoms I know could be those as they are evil. Injections were easier and less side effects. I test next Friday so still only 8dpt at mo. Any advise will be greatly recieved feel very alone but reading posts has massively helped my mindset that I am not going insane.

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21 Replies

Hello Jaten, first thing first: you are not alone!!! 😃😃😃theres plenty of us here freaking out for one reason or the other ahahah I know you’d like to test at every occasion you get, but my advice would be to refrain and wait for the date your clinic told you to test- if you test earlier you can get upset if it’s a negative when it could still be a positive few days later 🍀🤞🏻🍀🤞🏻🍀🤞🏻 Try to distract yourself with things you like (Netflix helped me a lot!)...wishing you all the luck in the world 🌍🍀🍀🍀🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻Xx

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Thank you issylove that's means alot XX yes box sets are defintly helping with the sanity I started watching downtown abbey from the beginning on prime 😃👍

Picalilli99 profile image

Hi Jaten. You are certainly not alone! (I’m with you on the 2ww although only 4dp5dt). I would agree, stay away from the tests if you can as they can just cause additional stress/disappointment (but I appreciate this is easier said than done!). Distraction is definitely key for me (this is our 6th 2ww so unfortunately I’ve had lots of practice!). Getting out and going for walks, re-decorating my bedroom, listening to the mindful IVF app, cooking and binging Netflix series have all been distractions I’ve used to help keep the 2ww crazies at bay. But they inevitably creep in and so coming on here also really helps as it allows me to know I’m not alone. Wishing you the best of luck and hoping you get your bfp xxx

in reply to Picalilli99

Such good advice xxx 😘

Picalilli99 profile image
Picalilli99 in reply to

Hope you are doing ok Hidden ? xxx

in reply to Picalilli99

I am doing ok my love feeling a lot better than the last few days! I’ve made it further than I did the last time so keeping hopeful thank you for asking 🥰🥰🥰 how are you doing my lovely?? Xxx

Picalilli99 profile image
Picalilli99 in reply to

Sounds good, let’s keep hopeful together! We can do this 💪 xx

in reply to Picalilli99

Thank you got your lovely words...I cant imagine what you have gone through but just from reading your post I'm in awarre of your strength and determination through the process . I have my fingers and toes crossed for you on this round ❤ and will certainly look at the app thank you so much not heard of that one Xx

Hey Hidden it appears there is quite a number of us in the crazy 2ww. I have got 3 days to go and that still feels like forever. Wish I had some great advice other than a lame 'one way or the other we will pull through'

Best wishes 💗

in reply to

I wishing you the best of luck and slightly envious you get to test before me 🥰 I am worried though because Ive already tested and that perhaps neither embryo took. Theres so much out there that says two embryos less chance etc who knows. Wishing you all the luck XX

I also tested 8dpt and got a negative but I think I got a really faint positive yesterday(not sure). Trying very hard not to test today, will test tomorrow and hope for something more affirmative.

Always best not to test early though.

Best of luck to us 🤞🏾

PS: I got two embryos transferred too, haven't read about two embryos being less chance.

Try not to worry ❤️, you tested early anyway

in reply to

Ohhh that's promising...❤ hope that line gets darker for you. Fingers and toes crossed. Did you get alot of symptoms second week of wait? I'm still trying to drink lots of fluids but hard going when you need the loo through the night!! XX

I had diarrhea for like a week before the transfer and it continued after the transfer and got very bad on day 5, then it just stopped day 6 and since then it's been on and off.. then I have cramps day on and off but I don't know if it's the diarrhea because it's usually associated with me needing to go.. (sorry it's disgusting TMI info)

But in the last few days I get headaches, hot flashes and I get exhausted easily than usual.. all these can be progesterone. Some days I feel nothing at all and my breasts have remained normal, no aches or change at all.

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Oh I'm glad the nasty stuff has gone! Its amazing how we are all so different with symptoms...Good luck for a few days time!! XX

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Hiya Alidees I was wondering how you are going? Not too long for us now? I'm under care fertility they've been really good and ring see how i am...its weird cos I dont feel pregnant other then cramping fluttering feeling..and feel like af due at times no spotting, discharge (tmi) but could be the pressies. Hate this waiting game feel like I'm already on negative🤯🤯

Hello Hidden thanks for checking on me, the line did get darker but I had a bit of spotting today, I noticed it when I wiped.. I am trying not to worry. I have been sewing all day, trying to finish up the dress I want to wear tomorrow 😄 I wonder if that's why I am spotting.

I am taking it easy from now on.

I felt those flutterings too! Aside that I also don't feel much. Tomorrow feels like such a big day for me. Friday is

just around the corner for you too. Fingers crossed for us both ❤️

Ohhh I have everything crossed for you!! Try not worry it all sounds postive.bet the dress will look lovely ..I havent tested since I stupidly tested at 6pt friday cant come soon enough what will be will be😀 X

I salute your patience not testing anymore, it's for the best.

Btw, when you tested at 6dpt it was too early, I got a negative then too.

The paper tests are so cheap here you can get 9 for a pound.. so I load up on them 😄

I am having strong cramps now.. I am just laying here taking your words to heart "what will be will be" xx

JL66 profile image

Hi Jaten, I've no helpful advice other than I am FULLY with you. Ditto the 1st time with ICSI, 2 embo's transferred (none good enough to freeze) & insanity of the 2ww (OTD 21st). Some really fabulous advice by the ladies & we've got this!!

Wishing you all the very best,

Jess xx

Star26 profile image

Hi Jaten,

I am also on my 2ww 8dp3dt. I am due to test on Sat. I am resigned to the fact that only 1 embryo took and therefore only 1 to transfer. I only had 4 eggs collected and 2 turned out to be immature. This is my second ICSI round. I did not even get this far last time as none of my eggs fertilised so I really don't know how to feel. I am also in limbo and lacking in positivity as my embryo only had 3 cells at day 3 and they decided to transfer but this is just pot luck. I really know deep down that it hasn't worked as my clinic said the developed embryo was lower than what they would normally transfer. But still I thought it was worth a shot. I am 35 this week too so I know that time is really running away with me. 😕😕🙁🙁😔😔 xxx

Stay strong star26 and JL66. I have everything crossed for you!!

Unfortunately we had our first big fat negative. Didnt help I had a duff yesterday yesterday on OTD then had to wait to retest this morning and big fat negative today. Currently at work which is a weird way takes my mind off it slightly but want to cry inside. The amazing stories and results keeps me postive to some degree but I feel more lost then I was with this process. Now blaming myself- asking questions had horrible side effects from progression so wonder if that didnt help . My other half has been really strong for the both of us. But feels so disappointed especially as things were ticking along. Any suggestions to pick me up from the gutter would be greatly recieved🥰🥰🥰

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