I had my blood test today 13dpt and they said it was a 3 and they think I had chemical and that's why all my hpt were all negative. They told me to stop the medication straight away. Is 3 a chemical or just a complete negative, it seems extremely low? Also, I think I tested too early and put myself under too much stress and upset which can only be a bad thing. ♥️
Chemical Pregnancy?: I had my blood... - Fertility Network UK
Chemical Pregnancy?

So sorry to hear that Littlepea.. such a sad time. A 3 shows some HCG in your blood so something happened, but its hard to know how high your levels did get. Standard HCG is 0 so I would class this as a chemical pregnancy.
I know what you mean about testing. With my latest MC I tested from 6dpo through to 5+5 EVERY day with several tests as I was worried my lines weren't progressing. I fooled myself it was so I was prepared and in control but the reality was when I got the bad news it didnt help at all and I was still devastated. I maintain my next cycle I won't test until test day.. but not sure how strong I am sadly.
Sending you huge hugs xx

What you said is exactly right and why I think we test early, its massively about control for me but it doesn't make it any easier so what's the point. More stress. I've honestly learnt my lesson and will not do this again for my next cycle. What will be will be. Sometimes ignorance is bliss ♥️💫
I’m so sorry to hear this Littlepeax, I know it’s devastating. Because you did a FET, you would only have Hcg from a pregnancy so it does sound like a chemical 😢
I completely get what you mean about testing early, I’ve tested early and waited to OTD both with a negative result and honestly I don’t think either of them are any better, it’s awful. Just do whatever works for you but don’t beat yourself up about it. Sending you big hugs xxx
Sorry to hear this. I have only had one cycle and it failed it put me under massive stress from like 5days after transfer. When I got to day 10 past transfer I just knew it was negative and I was a wreck.I think this stressed me out even more. I have told myself I’m not testing again until OTD. I won’t let myself go through that again. Take care of yourself xxxx
So sorry to hear this. Esp when you got so far. Hopefully next time will be your time xx
Aww I’m so sorry to read this! This was me last Monday! It’s absolutely awful to know that it was a pregnancy that never progressed, but at least it’s one step closer knowing that you can get pregnant it’s just a case of making it stick more tightly next time! Do u have any more frozen? X
Thanks J3nna ♥️ so sorry to hear about yours too xxx
Yes I have one more in the freezer but not the best grade B/C so not sure what to do next. What about you? Have you had a transfer before this one? X
No this was my 1st. I have 1 frozen 5dblast. But don’t tell us grade. But it was slow progressing so not hopeful with it. X
I’m so sorry lovely. Was really hoping for better news for you. We have been there so have some understanding of how absolutely gutting a chemical pregnancy can be. Sending you bigs hugs ❤️ xxx
End of this road 😢 but not the journey 💖
Awh Littlepeax 😔 sending you hugs 🤗 at least they can tell from your bloods that something happened . My clinic doesn’t do bloods unless positives.
Nice to know you have an embryo in the freezer . 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 Praying they can figure out some other stuff soon to get you to the end of the journey .
Take time to regain your strength 💖
Hugs brave soldier ,
Rhinocat x 💐
Thank you so much Rhinocat ♥️💫
I tested too early and stressed myself out too much.
How are you feeling? What day are you on now xxx
Well ya know, I don’t think it matters if ya test early or not it doesn’t impact the outcome 🎢 , I think it just lets ya know earlier and that is all 🤷🏼♀️ .
Don’t beat yourself up too much about that , it’s stressful no matter when you test. 💖 such a cruel journey eh 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💐💐💐💐😘
I’m on day 8 now. Was up at 2am with period cramps, convinced my medication is just keeping it at bay. 😔I’ve felt since Saturday that it’s prob not worked and can’t seem to shake it with all my normal tummy growls and tight squeeze cramps ( normal period due today but know meds are keeping it away, my body keeps sending it’s coming signals as usual) .
Just trying to keep taking meds and counting down the days. Husband is home and is still positive in his head . 🤪🤯Then again he ain’t in my body so not really getting it.
I don’t feel devastated as it’s first transfer so not too many get lucky on that one , fact. Feel like I just need to get to Saturday , cry at the reality of what I already know, then have my period and get onto the review for the next cycle. 😂🤣
Love and hugs to you today 💐💖💖🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😘
Are you doing or going anywhere nice to soothe your soul? 😘💐💐💐💐
It could have worked 🥰 remain positive. Period symptoms and pregnancy are very similar! 🙏 fingers crossed for you xxx
Yes we actually went away for q couple of nights it was lovely and relaxing, just what I needed ♥️
Thanks pet 😘 glad to hear you got a couple of nights to rest together 💐💐 this is a great idea. I’m heading away for two nights after my OTD, loads of family there too but hopefully we can steal away some chill time for ourselves .
Sending you hugs 💖💐💐💐💐
Oh I’m so sorry to hear this Littlepeax 😔 it’s devastating when it happens. Sending lots of love and hugs xx
Hi littlepea
So sorry to hear this , thinking about you ❤
Regarding the grades I had a perfect A put back last year which resulted in a mmc and also the yeat before that, this time i had a grade b and a grade c and it has resulted in my twins so please dont think too much about the grades.
Thinking about you ❤ xx
So I’m sorry to hear this. But totally agree. We are due to go for our HCG test on 12th Feb, but due to work I can’t go until 13th. I am determine not to do it myself and wait for blood results. All I can do at present is just rest and carry on as usual and the rest is out my hands. After all my losses/and years of ttC, I cant face seeing a negative x
I honestly think that's the best way. ♥️ try and stay positive and relax as much as possible. Wishing you lots of luck 🙏
Thank you s. What’s next steps for you hun x
I had blood tests yesterday to check antibodies, thyroid, blood cot disorders etc so will see how they come back. Also have a follow up beginning of March to discuss next steps. I think I'm going to get a fresh cycle and try get more eggs. We have one left in the freezer but I think I'd rather get a few more embryos while I can. I'm starting to feel a little better, it's been very hard but have to remain strong & positive ♥️🙏 I dont want to give up just yet x
Ya. If you have good quality eggs defo the right decision. Glad you feeling better, it takes time. We am have to stay strong and grieve the losses in our own way hun x