I have recently found out that my 3rd FET has resulted in a chemical pregnancy. I’m really struggling as I was so positive about this round and was overjoyed to have finally got a BFP which only after 24 hours turned negative! It’s been a really tough 2 days and I’m not dealing with it very well. I’m reaching out to see if anyone has any success stories with FET’s following a chemical? I have one frostie left and I’m really hoping it’ll be the one but just lost all hope right now 💔. Looking for some reassurance from those who have experienced similiar. I’m 31 with no known issues but partner has extremely low sperm morphology! Thank you 🙏🏽
Hope after chemical pregnancy ? - Fertility Network UK
Hope after chemical pregnancy ?
I am so sorry about your chemical, it’s really crushing when you have seen those two lines after so long to only have them disappear.
I wanted to reassure you that chemicals are very common and I suspect a high percentage of ladies on here who have gone onto a successful pregnancy have had one. Myself included. It doesn’t mean it will happen next time. Sending hugs and luck for your next embryo x
I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I had a chemical on my previous FET and was devastated as seeing those 2 lines makes you imagine a whole life. Allow yourself some time to grieve. My last FET with my final embryo worked. Good luck and take care xx
I had a chemical on my 4th transfer. No known fertility issues barr age. It was crushing but gave me hope at least I knew implantation happened. I’m now 18 weeks from my 7th transfer 💖
congratulations and thanks for sharing your story xx
There is definitely hope after a chemical. I had my first chemical in December following a FET, and for some strange reason I think it then prompted my body into ovulating on its own and I conceived naturally a few weeks later. I didn't ever think a natural conception was possible but it happened and now I'm 30 weeks. Give yourself time to grieve but certainly don't lose hope xx