5dp5dt and I’m losing hope: Hello... - Fertility Network UK

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5dp5dt and I’m losing hope

61 Replies

Hello ladies and fellow IVF fighters,

I’m at 5dp5dt of a 3BB graded embryo FET and have ZERO symptoms. It’s my second IVF cycle (first one embryos didn’t make it to day 5) and I have another frozen 3BB.

I’m going crazy reading posts of all sorts and I’m here to find some comfort by speaking to you. I’m here to comfort you too :)

We are in this together!

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61 Replies
dreams28 profile image

I had no sympto.s both times this early. Got bfo 5dp5dt on a frers early test. You are still in with a chance.

in reply todreams28

Thanks dreams28 you give me hope! I don’t know why for some reason I’m thinking a 3BB embryo is not enough :( can I ask what grading was yours? Are you pregnant now I assume?

dreams28 profile image
dreams28 in reply to

Mine was a grade 1 . They grade it different abroad. 1 being best 3 being least best. My girl is 7 months old now. Ive heard of plenty embroys of slightly liwer grade working. Be hopeful.

KiboXX profile image

Hi Issylove,

No symptoms doesn’t mean anything I promise! I didn’t have any really and I got my BFP this round.

Also just wanted to say, don’t get too hung up on the grading. Our clinics doesn’t actually tell you the grade anymore unless you ask as it can add more stress and negativity when really, it’s just a number. Lower ‘grades’ make babies all the time and there is no reason why it won’t be you ♥️

When is your OTD?x

in reply toKiboXX

Hi Kibo! OMG your reply just made me cry you’re so sweet thank you 💋and congrats on your BPF! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻You must be over the moon! My test day is Friday 7th Feb- in 5 days 😱will I resist the urge to POAS before then? lol

KiboXX profile image
KiboXX in reply to

Thank you!! 😘 Well I’ve never made it to test day so I’m probably not the right person to ask 😂😂😂

Friday isn’t too long, almost there! Is it home test or bloods?x

in reply toKiboXX

Home test! Jeez id really like to see a bloody double line for once! I’m sooo tired of always seen just one! X

KiboXX profile image
KiboXX in reply to

I completely feel you on that one. I must have looked at a thousand negative tests but keeping everything crossed this is the turning point for you 🙏🏻🤞🏻♥️ xx

RhinoCat profile image

I feel ya sister 😘😘

I’m at 6dp5dt and now just feeling normal 🤷🏼‍♀️ Wish time passed more quickly as I’m trying to not test until next Saturday which is my OTD. If I test early it’ll be the Friday because I’ve a big family weekend ahead and figure it’ll give me more time to cry alone about it all. It’s my first cycle ever so I’m not expecting it to work just about 20% hopeful but as the days past , it feels more likely to be a big fat negative indeed.

Sending you best wishes that this is your time 💐💐💐💖💖💖🤩🤩🤩🤩 it’s definitely hopeful to see others succeed! In this journey ! Imagine if no one on this wall

Got good news

Ever 😱😱😱😱😱

Hugs of understanding ,


in reply toRhinoCat

Hey! I’m trying to channel Yoda 😂and chill and not think that I’ll be testing in 5 days time 😱it’s indeed a long and difficult journey and the less we focused on what we feel the better it is. Yeah right, like it’s easy to do 😂

We’ll get our BFP 🍀I’m hopeful for us all! Xx

MrsH17 profile image

Awww Issy the two week wait is such a nightmare ... it’s so hard. I feel for you.

I have found that lots of women with no symptoms have got BFPs :) with my failed I kept feeling like my period was coming then when I had the medication the cramping would stop that’s how I knew it hadn’t worked.

Good luck xxx

in reply toMrsH17

Thank you H17, I really hope you’re right 😃xx

emmab178 profile image


Don't worry about the grade. They don't give success rate statistics based on the grade, only age so that should tell you something.

Im also going stir crazy, test day is the 6th for me. The second week is the hardest.

in reply toemmab178

Nearly test day for you Emma! How are you feeling? This time round not even the meds are giving me symptoms ahaha just a small headache this morning (which is my typical AF symptom 😱) ....breathe in, breathe out!!!!

Care-Bear profile image
Care-Bear in reply toemmab178

I'm thinking of you xx

MrsTina profile image

I didn’t have any symptoms until I was about 8 weeks pregnant and even then I just felt tired and had an odd taste in my mouth, hang on in there!

in reply toMrsTina

Thanks Tina, I keep telling myself that a lot of women who conceived naturally don’t realise they’re pregnant until their missed period or even later! A friend of mine realised when she was 8 weeks because of aversion to her fave food! Hope you’re well!

jenny34 profile image

Ah try not to lose hope! I know how hard it is but it is way too early for most people to have any symptoms at all! I had zero symptoms with my 1st for weeks after bfp and she is now nearly 5. Hang on in there xxxxxx

in reply tojenny34

Aww thanks Jenny! It’s gonna be a loooong week 😱😂 xxxx

Rainbowhope profile image

Ho hun. I'm also on 2ww. My test day is Thursday 6th. I also have zero symptoms. Its so hard to control your worry and stress. I dont think it's worked either but theres always a tiny chance.medication is making me feel crazy. I want to test early too but wont because if it's a bfn I wont want to carry on with all the medicine.

in reply toRainbowhope

Hey rainbow! Let’s not test early, I find it a way to just worsen the situation....lots of people test BFN go crazy and then two says later get a BFP. Don’t think I would be so lucky ahaha so I definitely want to wait until Friday! Fingers crossed 🤞🏻 and sending you all the good luck in the world 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀

Sasha1111 profile image

Hey, I feel for you as I’m also on 2ww. This is my 3rd cycle. It’s driving my crazy. I stupidly tested early yesterday and got a BFN. It shattered me even tho I know it’s too early and I cried all day! I keep feeling like I’m going to get AF, however no more tests! Today’s a new day and another day closer to Friday! Stick in there! ❤️

in reply toSasha1111

Hey Sasha, I like your positivity hun! My lovely husband managed to avoid me testing yesterday at 5dp5dt ( poor him, I was well upset) and today is one day less to test day- we can do this! ❤️I mean: who’s stronger than us IVF babes????? 😉

Sasha1111 profile image
Sasha1111 in reply to

I’m so annoyed with myself for testing, all it did was make me feel worse! Definitely not worth it! Hope you’re feeling better today! 💪🏼

hifer profile image

Please don’t lose hope. I’m on day 4 (or 4.5 depending on how you look at it) of a FET transfer. Every single time I’ve convinced myself of symptoms in the past it’s always been a BFN. I don’t have symptoms either. Try and keep yourself busy every day if you can because it’s such a diffficult time. My clinic don’t grade embryos (presumably because it’s so stressful for the patients). They might do it internally but they don’t let us know. They just say ‘good quality’ etc. Fingers crossed for your OTD xx

in reply tohifer

Hi Hifer, yes you’re right it’s always been like that for me too.....so good that your clinic doesn’t give you embryo grading! Two cycles ago I had a fresh cycle with a higher grade embryo and failed....see what this one does 😉 thank you for your support! Hope you’re well? Xxx

hifer profile image
hifer in reply to

Really hope it’s a positive for you. I’m good thank you. I’m buying a house so my days are filled with viewings which is actually quite useful! Also staying away from Google mania. I’ve googled it all before anyway and the only thing it does is drive you crazy!! Wishing you a speedy week to OTD xx

Mmmpudding profile image

Hello Issy

I’m 5dp5dt today and have zero symptoms too. This is my first round and the clinic didn’t give me a grading either, so I am not feeling too optimistic myself. I never had many symptoms in my previous three pregnancies so I hope this time will be the same. I am not going to test early (OTD the coming Sunday which will be 16dp5dt). I wish you all the best of luck and keep us posted.

in reply toMmmpudding

Omg how did I miss your comment pudding? Sorry! I’m getting more symptoms now 🙈headache is getting stronger and nausea comes and goes...my mood for tonight is ruined. Hopefully Netflix will cheer me up! Good luck for Sunday 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

Mmmpudding profile image
Mmmpudding in reply to

Isn’t nausea a good sign? If I wasn’t on my 2ww I would say I am just feeling normal with nothing to report ;(

in reply toMmmpudding

Nah, nausea is caused by the progesterone...my enemy lol feeling normal is good, trust me 😉🍀🤞🏻

Mmmpudding profile image
Mmmpudding in reply to

I have my fingers crossed for you x

Faith-Hope profile image

I had zero symptoms after my embryo transfer but made the decision to think positively, rest when tired and eat completely healthy and I had a BFP in December and am now 14w pregnant with our first pregnancy. Our bodies react differently so try not to worry too much, although I know that’s easier said than done. Let God do His work.

in reply toFaith-Hope

Thank you Faith, you’re so right and congratulations on your pregnancy ❤️I wish you all the best!

Francezc profile image

Hi ladies , I have my fingers and toes crossed for all of you to get your BFP. I am 10dpt 5 day FET and have no symptoms just a horrible cold. I really feel negative as my first fresh cycle failed in November and I still don't think I got over that. I am testing Friday and am resisting the urge to test early as last time it drove me mad. Good luck everyone 😘

in reply toFrancezc

Hey Fran, we’ve got the same test day date yay 🍀🍀🍀🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻I’m coming from a fresh failed cycle in November too so I totally understand how you feel. Let’s try to keep positive though, our time is coming 🤩🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀❤️

Francezc profile image
Francezc in reply to

Thanks for your kind word Issy. It's so hard to keep hopes up isn't it but yes our time will come. Is this your second try Issy? I never imagined how hard IVF would be. I have no frosties left after this but I have one more fresh cycle left on the NHS before going private. Fingers crossed for us on Friday Issy xxx

in reply toFrancezc

Yes it is but we must stay strong. It’s my second IVF try. The first time my 3 eggs didn’t make it to blasto stage, so I had a cleavage transfer at day 2 which obviously didn’t work. You’re lucky that you got some help from the NHS, we rushed to do our first cycle privately to be told that since we’ve already done it privately we couldn’t have our second try on the NHS 😱 nevermind ahaha can’t comment on the NHS but my private clinic is absolutely fab. So professional and empathetic (and one of the best in the UK)

FRIDAY is going to be a good day 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀💋

Francezc profile image
Francezc in reply to

Aw Issy I'm sure this will be your time. I was initially going to pay private as I didn't want to wait but I had to wait to have my both fallopian tubes removed before continuing the IVF journey so that was a long wait. I feel very fortunate to get help from the NHS but will be saving just incase I need to go private. What clinic did you use? This round I have also been having accupuncture to see if that helps . Also Issy headaches is a good sign ❤️

Care-Bear profile image

I'm 9 years in 10 operations later

Finally 3 top grade eggs had to be frozen on day of FET due to a leaky pipe ( Fallopian tube leaking after ovary removed) filled my womb with fluid. Now another op to remove the tube and I'm now recovering.

I could say poor me and I'm scared and fed up.

We have to have hope that all will be ok and we have to stay positive don't we, hope and wish for the best, look after yourself and be kind to yourself. You cannot do anymore.

We have all come this far and we can't be accused of giving up lightly can we 😂 we are warriors and I respect and love every woman going through an ivf journey it's the hardest thing ever. The thing that keeps us all going is HOPE we hope we can, will, be...

Never lose hope it's the only thing we've got to hold onto xxxx

in reply toCare-Bear

Awww thanks care bear, you are one warrior that’s for sure! I’m tearing up a little after reading your reply but you’ve triggered up my hope and I really needed it!

I’m a bit of a control freak and suffer situations where I have no control (a friend of mine the other day said: that’s parenting! To which my jaw dropped and thought oh dear she’s right ahahaha)

We are never EVER giving up!!!!!

We are IVF warriors and one day will be mommies to our beautiful babies!


Care-Bear profile image
Care-Bear in reply to

I do feel for you and I have felt like you every now and then. I know how hard it is. As human beings we can't go through this with no emotions. I've had days of crying but I think you should give into it because once it's over you feel stronger for it. Going back to hope, we have nothing without hope because we've all started out on our journeys feeling doomed to fail because of the assistance we already need to become mummies. I had premature menopause at 31 totally out of the blue I'm now nearly 40... I've come this far, I'm not giving up, it's something I need to finish come what may! I'm "hoping" for a miracle for me and for everyone suffering and struggling. We deserve it more than most for the untold sacrifices we have all made. Trust you will get a happy ending xxx

in reply toCare-Bear

I’m almost 40 too (in July!) - yes we do deserve it and gosh women are such strong human beings, aren’t we? 😉thank you so much for your support, I feel better you know? ❤️😃here if you need to vent 😃

Kikiwaits profile image

I’ve never had any symptoms that early in a successful FET cycle (other than positive HPTs because I have no self control).

in reply toKikiwaits

Hey Kiki! Today I have headache 😱which is my typical AF symptom so trying to keep positive 🙈

Kikiwaits profile image
Kikiwaits in reply to

Headaches are also super common in pregnancy, though. Good luck!!

audrabe profile image

I didn't get a positive until 8dp5dt and i had no symptoms for quite a while. I'm now 36w5d! Good luck to you!

in reply toaudrabe

Thanks audrabe and congrats to you! Your wait is nearly over! ❤️❤️❤️❤️👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

audrabe profile image
audrabe in reply to

It is. This is so hard, i know!

Core profile image

Lots of people don’t have symptoms and get BFPs don’t give up hope! When is OTD?xx

in reply toCore

Hey core! OTD is on Friday 😱earlier I got 10seconds where I was about to test but managed to resist the urge...I really want to see those two lines after so many stark white tests! Well all we can do is wait....🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀where are you in your journey? X

Core profile image
Core in reply to

Well done for resisting you are almost there! What meds are you on? I’ve just started my 2ww for my 6th FET hoping this is the one for both of us!xx

in reply toCore

I’m on progynova 3 times a day and cyclogest 400mg twice a day....the pessaries are killing me! Whens your test day? 🍀🍀🍀🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻Fingers crossed for you! Actually, for us!

Core profile image
Core in reply to

Test day is 14th February so either a horrible or amazing Valentine’s Day! How are you feeling today?xx

in reply toCore

Oh wouldn’t that be an amazing Valentines? 😍🍀🤞🏻I’m feeling rubbish, major headache, nausea and TWO SPOTS have just appeared on my face (pre AF symptom of course).....and shattered! You? X

Core profile image
Core in reply to

Sorry to hear that, it’s so hard though coz I feel like all symptoms could be AF, BFP or the medication! Stay positive will keep 🤞I’m ok no real symptoms but only day 4 so still feels quite early!xx

Faith-Hope profile image
Faith-Hope in reply to

Hi Issy, I’m sure you’re doing this, however, try to drink lots of water, at least 2-3litres a day to get the headache off and everything ticking and hydrated. It may be an indication that you’re dehydrated or worrying. Also, it’s good to switch off from digital devices and let the brain wind down, especially around now. If possible, do rest as much as possible too. Fingers crossed for you. 🤞🏼🙏🏼😊

Scarlett13 profile image

The time I had the least symptoms got me pregnant on my 8th transfer so hang in there and good luck!!!!!! I’m 35 weeks with embryo 8 and was so sure it was over due to lack of symptoms xxx

in reply toScarlett13

Aaaah thanks Scarlett, I wish....however all my typical pre AF symptoms have now arrived....😢it’s hard to stay positive!

But I’m really happy for you wow 35 weeks you’re nearly there 😍😍😍😍

Scarlett13 profile image
Scarlett13 in reply to

It’s not over yet!!! You’ve not seen red blood so fingers crossed xxxxx and thank you

Tiddly1984 profile image

Hi Issy,

You’re very much still in with a chance. Symptoms or no symptoms. Good luck...x

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