Hi everyone hope everyone have a wonderful Christmas.
I haven’t posted in a while but really would like some advice from ladies who may have gone through treatment for Hydrosalpinx.
On my last ivf transfer I found out I had a tubal pregnancy at 7.5 weeks after collapsing at home. had emergency surgery and nothing was mentioned at the time but in my discharge notes they made note of hydrsalpinx on left tube ( ectopic was on right side and they managed to save the tube) which my ivf clinic questioned did they treat this the Salpinx. I got in touch with the surgeons and he confirmed they didn’t.
I’m now booked in to see the surgeon tomorrow and discuss how to deal with this as I cant have any further treatment until it’s resolved. From those of you who have experience with this what questions should I ask ? And in terms of surgery for this how long do you normally have to wait till they operate to treat it? And would you say removal of tube is best option or to clip one side ?I would really appreciate any advice.x