I cant believe Im even writing this but just thought Id post an update following last weeks trials. Following cramping and bleeding last week and hcg levels dropping to 4000 on Sat I had bloods done again Mon morning. The levels had increased slightly, which I first thought was good but was asked to come back to the emergency department for a scan. I went in, had scan, they could see a small sack in uterus but couldnt confirm it was gestational. After further examination they were concerned over a mass in right tube. Words like possible pseudo sac, ectoptic, emergency surgery started washing over me. I was admitted straight away and had surgery that evening resulting in the loss of right tube. They stayed away from the uterus just in case but Im not a bit hopeful. I was released home yesterday and have to go to doctor tomorrow. I am absolutely drained. I had a previous ectopic which is why I went down IVF route this time. I never thought the embies would travel up the tubes but there you go. Anyhow sorry I havent any positives with this but I will try again. It was my first shot at IVF and I know it can work. I just need time to heal now. I hope everyone is doing ok and being good to themselves wherever you are on your journey xxxx
Unfortunately lost bean and tube due ... - Fertility Network UK
Unfortunately lost bean and tube due to ectopic

So sorry to hear this, look after yourself xxx
So sorry to read this. After having 2 ectopics myself and both tubes removed I know how your feeling. Sending you a huge hug, but at the same time keep some hope alive, if a sac in your uterus has been seen on a scan then your still in with a chance. I hope and pray that all will be ok with your strong little bean xx
Big hugs Beanme - sorry to hear your news xx
What a few days you have had, I am so sorry to read this. Rollercoaster doesn't even begin to cover it. I don't think there is much else in life that has exhilarating highs and such truly heart-breaking lows.
I find your bravery and ability to look to the future very inspiring xx Never give up. Wishing you happier days ahead.
My goodness this is awful - I am so sorry for what you've been through xxx
So sorry to read this - sending big hugs your way - take care of yourself xxx
Oh wow what a truly difficult experience for you, you must have been so frightened. Thinking of you xxxx
So sorry to hear this. My thoughts and best wishes are with you xx
☹️ What sad news. I'm so sorry xx
So sorry Beanme. Take care of yourself over these next few days and weeks, what a horrible thing to go through xx
Big hugs.. Lots of love xxxx
Oh my goodness, I am so sorry to read this. Sounds like it all happened so fast and how confusing with the sac in the uterus as well as the ectopic pregnancy.
I am sending you all my best wishes and biggest prayers for your next cycle to be a huge success. Xxx
So sorry to hear this, I had a friend who had two ectopics and lost both tubes, she had successful ivf afterwards and has just welcomed into the world her daughter in January this year so don't give up hope & keep fighting ️xx
Oh no, I'm so sorry you've had to go through that. What a physically and emotionally draining experience. Take care of yourself and rest up xx
Dear Beanme I feel for u. This is d worst possible experience ever. I had d same thing in my last ivf. It has put me I. A total shock. I could have never imagined that d embryo can travel go into tubes. And d ago using bit for me was that it kept on growing healthily in d tube until we had to surgically removep it . If only there was technologically being it back and place it in d right place . I still am petrified of ivf again. It s took me 1& 1/2 years to put myself together.
Wishing u all d luck my dear . Do take rest
I'm so sorry to be reading this Beanme, take care of yourself xxxxx
So so sorry to hear this! Take care of yourselves xxx
So sorry to hear this! look after yourselves!xx
So so sorry to read this.... look after yourself and take each day as it comes ok.... we will be all here to support when your strong enough to return. Our thoughts are with you BeanMe
Oh Beanme, I'm sorry to hear this! Rest up, take care of yourself and I'm sending you lots of good wishes xx ❤
I'm so sorry to hear your news. What an awful shock. Thinking of you and wishing you a peaceful recovery. X
So sorry to hear this, it is such a rollercoaster of a journey x take your time to recover x one day your miracle will be here x