I'm on day 4 post 5day transfer of a FET. I have felt 1 or 2 little cramp pains and I have a back ache too. I got back ache before my period starts. I guess I'm looking for some reasurrance really. I have had 2 positives previous to this but ended in a miscarriage due to a balanced translocation (we didn't know that on those 2 rounds) I can't for the life of me remember how I felt. Anyone not feel anything or the same symptoms and still get a positive??x🤞
2ww what did you feel ladies? - Fertility Network UK
2ww what did you feel ladies?

I had no symptoms at all during this 2 ww, whereas my last 2 ww, I felt pregnant and I had twinges and my boobs were so sore. Wishing you luck for a positive outcome xxx
I honestly felt like my period was coming after my FET. Everything I felt was the same as when I’m due on, except the cramps I was having weren’t painful... if that makes sense? I had convinced myself it had failed and my hcg test came back positive. Currently 6 weeks... I think the symptoms are so similar it’s hard to differentiate... 🤞🏻
Oh god I really really hope so. It's not continuous pains though. Just sometimes I have a back ache and it feels like period cramps. I'm so scared that it's not good. Thank you for your reply HelenJudi1 . 1 week left 😔🤞😥🤞😝 congratulations on your BFP. I hope you continue to get good news.xx
Thank you...! I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you 🤞🏻 I got random pains - and still am getting I might add. What you’re feeling could absolutely mean good news. I had lower back ache too on and off. Reading your post is honestly how I felt during the wait... The symptoms can all mean both unfortunately but stay positive 🤞🏻🤞🏻
Me and my partner are in the last 2 days of the 2ww, we went through iui and she’s complaining of cramps like period pain. Not sore boobs tho. Our OTD is Monday. Hoping it’s good news 🤞