Menopur symptoms : Hello. So tonight I... - Fertility Network UK

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Menopur symptoms

Mystic9 profile image
32 Replies

Hello. So tonight I will start taking menopur injections for the very first time on my first ivf cycle. What symptoms are normal to experience? I will have my first monitoring scan next Wednesday.

Thanks everyone x

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Mystic9 profile image
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32 Replies
Rella22 profile image

Hi Mystic,

I was on Menopur for both of my cycles and these were the symptoms:

1. Bloating started about day 2-3. I just ate light meals to help decrease the feeling of extra bloating from heavy meals

2. Headaches -Ensure you’re drinking plenty of fluids, it really helped me second time around

3. Dizziness -Definitely don’t jump out of bed. Sit for a minute or two before rising up.

4. Sore breasts -not much helped here. And pretty much stayed throughout my 2WW

5. Short of breath (towards the end as my ovaries got bigger). My doctor said it’s not as common

Best advise is to try to enjoy the process and not focus so much on the symptoms! Some of those symptoms feel like pregnancy ones and they’re just hormones. Be relaxed, do your normal activists but be careful with certain exercises (I tried spin one morning during stimulation and felt like my abdomen was gonna explode). Eat healthy, get good sleep, and don’t be afraid to ask your doctor lots of questions, especially if you’re unsure of a particular process.

Best wishes during your journey ❤️

Mystic9 profile image
Mystic9 in reply to Rella22

Thank you very much Rella, that's all really useful. I know I will probably be worried about any little twinges or feelings so it's good to know what is normal. Did the hormones effect you emotionally? Just trying to figure out how I'm going to plan work while maybe being an emotional wreck!

Good luck with your tww xx

Rella22 profile image
Rella22 in reply to Mystic9

Hi Mystic,

I would like to think my emotions are okay lol, but my husband would disagree. I’ve been moody on and off. Especially if I’m not well rested. We’re loaded with plenty of hormones so I remind him to be extra patient with me.

At work, I have not had any concerns and I’m a nurse so I deal with angry patients and family quite often. Hopefully it stays that way :)!

Mystic9 profile image
Mystic9 in reply to Rella22

Being patient, that's a good bit of advice I'll give my husband! X

Kiedy84 profile image

Hey hun, I just wanted to say good luck🤞🤞

Symptoms are so different for many of us, I struggled with bloating and brain fog. I took mine in the evening and having a night rest really helped. X

Mystic9 profile image
Mystic9 in reply to Kiedy84

Thanks for replying. It felt very strange injecting myself with a drug that I have no idea how I'll react to. Its exciting too though to finally be on this journey, no turning back now!


Suzy86 profile image

Hey, good luck with your cycle! It’s funny how quickly you forget symptoms, I’m starting stims next weekend and have kind of forgotten what to expect.

What I do remember is I got pretty bloated especially towards the end, But in the end I did end up with kissing ovaries and then OHSS but I think bloating and needing to wear leggings and baggy clothes is pretty normal.

I don’t remember any other physical symptoms other than that. I was very emotional but I don’t know if that was down to the menopur, the other injection I was taking or just first time IVF nerves. I hope it all goes super smoothly for you, and try not to worry too much. IVF really isn’t that bad and the stims part becomes normal and is then over so quickly. Good luck with everything. xxxx

Mystic9 profile image
Mystic9 in reply to Suzy86

Thank you very much. How many eggs did you get if your ovaries were that big? X

Mystic9 profile image
Mystic9 in reply to Mystic9

And good luck with your cycle this time! X

Suzy86 profile image
Suzy86 in reply to Mystic9

I got 19 eggs but I responded really quickly. Only stimmed for 8 days! and they didn’t monitor me enough. They’ve switched up my dose and I’m having daily monitoring this time!

Mystic9 profile image
Mystic9 in reply to Suzy86

Wow daily monitoring must be intense. I'm going to be going to the clinic every other day from cd7. Can't wait to see what they find. Good luck with your cycle, I hope you don't get ohss again x

Suzy86 profile image
Suzy86 in reply to Mystic9

Yeah I think it will be intense but if it stops me getting OHSS I’m all for it! My clinic is 45 mins away but it will be worth it. Last time I went in on cd6 this time they having me in from cd3 and then daily from there! Good luck with your cycle too! Xx

Mystic9 profile image
Mystic9 in reply to Suzy86

Hi Suzy86, I'm day 12 today and scan showed giant kissing ovaries and remember you saying that you'd had that. Have you started your stims yet? Hope all is going well X

Suzy86 profile image
Suzy86 in reply to Mystic9

Hey mystic, how’s it going? Kissing ovaries are pretty uncomfortable, I hope you are feeling ok on the menopur? I started stims last night. Next injection in about 2 hours and first scan on Wednesday! Do you have a date for your egg collection? X

Mystic9 profile image
Mystic9 in reply to Suzy86

It's all been OK so far thank you. It's only been from last night that I've started to get uncomfortable so I've been quite lucky. Egg collection has been booked in for Thursday so just taken my last menopur dose and then trigger will be tomorrow night. Hope your scan goes well on Wednesday, have they changed your dose from last time? X

Suzy86 profile image
Suzy86 in reply to Mystic9

Just make sure you drink loads and eat lots of protein if you can to try and get those ovaries down after egg collection. Good luck with your egg collection I’ll be thinking of you on Thursday, have they given you an idea of how many eggs to expect?

They have changed my dose. Last time I was on 75iu of menopur and 75iu of ovaleap. This time I’m on 150iu of menopur and nothing else. I’m hoping they know what they are doing! I have a funny feeling they will end up lowering my menopur dose. I’m already getting headaches and I don’t think it’s a coincidence!

Mystic9 profile image
Mystic9 in reply to Suzy86

Today I had about 30 on the left and 25 on the right, but that includes a variety of sizes so not too sure how many will be mature. I've been on 150 menopur and a slightly lower dose tonight. I hope you don't have any complications this time round X

Suzy86 profile image
Suzy86 in reply to Mystic9

Wow that’s amazing!! Wishing you all the best for Thursday and beyond. Xxx

Scarlett13 profile image

Good luck xxxxx

Scarlett13 profile image

I don’t remember any symptoms and was on it three times, unless I’ve just forgotten?! X

mimisquiz77 profile image

Hi, are all différents. You not any symptoms. Personally, I had a lot of migraine (I do suffer of migraines anyway. I just had more). I drank plenty of water and took paracetamol which helps. I wish you the very best of luck with your treatment

Mystic9 profile image
Mystic9 in reply to mimisquiz77

I definitely need to get better at drinking water! Thank you x

Ajl46 profile image

Hi - Menopur made me V bloated towards the end as others have said but it also made me feel unusually anxious (I’m normally quite a “steady” person). I found decluttering cupboards etc really helped me stay calm - finding the Marie Kondo series on Netflix was a godsend! I also found it helped to remember that, at the end of the day, it was only for a couple of weeks. Wishing you the best of luck with your cycle xx

Mystic9 profile image
Mystic9 in reply to Ajl46

Thank you. It is strange to think we've been waiting for this for so long and now we've started the process it could all be over in a few weeks (hopefully with a positive outcome) x

Jessy1280 profile image

I had zero symptoms x

KayCan profile image

Hi, I just remember the headaches, keep hydrated!! Then took the Fyremadel alongside Menopur week 2 and I remember just feeling alot of pressure in my tummy. Not painful, just uncomfortable, like I knew something was happening in there!!

Rest when you can, take in some walks/fresh air when you can and remember lots of water 😊

Good luck with your journey x

Mystic9 profile image
Mystic9 in reply to KayCan

Thank you. I'll pop out to buy some more squash and fill up some bottles X

Bubunoto profile image

Hi Mystic9, im on Menopur 225 atm, day 4. I feel a bit bloated but im not sure if its from the big dinner i had an hour before the injection or from the medication itself. Each time i inject myself i feel sleepy and sleep like a baby. I have been getting headaches and i am constantly thirsty. I started Fyremadel as well, today was the first day, and i was feeling a bit off for a few hours. My first scan is on day 7 which is on Wednesday as well! Guess we are on the same journey :)

Mystic9 profile image
Mystic9 in reply to Bubunoto

Hi Bubunto, we must be on the same days, or maybe one day different! I've just had my third menopur and start fyremadel tomorrow. How did you find the fyremadel as I've heard it stings a bit. Are you injecting in the morning or evenings? My schedule says menopur in evening but then fyremadel in the morning, but I would rather take everything in the evenings.

So nice to be sharing our journeys!


Bubunoto profile image

Yes, so nice knowing someone is on the exact same path as me ;)

Unfortunately the Fyremadel injections stings a bit i felt it this morning ;( Im on menopur in the evening and F. in the morning. Worst thing is i gotta go to work afterwards 😞

How do u feel? Any side effects?

Mystic9 profile image
Mystic9 in reply to Bubunoto

No side effects so far. I took a while to ever respond to clomid so I'm expecting it to be a long stimulation period. I'm only on 150 of menopur as have high chance of OHSS so the clinic want it to be slow and steady. It's such a pain having the stress of work as well as this isn't it?

Is this your first cycle?


Bubunoto profile image

Hey, Mystic9. Its Monday morning blahhh ;(

Yes, it is my first cycle. Hbu? How many appointments do you have booked so far? I got one on Wed, then Fri and upcoming Monday but the nurse said i might not need the last one depending on how things are going. I am weighing myself every day as im trying to see if i gain any weight through the process. Some girls experience gain weight! Imagine that ☹️ But of course thats my last concern atm.

How did the first injection of fyremadel go? I still feel the stings although i have done it an hour ago.

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