Hi just wondering if its possible to feel twinges after first injection of menopur? My tummy feels strange and achey but not sure if its just my imagination! Worried about OHSS. Actually just worried all the time about everything! My little cat was hit by a car saturday night. She's home and doing ok. Nursing a broken leg but i'm so relieved she's alive. So much for remaining relaxed and stress free! X
Menopur: Hi just wondering if its... - Fertility Network UK

I had funny feelings but I'm sure they was in my head,
I was at high risk of ohss and had to have extra scans.
Just make sure you drink plenty of water 2-3 litres a day, just take it easy,
I found the injection site after always a little red,
Good luck with your cycle 🍀 xx
Ps hope your cat makes a full recovering, least you've got a fur baby to keep you company there the best x
Thanks Leesalou for advice. I've been in constant pain since yesterday but have a scan tomorrow. I would have been on a period now and wondering if that's a factor too. Were you ok then? Good luck to you too x
Your welcome, make sure you let them know, your prob find the scan a little uncomfortable if you have pain,
I did towards the end have swollen ovaries and on Et they still was a little,
Make sure you drink plenty of water and if pain hurts too much just take normal paracetamol, if it's really really as then ting the clinic to see what they say.
I was thinking that i might take codeine before scan as dreading it with this pain but makes me feel spaced out. Will try paracetamol thanks. Did your tummy swell up or have any other symptoms? X
Defiantly don't take codeine not whilst in the medication, just try relax a little when you have the scan and advise them of your pain. No other pain when simming apart from the slight swollen ovaries. Good luck with your scan make sure you only take paracetamol
I took paracetamol every 4 hours after EC up until the day before ET,
Really appreciate your advice. It wasn't as bad as i thought it would be even though i was sick this morning and had upset tummy. Still made it though and been told i will receive a call to confirm date of EC this afternoon x
I felt the same my first couple of times injecting it. When you become better at injecting it they go away. I was spending about 15 minutes at the beginning, and then was getting the injections done in less than 2 minutes by the end. I realised I was injecting too much air at the beginning and it was giving me funny pains and bruising. Hopefully it'll go soon, and hope your cat feels better xx
Thanks Lilli79. Have a scan tomorrow so will know how things are going. Kitty at vets today for check up and she seems to be coming along nicely ...its strange injecting yourself isn't it! But i know what you mean. Hubby was doing mine but working shifts can't always be there. Getting used to it though. Best of luck with you x
Everyone feels different your bound to be worried. All you can do is try to relax it's not easy and then hopefully all will be ok xx
I didn't use Menopur, so have no words of wisdom, but I wish you well for your treatment and also I hope your dear cat makes a fast recovery, poor little thing xxx