Hi, I am on my one and only ivf cycle and just wondered if anyone could tell me how likely it is that I will be able to work up to egg collection? I have a week to go, but I already feel a bit bloated. I work as a racehorse groom, using my stomach muscles for virtually everything lifting/pushing/pulling/riding!! Any advise gratefully received. ☺
Menopur: Hi, I am on my one and only... - Fertility Network UK

I haven't yet been through IVF so I'm afraid I can't give much advice. All I can tell you is that hospital told me I would need to be on light duties while on injections due to ovaries swelling. No heavy lifting etc (I work in a care home so heavy job also). Hope this helps. Good luck 🍀 xxx
Hi there,
I started my menopur injections last Thursday! It's my third cycle and I've always worked up to egg collection and Inbetween collection and transfer. I am planning to have a couple days off after egg collection tho. I am trying to reduce the stress for the first couple of days after. I feel a bit bloated and getting stomach ache but this is manageable. Hoping for transfer some time next week....will find out if I'm ready Friday when I have my next scan! Good luck!xx
Hi, it depends on how your doing with the injections... I was fine and worked up until the day before egg collection then I had a week off afterwards because I was so achey! The first three/ four days I couldn't move much but by day 5 I was moving about easier. However saying that I wouldnt have been able to move around enough to work with horses and be on my feet all the time! I work in an office so it's so much less intense than your like of work!
So your question.. Time off before? No. Time off afterwards? Definitely! However I do remember the nurse telling me not to do strenuous things before EC so of your job is strenuous then I would take time away if it was me, it is up to you though, you know your body
Hope that helps and good luck with your EC and journey xxxx
Hi, I'm about to start on my injections in a couple of weeks. My nurse said no strenuous activity as I told her I enjoy going to a bootcamp. She said definitely not. As your ovaries are swelling up you don't want them jiggling around too much. If you can take time off now and after I would but I know it's so difficult with work and holidays. Does your work know you are going through this treatment? Hopefully they will understand but double check with your nurse / dr and let them give you advice. Luckily I work in an office so will just take time off after egg collection and inbetween transfer and a few days after transfer. i hope this helps and all the best.
Hi londonrc, I told my boss before I started as the hospital is nearly an hr away, and we start work at 7am, so I had to tell them why I was going to turn up for work over an hr late every few days due to blood tests/scans. They have been very supportive, but we are always understaffed so its a bit awkward, especially as I will soon be there in person but not actually doing a lot!!!
Hey hun my advice would be rest as much as possible especially after egg collection and when your eggs have been planted. You need to give your little embies the best possible chance. Good luck hun xx
Hi vonny27, I have just been reading your latest post, how amazingly strong you must be. I hope I have the strength and courage to go on if I have no success this time. Wish you all the luck in the world, if anyone deserves it you certainly do! Xx
Thank you Sjt83 I don't know how I've done it to be honest. I've crumbled so so many times but in the end I've to carry on has I want it so bad. My mother in law has 39 grandkids and my hubby is the only son without any. My mum don't even have any grandkids 😢 so it's very hard especially when the kids visit. I'm hoping this last go is my time. Thanks hun and I wish u all the best xx
Hi the advice I was always given was that you need to be careful when the follicles are developing. I was definitely bloated throughout the many rounds I went through and if you over do things you can start to turn your ovaries (effectively herniating them) and this really would not be good news. They should be able to tell during your scans if the twisting is starting to occur and you could ask them that during your scans.
I also dialled into a talk from a consultant and they indicated that jarring exercises like running, mountain biking etc should be avoided certainly following collection and implantation.
To be honest I was so bloated an uncomfortable that it dictated a lot of what I could and could not do. I would suggest taking time off after egg collection and reduce load during the 2ww.
If in doubt speak to your clinic and consultant.
I hope this helps.
Good luck with your journey.
Hi, Thanks for the response everyone, its good to hear from you all. I think its time to start prioritising my life over my job for once. I went back after my lap too early and ended up with sick note for 2 wks after all! Its just really hard when you dont want to let your co workers down, but I think I have to be a little more selfish now, for my DH and embies. Good luck to you all too xx
Hi again Sjt82, its so hard juggling work and going through this. I really didn't want to tell my boss as its such a personal thing, but felt i had to as I cant just keep making excuses about coming in late, although I will to my other colleagues at work as I dont want to tell everyone esp. as I havent told my friends and family! At appointments I meet people all the time who have taken 3 months off or don't work and i do feel very envious of them having all that time to just prepare and look after themselves. Remember also fingers crossed when this works you will need to be very careful the first 12 weeks especially with no heavy lifting etc. I wish you all the best. x

H Sjt82. Oh dear, that sounds very uncomfortable. I think it will be all down to how you feel. If you need time off, you need it. Hopefully, once you get to egg collection you should start to settle down. Always make sure that you drink plenty of water, just in case your ovaries start to produce lots of follicles. Hope all soon gets more comfortable for you and good luck with the rest of the cycle, and of course, for success. Diane